Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3242 Cultivation of Immortals and Scholars 31

In the past, Mrs. Gao thought this method was not good. After all, if her daughter marries with a new identity, it will be much more troublesome to interact with her real mother in the future, and if it takes a long time, don't expose her, it will still be a problem then.

But now, Mrs. Gao feels that this method is good, and maybe she can consider it.

In fact, the best way is for King Chu to recognize this matter. Then...then...it can give his daughter better room to operate.

——Not to mention, Concubine Gao really sees Mrs. Gao JP’s character clearly.

Because Mrs. Gao really wanted to ask the King of Chu to recognize Miss Gao first. If her daughter could not marry into a good family, she would pester the King of Chu to take her daughter in. Anyway, the King of Chu admitted that his daughter had been following him in the past few years. Is it time to start chaos and finally give up? For the sake of reputation, King Chu also had to recognize his daughter!

In fact, she didn't want her daughter to marry anyone else, she just wanted her to be King Chu's concubine. After all, being King Chu's concubine was much better than having her daughter marry someone else.

Unfortunately, Concubine Gao saw through her shameless idea at a glance, so she refused without thinking, leaving Madam Gao unable to deal with it.

When she thought of such a good place to go, Concubine Gao stopped her, and Madam Gao became more and more dissatisfied with Concubine Gao.

She didn't know that if she hadn't been a brother-supporting demon, the noble concubine would have been afraid that if the King of Chu accepted Miss Gao, her family would suck all her blood in the future, otherwise the noble concubine might have followed Miss Gao to be her son's concubine. , after all, she is just a side concubine, not a main concubine, so it doesn’t matter.

Of course, even if Mrs. Gao changes her mind now and will no longer let her natal family suck blood, Concubine Gao will not agree to her son taking Miss Gao as his concubine. After all, God knows where Miss Gao has disappeared in the past few years. How could she let her go? The son takes a woman whose whereabouts have been a mystery for several years as his concubine.

Miss Gao on the side listened to Mrs. Gao talking about how bad Concubine Gao was. Her personality was the same as that of her mother, so she naturally agreed. She nodded and said: "Forget it, don't think about her, her personality You still don’t know? How can someone who is the most popular person look down on poor relatives like us?"

Miss Gao's words are nothing more than adding fuel to the fire, making Mrs. Gao more and more resentful towards Concubine Gao. However, her resentment towards Concubine Gao is just like Concubine Gao seeing how uncomfortable her son is with An Ran. There is nothing she can do about it. Yes, she can't do anything to the noble concubine, so no matter how resentful she is, she can only be angry by herself.

She could only speak angrily and said: "How great she thinks she is, but she is actually not a dog of Queen Mother Chen. She has to flatter Queen Mother Chen every day. Otherwise, if she makes Queen Mother Chen unhappy, she doesn't even need to She is not happy, as long as she is no longer the popular person in front of Queen Mother Chen, she will not be able to live well in the palace, and she will not be as comfortable as we are outside."

This is true.

The palace is such a big place, and if you make the boss unhappy, you will be uncomfortable. Unlike outside, where everyone does their own thing, even if you make someone unhappy, they are not in your home, at most they are outside. No matter how troublesome you are, your troubles will never be found in your home and cannot hinder you.

But it's different in the palace. Even if the palace has its own courtyard, the palace people in the courtyard can also be arranged by Queen Mother Chen. By then, those palace people may be snobbish or act according to the master's instructions, so you can live there. They can still cause trouble in your own yard.

Unlike other families outside, others can't arrange the servants in your yard. The servants in your yard are all in your own hands, so you have some autonomy, and it's not as scary as in the palace.

So just thinking about the situation in the palace makes me suffocate.

"Your aunt won't help you, what will you do now?"

Miss Gao said: "Just do as I say, give me a false identity and get married again."

"Then it will still be useless if someone recognizes you." Mrs. Gao said.

"It's enough to marry me out of town. As long as I don't say I'm a girl from the Gao family, people from out of town will just inquire and won't know the situation. Then they won't recognize me in other places, so they don't have to worry about my identity being exposed. Otherwise, if I marry in the name of a girl from the Gao family, even if I marry out of town, people will know about my situation if they inquire about me." Miss Gao said.

When she was imprisoned in An Ran's place, she had thought about what to do when she came back. After thinking about it, she had the only way to get rid of the trouble caused by the sudden disappearance of the book girl.

Although she didn't want to leave the prosperous Beijing, in order not to be recognized, she would not live well in the rest of her life, so she had to do this.

After hearing what Miss Gao said, Mrs. Gao couldn't help but nodded and said, "This is a way."

Then he added: "I will ask your aunt to help you use a false identity. This matter will not harm your aunt. She should be able to help. Then you will have an identity that is not inferior to ours."

After all, the noble concubine was favored by Concubine Chen, and the King of Chu was still the prince. With the two relationships combined, it shouldn't be difficult to secretly find a family in Beijing that is not inferior to the Gao family, recognize their daughter as their daughter, and then marry them out of town.

Mrs. Gao and Miss Gao had the same idea.

Although Concubine Gao rejected what Mrs. Gao and Miss Gao said and let her son reveal to the public that she had been a concubine for several years, she asked them to find someone to arrange a new one for Miss Gao. Because of her status, it was convenient for her to marry out of town, so the noble concubine still helped. After all, it was good for Miss Gao to marry out of town smoothly, so as to avoid causing a scandal in Beijing, which would not be good for herself.

Speaking of which, this means that Mrs. Gao loves her daughter, and then Mr. Gao is okay. Otherwise, some cold-hearted people may not recognize her because of the reputation of the girl in the family, seeing that Miss Gao has been missing for many years.

Of course, the main reason is that I made a good excuse back then, saying that I went to the countryside to recuperate, and now that I am back, I can connect the lines that were buried at that time, otherwise it would be really difficult.

At that time, Princess Gao found a small official's house in Beijing for Miss Gao, which was similar to the Gao family, and asked Miss Gao to send her name under their name.

It happened that the other party didn't have a girl at home, so he used the excuse that he wanted a girl, so he adopted a girl from the clan.

Since the other party's surname is also Gao, Miss Gao doesn't have to change her name, which is very convenient.

Because they are a family of minor officials, and there is no noble lady in the palace, and there is no prince or nephew outside the palace, so they do not deal with high-level officials and do not know anything about the girls from the Gao family. They only look at the people they want to adopt. , was their boss, and the other party gave him a lot of money, so they agreed to help. They didn’t dare to ask more about the girl’s origins, for fear of hearing something they shouldn’t hear, so they just thought it was something from their boss. The foreign concubine is now old and about to get married, so I have to arrange a better status for her so that she can get married easily.

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