Originally, Miss Yu thought that if her aunt cooperated with Empress Liu, she would be foolproof. When Empress Liu stupidly helped her aunt defeat Yu Anran, she would be able to take the throne.

As a result, the plan failed to keep up with the changes, and God was not as good as God. Something happened to Liu Shoufu's right-hand man, and Empress Liu was not in the mood to deal with Yu Anran, which was unexpected.

In fact, Miss Yu thought too much. Even if Empress Liu defeated An Ran in a fight, she would not let Miss Yu pick up the slack. It was not like she didn't know that Queen Mother Yu had kept Miss Yu aside. In this case, she agreed to follow She cooperated with Queen Mother Yu because she was not afraid that Miss Yu would rise to power, because she knew that Miss Yu was the niece of Queen Mother Yu, and the emperor would not like the niece of the murderer of his biological mother, so he dared to cooperate with Queen Mother Yu to clean up An Ran.

But Miss Yu didn't know. She didn't know that her aunt killed the emperor's biological mother. After all, neither her aunt nor her family would tell her about this kind of thing, so she felt that as long as Yu Anran got rid of Now, this imitation of her has a chance to rise to the top. She never thought that her aunt had tricked her and committed such a thing without telling her, so she had no chance to rise to the top and become the beloved concubine. She should have known earlier. Her aunt killed the emperor's biological mother, and the emperor knew about it and would not touch her. Then she might find a way to persuade her family and the Queen Mother to let her go back and get married.

Of course, it might not succeed then, because the Queen Mother and her family felt that the emperor didn't know about it and there was no need to worry.

Now because she didn't know about this, and seeing how prosperous An Ran was in the palace, she still had extravagant hopes, thinking that as long as An Ran fell, she would have a chance, so she didn't leave and was ready to pick up the slack. I didn’t know that I had no chance at all.

Regardless of whether the girl was disappointed or the emperor was happy, except for the people around An Ran, they did not know that this was An Ran's driving force. They only thought that it was an accident.

Like the emperor, he felt that this was God's will and that God was helping him.

Even the people around An Ran, not all the confidants know this, because the confidants responsible for investigating Master Gao are not the same group of people who instigated Mrs. Gao to talk to Mrs. Ding.

Therefore, the investigators did not know that this matter was arranged by An Ran. They were probably the ones who encouraged Mrs. Gao to talk to Mrs. Ding, and they vaguely knew that An Ran was behind this matter.

Before the instigation, they did not know. At that time, they were still wondering why Concubine An sent them to find someone in front of Mrs. Gao and encouraged Mrs. Gao to go to Mrs. Ding to discuss the matter. After all, Concubine An had nothing to do with the Gao family, so why should she help them win it? The position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

But a few months later, the Gao family fell, Liu Shoufu's power weakened, and Liu Shoufu's political opponents and the emperor's power increased. When they thought of what Concubine An asked them to do at that time, they couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Concubine An at that time Was it intentional to do that? After all, if it wasn't intentional, why would Concubine An help the Gao family get the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel?

You know, they deduced An Ran's motives based on the results, and found that An Ran had a motive for doing this - the empress had conflicts with Empress Liu, and Empress Liu had harmed the empress countless times. The empress wanted to cause trouble for Empress Liu, which is normal. , but always can't use big tricks in the palace. After all, the palace is still dominated by Empress Liu. But if something happens to Empress Liu's backer, Liu Shoufu, or even Liu Shoufu falls in the future, then Empress Liu will also be in trouble in the palace. Can't stand up anymore.

As for how to bring down Liu Shoufu, we must first weaken his strength. So when Concubine An made such a move, it made sense.

Going further, it means that Concubine An knew that Mr. Gao had committed a crime a long time ago and deliberately arranged for him to go up. Otherwise, why would her mother-in-law push him up to be the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

Going even further, Master Gao's downfall this time was probably caused by the empress. Otherwise, when Empress Liu and Queen Mother Yu were preparing to cause trouble for the empress in the palace, what Master Gao had done happened.

These inferences one after another made the small group of people who knew the truth couldn't help but be shocked. They thought that these methods of their own mother-in-law were much better than those of Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu. These two people only knew that in The palace uses stumbling blocks, but cannot control the previous dynasty, but my wife can actually make the previous dynasty run according to her own ideas. Isn't this more powerful than many adults?

That is to say, in terms of their mother-in-law's methods, Queen Liu and Queen Mother Yu are no match at all. In the future, this harem will only be ruled by the mother-in-law.

Everyone who thought of this was filled with admiration for An Ran. From now on, they would be more serious about whatever An Ran asked them to do. After all, they all calculated that An Ran would become the master of the harem in the future, so why were they still standing there? Hurry up and hug your thighs, and do what the empress ordered.

An Ran didn't know why those people under her were taking things more seriously, but being serious was a good thing, so naturally she wouldn't be unhappy.

Soon An Ran tricked Liu Shoufu several times just like this time.

Of course, it can't be this routine every time. After all, Liu Shoufu will not continue to be fooled by others, so he sometimes asks his subordinates to make suggestions.

I have been fooled by my wife several times, and I don’t dare to accept my wife’s suggestions. I should always accept the suggestions of my close subordinates, and the subordinates and recommenders who are designed by Enron are often cheated.

In this way, Liu Shoufu was deceived several times, and his power was greatly reduced. The emperor's power increased greatly, which made the emperor very happy. In fact, it was not the emperor's side. It could only be said to be the side of Liu Shoufu's political enemies. But as long as it was not Liu Shoufu's The emperor was happy because after all, as long as Liu Shoufu fell and he deposed the queen, he would be free.

Such a situation means that if someone recommends someone to Liu Shoufu, Liu Shoufu will pay great attention to it, for example, he will investigate whether there are any problems with the recommended person.

However, even so, sometimes there are still pitfalls, because some people commit crimes very covertly, and Liu Shoufu may not be able to find out through investigation.

And no one's suggestions will be accepted, even if it lasts for a long time, because An Ran will let out the news again, saying that Liu Chief Assistant has been inflated for a long time, and he starts to speak his mind and can no longer listen to other people's opinions.

That's okay, if others really feel this way, I'm afraid many people will not be willing to take refuge in him, but will be ready to take refuge in his political opponents. In this case, Liu Shoufu's power will still weaken.

So An Ran's actions put Liu Shoufu in a dilemma.

If there are problems no matter who is promoted, it will be easy to handle. Liu Shoufang will not promote anyone and let his own troops compete by themselves. If something goes wrong like this, although his power will be weakened, at least his reputation will not be damaged.

However, Enron did not let everyone have an accident, but some had accidents and some did not. In general, more people had accidents than did not have accidents, in order to achieve the purpose of weakening Liu Shoufu.

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