Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3135 The constantly refreshing world 33

As for the servant in Duke Chengen's house who was bribed by Mrs. Chengen's natal family and was planning to poison people, she was even more unlucky - she was working in the kitchen, and when she was chopping vegetables, she didn't pay attention to the knife. , fell from the chopping board and hit her foot.

Something that had never happened in decades, the knife could fall and cut off his foot.

In this way, everyone has suffered a lot of bad luck. In addition, they have dreams about retribution every night. Many people are shaken and believe that doing bad things will result in retribution.

But at this time, they didn't plan to go to the Yamen to report Mrs. Chengen's natal family. After all, they had received the money. If they had to report it, they themselves would be in trouble. Only fools would do such a thing.

Until the next period, they had dreams every day, were unlucky every day, and even had nightmares after that. They dreamed that they had done bad things, entered the underworld, and were sentenced to the eighteenth level of hell by the underworld king. Only then did these people panic. .

Especially since the level of bad luck was getting worse day by day - An Ran hung up a more powerful bad luck charm - they were finally afraid, fearing that if they continued to be unlucky like this, their lives would be in danger.

Thinking that they had not done anything bad yet, if they reported this matter to the Yamen, they might be able to atone for their sins and not die. It would be better than being unlucky every day now and dying someday.

So after some hesitation, the few people went to the Yamen and told the Yamen what Mrs. Chengen's natal family had asked them to do.

When the Yamen in the capital heard about this, they couldn't help but be shocked. After all, someone dared to harm the Queen Mother's family. Is this because of the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage?

However, in view of the special status of the other party as the father-in-law and mother-in-law of Chengen Gong, the capital government did not dare to convict him casually, so he immediately told the matter to Chengen Gong, meaning that he wanted to ask Chengen Gong how to deal with it.

Duke Cheng'en also didn't expect that the new wife's natal family would be so vicious and wanted to kill the whole family. Is there something wrong with her brain?

If he kills the eldest family and loses his legitimate son, won't his title be lost? How is this possible? His sister had finally obtained this title for her family. If he lost it because his new wife's family did this, then both his sister and the clan would probably scold him to death.

After all, I am getting old, and I don’t know if it will be a century one day. If the legitimate son disappears and no one inherits the title, the Cheng’en Palace will soon disappear, and the family will no longer be able to rely on the Duke’s Palace to prosper. Then whether I will be It’s strange that the tribesmen cursed him to death.

Although Mr. Cheng'en was an old man, he couldn't distinguish the importance. He immediately asked Mrs. Cheng'en about this matter.

He suspected that it was Mrs. Cheng'en's fault and she was just blaming it on her family, so he asked this question.

Mrs. Cheng'en saw that Cheng'en was angrily questioning her mother's family about poisoning the prince, his wife and his family. She said that the person they were looking for had gone to the Yamen to report the matter, and asked her if she knew about it.

Mrs. Cheng'en didn't expect that she just wanted to brainwash herself. It was An Ran and his wife who had harmed her, but her family believed it and actually found someone to do such a thing. She couldn't help but be shocked at the moment. After all, if It's fine if he succeeds, but the key is that he didn't succeed and was found out. Wouldn't he be implicated now? After all, others thought that they wanted to harm the prince and his wife.

So I couldn't help but become anxious at the moment, and quickly explained: "Master, I don't know about this. I didn't expect that they would do this. I really, really don't know."

It seems that Mrs. Chengen's anxiety was fake, and Mr. Chengen never expected that this matter really had nothing to do with Mrs. Chengen, but that her natal family did it on their own initiative. She couldn't help but be speechless at the moment, thinking about such a thing. The natal family holding back.

At that moment, Duke Cheng'en said: "Since you don't know about it, that's fine. Let the Yamen decide for themselves. However, if they want to end the inheritance of our Duke's palace, the Queen Mother will be furious, and I'm afraid she won't be lenient."

Originally, the Queen Mother did not agree with Duke Chengen's marriage to Xu Xian. Now Xu Xian's family is planning to kill the prince's family and cut off the inheritance of Duke Cheng'en's palace. The Queen Mother will definitely be furious and will not spare Duke Cheng'en's family lightly. She would care whether they were the parents-in-law of Duke Chengen. After all, the Queen Mother had finally earned honor for her natal family. If they were ruined by people from Mrs. Chengen’s natal family, she would care whether they were Mrs. Chengen’s natal family. ? They will definitely be dealt with. Even Mrs. Chengen, if she were not the wife of Mr. Chengen, she might suffer.

After hearing what Mr. Chengen said, Mrs. Chengen couldn't help but turn pale. She wanted to beg for mercy from her family, but she was afraid of hurting herself.

Although she usually complained that her mother-in-law married her to an old man, she would not be able to bear it if Duke Cheng'en divorced her. After all, it was difficult to transition from luxury to frugality. She was used to enjoying herself in Duke Cheng'en's mansion, so she had to go back and live a happy life. She couldn't bear the hard days.

Besides, the Queen Mother had taken care of her house, and her life would be even worse. She would definitely not be able to go back, so after hearing what Duke Cheng'en said, she didn't dare to say anything.

When Duke Chengen saw that Mrs. Chengen didn't say anything, he couldn't help but be satisfied, because if Mrs. Chengen said anything, he would definitely scold her. After all, her natal family was going to ruin the future of his family, and she wanted to return the favor of her natal family. Please forgive me. I can’t have a wife who doesn’t know right from wrong and doesn’t help but only helps with marriage.

Duke Chengen thought well. When the Queen Mother heard about this, she was furious. She immediately ordered the capital government to severely punish her, so as not to treat Mrs. Chengen's natal family lightly. Others should not think that her natal family is okay. She can be manipulated at will, no one wants to harm her family.

As soon as the Empress Dowager said that she would be severely punished, Mrs. Chengen's family was in great misfortune. Because they had harmed the emperor's relatives, they should have been put to death at an early age, but they were all executed. Seeing that they were relatives of Cheng'en, The sentence was only a death sentence, and the targets were limited to only a few people who participated in the matter. For those who did not participate, the Queen Mother did not sit down.

At this point, Mrs. Chengen's family was still not satisfied and called out to Qu, saying that the prince and his wife had poisoned Mr. Chengen so that he could not have children. They only came forward to express injustice to Mr. Chengen. It's not like harming people for no reason.

This was so powerful that people in Beijing soon found out about it, and they couldn't help but burst into an uproar, thinking that this couldn't be true, right? If it is true, then the fight between the new wife of Duke Chengen and her stepson will be fierce.

Even Duke Cheng'en became confused and asked the imperial doctor if he was okay.

Almost all the doctors from the Imperial Hospital came to check on him, and finally concluded that apart from the fact that he had lost his foundation due to indulgence in indulgence, which may have caused some difficulties in childbearing, there was no sign of poisoning.

If an imperial doctor said this, he could also tell whether An Ran and his wife were bribed.

But almost all the doctors from the Imperial Hospital came and said this. It was impossible for Duke Chengen not to believe it. After all, no matter how powerful An Ran and his wife were, they could not bribe all the doctors from the Imperial Hospital.

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