Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3224 Cultivation of Immortals and Transmutation of Scholars 13

An Ran could see that both the original person and the King of Chu were talented at Go, and their level was far higher than that of ordinary people of the same age. Therefore, the King of Chu felt that Miss Gao was not good at playing and did not want to play with her. It was normal because she was not someone else. , can play as well as King Chu.

At the level of the King of Chu, if he was trained in modern times, he could become a master and even enter the chess academy. After all, the King of Chu was only fourteen years old and there was still room for development.

This is considered a talent. An Ran is always happy with talents. He thinks that if he has time in the future, he will spend more time with him and create a chess master with his own hands, which will still give him a sense of accomplishment.

After hearing the compliment from King Chu, An Ran said: "Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness. Your Highness plays chess very well. This is the first time I have encountered an opponent like Your Highness since I learned chess. No one was my opponent before. "

This was a disguised way of praising the King of Chu for being the best chess player among the people she knew. After hearing this, the King of Chu couldn't help but be happy, and immediately said: "Same for you. It's very fun to play chess with you, if it weren't a bit late today. , Xiao Wang still wants to continue playing with you, so let’s make an appointment and we can play again when we have time.”

Naturally, An Ran would not object. The two of them made an appointment to play chess together next time and went back.

Queen Mother Chen stayed with them to eat together. After everyone had lunch, they went back.

They didn't meet Miss Gao and others, and nothing unpleasant happened, because Concubine Gao had already told her family when An Ran and the others would come, and asked the Gao family not to come now, lest Miss Gao's mind would become unclear. When you meet the girl from the Chen family, don't say anything stupid that will affect your marriage.

Naturally, the Gao family would not let this happen, so they naturally did not take Miss Gao into the palace to visit her at this time.

In fact, not everyone in the Gao family was opposed to Miss Gao marrying the King of Chu. For example, Miss Gao's mother, Mrs. Gao, wanted her daughter to marry the King of Chu.

It is normal for Mrs. Gao to think so.

Because Mr. Gao and other members of the Gao family think about the entire family, while Mrs. Gao only thinks about her daughter and herself.

Mrs. Gao was thinking that if her daughter became a princess, she would be more respectable and treat her well. After all, with the conditions of their family, her daughter would definitely not be able to marry anyone with better or even similar conditions as the King of Chu.

As for not being able to marry into Duke Chengen's mansion and not being able to improve the Gao family's status and power in the capital, that's none of her business. She just wants her daughter to marry well.

As for whether not marrying Cheng'en Gongfu would affect her son's future, she didn't think so, because her daughter married the King of Chu, which would have no impact on her son's future, or even better. After all, her brother-in-law was no better than an ordinary brother-in-law. Which cousins ​​have a better relationship?

The only people who will have influence at that time are other people in the mansion. After all, their relationship with King Chu is still the same as before. Then King Chu did not have a relationship with Duke Chengen's mansion. King Chu's power would not be as powerful as that after the relationship was established. For them, it is naturally not good.

Especially the noble concubine, she naturally wants her son to marry a girl with better conditions, not her natal family. After all, marrying a girl from the Chen family is a strong alliance, and marrying a girl from her own family is helping the poor, so the noble concubine does not want her to marry a girl with better conditions. It is normal for a son to marry his own daughter.

But for their children, it is actually better for their daughters to marry the King of Chu than for the King of Chu to marry Miss Chen.

Because their interests are different, Mrs. Gao and the people in the mansion naturally have different ideas.

So now that Concubine Gao was saying when the Chen family would come over and asked her not to bring the girl into the palace, lest something bad happen to her, Mrs. Gao couldn't help but feel resentful in her heart, thinking about how this sister-in-law wanted to let her son climb a high tree. , she is really shameless, she said it nicely, it was for the sake of the Gao family, so she asked her not to bring her daughter into the palace, so as not to run into the Chen family girl, but in fact it was just for her son to climb a high branch, for fear that they would delay her plan of! This is so disgusting. If the family didn't rely on her and the King of Chu, she would have been too lazy to deal with the noble concubine. Anyway, her daughter couldn't marry her son and become the princess. In this case, what would she do? Want to talk to her?

The noble concubine naturally didn't know that Mrs. Gao thought of her like this. Even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart. After all, who doesn't want their children to marry someone with the right conditions? Who wants to help the poor? Her parents' family conditions are so poor. Marrying her daughter is just that. If she acts as a blood bag for Mrs. Gao, her son will have to be sucked by Mrs. Gao's son in the future. She is stupid and is willing to let her son marry Miss Gao.

Besides, she doesn’t know about Mrs. Gao. Mrs. Gao is a brother-supporting demon. If she really wants her son to marry Miss Gao, it will not only be a problem of Mrs. Gao’s son sucking blood in the future, but also Mrs. Gao’s mother-in-law’s family will also suck her son’s blood. When the time comes, her son will not marry Miss Chen, so he will be a moderately powerful person in the capital. With such a group of people following behind to suck blood, why not drain her son dry?

After all, when her son marries Miss Gao, he will not have as much dowry as the well-matched Miss Chen, and he will not be close to the emperor and the queen mother. He will certainly not be given many things when he gets married, maybe only the official village and the With a good salary, she also has to deal with Mrs. Gao's son and her brothers from her mother's family sucking blood, but she is not trying to suck her son dry and make him a pauper.

But it's different when his son marries Miss Chen. Miss Chen's dowry will definitely not be small. And because he is marrying a girl from the emperor's maternal family, the emperor will definitely express his opinions. Of course, the Empress Dowager Chen will express even more, and then Cheng Mrs. Engong is not a demon who helps her younger brother. Mrs. Chengen’s son will inherit the title in the future and does not need to suck the blood of her own son. At that time, her son’s money will be slowly accumulated, so that the property will increase, instead of For example, if you marry a girl, your son will be sucked by a group of vampires and become a pauper in the future.

Thinking about it this way, it is normal for the noble concubine to want her son to marry An Ran. After all, even if she is not high-ranking, at least she cannot help others in poverty and be sucked by others.

Therefore, because Concubine Gaogui and Duke Chengen were both satisfied with each other, and King Chu and An Ran were also satisfied with each other, the marriage was quickly settled after the first month.

Naturally, Miss Gao didn't want King Chu to get engaged to An Ran, but now that Duke Cheng'en was not dead and An Ran was not dead, the two families would get engaged as planned. It was normal. She could only watch the two of them get engaged. She comforted herself in her heart: It's okay, it's not time for Chen Anran to get married yet. As long as she is not married, she will still have a chance to kill her, and then she will take the stage.

Anyway, Chen Anran is only thirteen years old, and she won't get married until at least her hair is born. It will still be a long time. After such a long time, she is confident that she can kill her.

Seeing that the marriage with the King of Chu had been arranged, both the noble concubine and Mrs. Chengen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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