Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3231 Cultivation of Immortals and Scholars 20

Thinking of this, King Chu couldn't help but feel annoyed, thinking that if cousin Gao didn't come back, it would be fine. If she came back, let's see how he would cause trouble for her. Really, just run away with someone, and it would also implicate him - yes, no Everyone thought that Miss Gao had eloped, including King Chu. After all, a young girl ran out of the back window in broad daylight. If it wasn't an elopement, it couldn't be that someone jumped in from the back window and killed her. The young lady was kidnapped because the back window of Miss Gao's courtyard faced not the main road but the house. It was impossible for the gangster to run into Gao's house and take the young lady away from the boudoir in broad daylight.

That is to say, elopement. Miss Gao knows the comings and goings of people in her family, and it is possible to avoid people and run away.

The thought that the other party might have eloped and harmed him naturally made King Chu angry.

Others also said that she liked him and suspected that her disappearance was related to him. In fact, they were not looking for her at all. God knows who they were looking for, but they caused him to bear the stigma in vain. It was strange that King Chu was so happy. Since He planned to wait for her to come back and cause trouble for her.

Concubine Gao Gui finally believed it after seeing her son deny it repeatedly.

After believing this, Concubine Gao couldn't help but become a little angry. You know, not only did she suspect that her niece had gone to find the King of Chu, but her family members also suspected this. Before, Mrs. Gao ran into the palace with tears streaming down her face and said Her daughter was missing, but the Gao family was weak and couldn't find her, so they asked her to ask someone to help her find her.

Then he asked her to help ask King Chu in a flash of words, but he saw Miss Gao.

Doesn't that mean she is suspicious that her daughter and her son are getting together.

She thought it was impossible at the time, because even if Miss Gao liked her son, and her son didn't like Miss Gao, how could he hide Miss Gao.

But he was afraid of what might happen, so he called King Chu over for questioning.

In the end, it turned out to be what she thought. Miss Gao didn't look for her son at all.

Her daughter had eloped with someone else, and Mrs. Gao had the nerve to ask her to ask her son. She became angry just thinking about it, so after asking Queen Chu, she found Mrs. Gao and scolded her.

"Your daughter ran away with someone else, and she thought she was getting involved with my son, so she came to me for help! How dare you ask this! How did you raise your daughter!"

When Mrs. Gao heard that her daughter was not with the King of Chu, she did not dare to say anything. She could only bear the humiliation from the noble concubine.

Although she didn't dare to ask about King Chu anymore, Mrs. Gao still loved her daughter. She endured the insults from Gao Guifei and said: "The child only likes my nephew and will never run away with anyone else. Suddenly he disappeared. , I think something happened to her, like she was taken away by some bad guy, I beg my queen for help and see if I can find her."

The reason why I didn’t go to the Yamen and let the Yamen people investigate, after all, the Yamen had manpower, wouldn’t it be more convenient to investigate? It was because the girl’s disappearance could not be investigated with great fanfare, lest it spread and the reputation would be bad, so Mrs. Gao did it. Suppressed the information and secretly asked someone to investigate.

Mrs. Gao said this, and Princess Gao thought it made sense. After all, the child had always liked her son before, so he probably wouldn't run away with anyone, so she was afraid that something had really happened.

If something really happened, it wouldn't be good for my aunt to scold her instead of helping to investigate, so Concubine Gao agreed to Madam Gao's request and said, "I will send someone to take a look."

When Madam Gao saw that Concubine Gao had agreed, she was grateful and thanked her profusely.

In fact, Concubine Gao doesn't have many people in the palace who can help Madam Gao. After all, a concubine in the harem is still an old concubine who has expired. How much power can she have? But it doesn't matter, she has a son outside. After being out of the house for so many years, she had already organized a group of people under her guidance. It was not difficult to check something, so the noble concubine handed over the matter to her son.

Although the King of Chu was unhappy because of Miss Gao's disappearance and people suspected that he had hidden his beauty in the golden house, after the misunderstanding was explained and his mother said that something might have happened to Miss Gao, as his cousin, he still agreed to his mother's request. Prepare to investigate. After all, this is a human life no matter what.

But neither the Gao family nor the King of Chu could find anyone. Who told Miss Gao to leave invisibly? No one had seen her, so how could she check?

And An Ran saw that everyone was investigating Miss Gao, and originally planned to kill Miss Gao, but thinking of the original world and the miserable experiences suffered by her family, she finally decided to raise Miss Gao until three years later, when the book girl Until the mission is not completed and the soul is squeezed out.

It stands to reason that after the soul of the book-wearing girl is squeezed out, Miss Gao may still be alive. When the time comes, Miss Gao will be released and let her suffer.

When An Ran thought about this incident, Miss Gao was actually the murderer behind the scenes, and the woman wearing the book was the perpetrator at most, so she wanted to keep her alive so that she would suffer more, so that she could repay her original world and her whole family. catastrophe.

So after thinking about it for a while, I planned to remove the water when all the elixirs and spiritual stones of the Book-Traveling Girl were used up and the water could no longer be isolated. Then I would give her some food from time to time and raise her until three years later. until the soul is ejected from this body.

Of course, before Miss Fang Gao comes out, she still has to make sure that the cultivation plug-in has disappeared together with the scholar-wearing girl. Otherwise, if the plug-in has not disappeared, An Ran will not let him out, lest the tiger returns to the mountain and it will cause trouble in the future. , it will be difficult to catch him again.

Naturally, Miss Gao didn't know that An Ran planned to make her suffer more in order to avenge the death of her whole family. She was still watching the lady wearing the book in her body working hard to keep out the water.

The girl in the book was in such a situation, and was very likely to be killed by An Ran. Miss Gao was naturally anxious. After all, she entrusted the powerful lady in the book to help her clean up the Cheng'en Palace, but she hadn't done it yet, and she couldn't. It made her feel so good, how could she die like this, so she was naturally anxious.

It's just that the right to use the body right now belongs to the woman wearing a book, so it's useless even if she is anxious.

If not, the girl is still alive, and An Ran's plan is very likely to succeed. However, Concubine Gao has been helping the Gao family search for a while, and after finding no one, she can only express her condolences to Mrs. Gao.

Mrs. Gao felt very sad when she saw that her daughter had disappeared without any explanation. After all, she was her beloved daughter.

But she couldn't say anything to the outside world, lest the unscrupulous people would say some unpleasant rumors and affect her daughter's reputation. She could only tell the outside world that her daughter was sick and was sent to Zhuangzi to recuperate.

Mrs. Gao became even more sad when she thought that her daughter might have been kidnapped by gangsters but could not be rescued in a big way.

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