Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 320 Rebirth of Military Wife 6

Uncle Lu worked quickly. Soon, Enron's drug patent was approved, and the Medical Administration also quickly approved her drug to be put on the market. The reason why it was so fast was because he heard that the drug was effective and wanted it to be released quickly. When it comes to the market, save more people. After all, if you delay it for one more day, many more people will die.

Of course, this is also the credit of Uncle Lu. This is what he told people, and the Medical Administration Bureau was moved. I think what Uncle Lu said is right. Since the drug passed the clinical trial, there will be no problems after their inspection. , then go public as soon as possible and save more people.

Not long after, An Ran reached a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Uncle Lu. She provided the technology, and Uncle Lu provided the funds to start production. ——Although we are a family, some things still need to be handled in an official manner, so as not to say that they are relatives at the beginning and do not need to take care of anything. In the future, there will be disputes over money and property, which will not be good, so it is better to handle things in an official manner from the beginning. Can reduce conflicts.

Once Enron's anti-cancer drug was launched, because it was so different from the previous anti-cancer drugs that could not cure the disease at all, but it could really cure the disease, it was quickly snapped up, even if the pharmaceutical company under the name of Uncle Lu opened Production at full capacity could not keep up with the demand of patients around the world, and in the end, domestic supply could only be given priority. The country also increased tariffs to try to keep the drugs in the country for the use of Chinese people.

Even in this way, the outflow of drugs could not be controlled. In the end, due to shortage of supply, Uncle Lu opened additional factories, while at the national level, they could only restrict exports. This was also helpless. There were not enough drugs for domestic patients, and I heard that the country was still exporting. This drug earns foreign exchange. Many netizens are very angry and ask why the country does not classify this drug as a controlled drug and is not allowed to sell it abroad. It is only used by domestic patients. After all, isn't it priority for domestic people? The country's people are left with insufficient supplies and cannot buy it, and then they can only die of the disease before their eyes. There was no hope of cure before, but now there is hope of cure, but the medicine is not given. No one can bear it, so it is natural to blame the government.

The official was scolded and had no choice but to issue regulations to restrict exports. This does not mean that there will be no exports at all. After all, firstly, the country really wants to earn foreign exchange. Secondly, other countries are willing to give up profits, so it is impossible for the Jin Kingdom to completely disagree with exports. , that is, the quantity will be greatly reduced, and domestic supply will be given priority.

Speaking of which, the Lu family is at a disadvantage. Otherwise, it is uncertain whether an ordinary person would be able to maintain this result. After all, the benefits are very attractive. Seeing that this medicine is unique, I know that I have control. You can make a lot of money by doing it, so it’s impossible that no one will be tempted.

Of course, even if the Lu family is powerful, they are not the strongest after all. Moreover, even if they are the strongest, they may not be able to do it when other families join forces. Therefore, although the Lu family withstood the pressure and did not hand over the results of Enron, However, some shares were also given to some families for peace of mind.

Sure enough, after someone got the dick from Uncle Lu, the coveting turmoil slowly subsided. Anyway, everyone who could covet was coveted, and those who couldn't covet were all weaker than the Lu family, so the Lu family was not afraid.

In the Wei family, Fang Yan heard that Lu Anran had overcome cancer and caused a sensation. She couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that such a thing didn't happen in her previous life, so how could it happen in this life? Could it be that he stole her husband and she was not married, which caused her to study pharmaceuticals all day long, so she had such a change?

I'm afraid it's true. After all, she was married and had a child in her last life, so she naturally didn't have time to do research. So it was normal that she didn't hear about the other party's research before she died.

But in this life, the other party is already thirty years old, not yet married, and has been engaged in research for a long time. It is normal for her to come up with something useful.

This development, which was like a miracle, left Fang Yan dumbfounded and depressed at the same time. You know, she thought she had stolen Lu Anran's marriage. Lu Anran would never have a good husband in the future, no matter how good her family conditions were. Well, I’m afraid it’s going to be difficult. At the very least, it won’t be as glorious as the last life. After all, not everyone can become a general in the end. Moreover, you can’t find a good husband when you get older. Due to the limitation of your horizons, In the eyes of many secular people such as Fang Yan, they still think that a woman's success depends on whether she marries a good husband.

Who would have thought that he actually conquered cancer and became an internationally famous pharmaceutical master? There were even rumors that a certain world-famous medical award wanted to award this award to Enron. This... Enron actually did so well, even better than Enron. The last life she knew was even better. After all, the world-famous pharmaceutical expert and the general's wife, who were only known to a small circle of people, were obviously much better than the latter.

This phenomenon made Fang Yan so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. You know, she originally disliked An Ran and wanted to punish her. Now that she has developed anti-cancer drugs, she is not stupid and naturally understands that research An Ran who had given away such a good thing was no longer something she could do if she wanted to. What's more, let alone fixing her, she couldn't touch An Ran at all now, so she could only stare. Thinking about it like this, Can Fang Yan not be so angry that she wants to vomit blood? Oh, she thought she had grabbed the best, but in the end, people didn't care about her at all, and she created something more valuable than the person she grabbed. Does this make Fang Yan not so angry?

But no matter how angry she is, An Ran is not someone she can easily get in touch with now, so she can only be angry at herself, but there is no way she can do anything to An Ran.

In particular, she wanted to ask An Ran for help in promoting her husband. Originally, it was difficult for her to get in touch with An Ran because she was the eldest lady. Now that she has become a scientist and surrounded by a lot of people to protect her, it is even harder for her to get in touch with him.

Without contact, she felt that it would be very difficult for her husband to become a general like he did in his previous life. After all, he had help from the Lu family in his previous life, and he was capable, so he would naturally be promoted quickly; in this life, he himself Although he has some abilities, he doesn't have the talent to be an official, he doesn't know how to work, and he has no background. It's difficult to get promoted quickly.

So Fang Yan vaguely felt that she was reborn in vain this time - although her life was slightly better than in the previous life, she obviously did not achieve her goal. After all, her goal was to be the wife of a general, not the wife of a general. , her husband just hangs out for a few years, then changes his career and returns home to become a low-level official. That is not what she wants to see at all.

In the past, she didn't want to admit that Wei Dajun was able to get along so well in the previous generation because of the Lu family, not just himself, because she didn't believe that the person she liked had average abilities and couldn't get along on her own.

But now, seeing that the other party was already forty and was still just a deputy regiment member, she had to admit that the reason why Wei Dajun was able to do so well in the previous life was really not due to him.

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