At that moment, An Ran clicked on a post that had a lot of likes.

This post is about some hidden benefits he discovered.

An Ran usually only reads posts like this, because he knows how to match heroes after playing for several years, so he doesn't need to read them.

On the other hand, those hidden benefits are hidden in inconspicuous corners. Someone has also summarized the original world, so some of the originals know about it. For example, if you like people on the dungeon ranking list, you will be given copper coins, and if you give people on the combat power list The original person knows that the big boss will give Yuanbao and other gifts to greet him.

But there must be something the original person doesn’t know about, because there are so many posts online that sometimes he doesn’t notice it.

An Ran clicked on this post and took a look at it. Most of them were known to the original person, but soon An Ran found one thing that the original person didn't know: feeding the koi in Chuxiu Palace, you can get 100 yuan a day. Yuanbao, which means koi carp, brings wealth to players.

An Ran really didn't pay attention to the small pond in Chuxiu Palace. He usually looked at it as a scenery. He also didn't expect that he could feed the koi inside and get gold ingots.

In this world, ingots are very important. Copper coins are mostly used to upgrade the level of heroes, but to draw cards such as summoning heroes, ingots are needed. It is difficult for people who don’t know how to get good heroes because they don’t have ingots to draw cards. .

You can get one hundred yuan treasure on this day, which is a good benefit.

But An Ran feels that this may be a benefit for newbies. Once she is no longer a show girl, she will not get this benefit after leaving the Chuxiu Palace. Otherwise, it is impossible for her to have such a thing in her memory.

After that, An Ran specifically searched for keywords in this area and found some hidden benefits. He wrote them all down in a small book. From now on, he can collect them every day and try to use as little krypton money as possible - he is not a rich person, so he uses too much. An Ran was quite reluctant to spend money on the game. She didn't want to be like her original self, who scrimped in real life, damaged her health, and died suddenly, but spent money like water in the game. This was putting the cart before the horse. Now that she has the memory of her original self, she can avoid most pitfalls. If she looks for more strategies, she may be able to spend less or even less money.

Here is an introduction to the original identity now.

In this interstellar world where almost everyone has received a higher education, the original living expenses are all obtained by studying and not participating in the work. The reason is also very simple. Nowadays, robots are highly developed, and most positions can be worked by robots. Humans’ The work field is mainly concentrated in the field of scientific research and interactive fields that require emotional expression, such as art (writing, painting, performance, etc.), human services, etc., which are popular industries today.

Although the development of artificial intelligence is also good, such as the NPC in this holographic game, the speech and chat can be almost the same as in the real world, but in the end it is artificial intelligence, no matter how good the artificial intelligence is, it is supported by humans through dynamic lexicon, and it is the same as real people. There is still a lot of difference. In addition, people still prefer to pursue real people, just like Blue Star, which is now popular for green organic vegetables.

The reason why you can earn living expenses by studying and taking exams is because there are almost no schools here, and they are all conducted on the holographic network. The main reason is that the holographic network is very convenient for both studying and taking exams.

Just like studying, you don't need to go to class every day. When you remember it, you can go to class and continue studying according to the last study progress. If you forget, you can also review what you learned last time.

As long as you want to study, you can keep studying. The country does not stipulate how old you are before you are allowed to take the academic qualification test.

The exam is simpler and safer than reality - once the player applies to take a certain exam, he will enter a room where no outsiders can peek. Of course, he cannot search for answers online. It is not like reality and can be entrained. Cheat sheets, or cheating using communication tools, etc. You can’t bring anything with you in the hologram, and if you bring it with you, it can be seen by the hologram.

So since the hologram came out, the exam has been so easy.

After education becomes holographic and online, some people will easily not want to learn.

In order to ensure the education level of its citizens, the country provides rewards at each stage. If you study and pass the exam, you will be rewarded with credit points; if you reach a certain age, even lower education - almost the level of Blue Star Elementary School - If you fail, you will be punished unless you are found to be mentally retarded.

Of course, most parents will definitely let their children study. It is very rare for their children to stop studying.

If ordinary people are not looking for a job, they can continue to make money by studying, because even if you go to college and no longer want to study, you can still learn various technologies, take various certificates, and still make money.

Like the original person, he has several certificates on his body, such as junior chef certificate, junior computer certificate, junior carpentry certificate, junior bricklayer certificate, etc. Yes, many people like to take the bricklayer certificate, probably because, in the holographic world, moving bricks Not too tiring, after all, holography only requires you to know that technology, there is no need to make you very tired. When you are not tired, many people like to build walls. It feels like building blocks, right? So many people have taken the exam for a bricklaying certificate. If it weren't for the fact that the intermediate bricklaying certificate has physical requirements and I am a homebody with poor physical fitness, otherwise I would have taken the intermediate bricklaying certificate.

An Ran felt that in reality, she could practice martial arts, improve her physical strength, and get a senior bricklayer's certificate when the time came. The rewards would be quite high and would allow her to live for a long time.

In addition, she also plans to study for the computer certificate, so that she can earn living expenses and master computer skills, killing two birds with one stone.

I don't have a job, I only rely on certification to survive, and I also like to earn money. My normal living standard is naturally not good. Plus, staying up late playing games, it's normal for people to collapse because they can't stand it anymore.

In fact, living in this era, people's material needs have been greatly satisfied. For example, household robots can do laundry, cooking, cleaning, and treatment of minor diseases. In the past, housewives or house cooks might have to do these things, but now they are no longer needed. , mankind is completely liberated.

Therefore, people in this era are more pursuing the satisfaction of spiritual needs, that is, they like to play games, read novels, movies, etc.

Back to the topic, since Enron has made up his mind to use less or even no krypton, he needs to find these hidden tricks.

Fortunately, she now has the memory of the original person, and the game is not as confusing as the players who just played it. After playing the game easily, she has time to slowly browse the forum to find various things she needs.

The original person was busy playing games at the time and had no time to read these things, so he missed many things. When he wanted to get them again, many of them had expired and could not be obtained.

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