Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3248: Cultivation of Immortals and Transmutation of Scholars 37

Miss Gao's parents-in-law did not expect that the King of Chu could be so cruel. Her uncle and aunt cried and begged him to help her cousin, but he was so cruel that he refused to help. Aren't they afraid of chilling the hearts of relatives and making them resentful?

——Miss Gao’s husband’s family really thinks too much. Is the King of Chu the kind of person who cares if he doesn’t help his relatives? Will his relatives resent him? If you cared, you wouldn't refuse outright.

In fact, as the King of Chu is the son of the former emperor, the younger brother of the current emperor, and has the title of prince, there is no need to worry about this at all. Only the Gao family is worried that the King of Chu is not close to them, and the King of Chu does not have to worry about what he does to his uncle. The family is not happy, after all, the status and power are there.

However, although Miss Gao's husband's family saw that the Gao family failed to help her get promoted, they had no choice but to forget it, but they didn't want the Gao family to think that if the Gao family was like this, they would have nothing to do with the Gao family. After all, once they had this understanding, they would If you try to ask them to do something again, they will refuse to help because they can't do it.

So now Miss Gao's husband's family used this as an excuse to treat Miss Gao badly and asked Miss Gao to go back to her parents' house to cry and complain, so that they could blackmail Gao's family and make them understand that if they don't help them, they will find Miss Gao. Mrs. Gao, who loves her daughter, must be distressed when she sees her like this. The next time she asks them to do something, as long as they can do it, they will definitely do it honestly instead of refusing to help.

Miss Gao's in-laws thought well. When Mrs. Gao saw her daughter crying, she was angry, but she did think what Miss Gao's in-laws thought. She thought that if the other party came to her door with something in the future, she would still want to help. Otherwise, the girl's life would be difficult if she stayed in someone else's house.

Alas, I can't blame anyone else for my daughter's unlucky situation now. I can only blame myself for being blind at the time. I thought this family was okay and married my daughter off, but it turned out to be the most shameless person I have ever seen in my life. It's also a shame to threaten my family like this. There was nothing she could do.

Not to mention that they did not help Miss Gao's husband's family this time. The Gao family saw Miss Gao suffering, but they did not dare not to help in the future if they could. They said that An Ran had been observing the situation over Miss Gao, and now she was in a life-threatening situation. It is not surprising that she is in a situation that is worse than death. After all, a person with her kind of character will never have a good life. Even if nothing happens, she can torture herself, be jealous of this and that, and make herself suffer; if something happens, it will be even more difficult. Well, after all, she didn't have the brains to solve those troubles.

Speaking of which, Miss Gao's husband's family and Miss Gao are really not the same family. If they don't join the same family, they are both greedy people.

If he wasn't too greedy, he wouldn't make one request after another.

But I never thought that Mrs. Gao is still alive now, so I let you threaten me. When Mrs. Gao, who loves Miss Gao, dies, the Gao family will not care about Miss Gao's life and death, and it will be time to deal with you. I feel that Miss Gao's The husband's family is extremely short-sighted and only sees the immediate benefits, but does not think about whether they will be unlucky in the future. This is also the same as Miss Gao.

In fact, Miss Gao's husband's family threatens the Gao family. The main reason why they are not afraid that King Chu and Princess Gao will use their crimes as an excuse to deal with them is because they know that they are not the most popular people at the moment. The most popular people at the moment are the emperor's maternal family and the most popular ones. They were ministers and brothers who were favored by the emperor. Although the King of Chu did not dislike the emperor, he was not the most popular with the emperor among the brothers. Therefore, they naturally did not dare to be too domineering when acting outside. Kill him, I guess King Chu doesn't have the guts.

Besides, they are not civilians, they are still low-level officials of the sixth or seventh rank. It is even more impossible for the King of Chu to kill them at every turn. He does not have the power.

Because they were not afraid of being killed by the King of Chu without asking, Miss Gao's husband's family dared to do this. Otherwise, if the King of Chu was the kind of person who was not afraid of anything, they would kill him without asking. They would kill people, how dare they do this.

In fact, for An Ran, Miss Gao's matter is really not difficult to solve - even if she doesn't use cultivation methods, she can solve it, that is, follow Mrs. Gao's arrangements, escape from death, and then live however she wants, but , Miss Gao doesn’t want to live such a life. She still wants to get married. Then she will repeat the same process as her current husband’s family, and may be exposed. Therefore, she does not want to accept Mrs. Gao’s arrangement, so she can only be married by her husband’s family. He threatened her family.

Although Miss Gao's husband's family, by constantly causing trouble for Miss Gao, established authority in front of the Gao family, so that the Gao family did not dare to refuse their requests casually, but the Gao family and the King of Chu were not at all under the control of the Gao family. , and every time Miss Gao's husband's family makes a request, except for these two people, it is impossible to rely on the Gao family alone, so even if they suppress the Gao family, thinking that they can continue to benefit from it in the future, it is not It was in vain because they had already been blacklisted by Concubine Gao and the King of Chu. No matter whether their demands were high or low, Concubine Gao and the King of Chu ignored them when they heard that it was a matter belonging to Miss Gao's husband's family. The idea that Miss Gao's husband's family could do whatever they wanted by controlling Miss Gao and the Gao family was shattered.

This made Miss Gao's husband's family angry and felt that this business was not a good deal. After all, Miss Gao was a person whose body had been taken over by a monster. If she had not taken into account her strong background, or if she had not given up, it would not have been a good deal at all. After all, they I'm always afraid that the monster will come back again.

However, now they don't dare to divorce Miss Gao. They are afraid that after divorce, they will no longer have tools to blackmail, and the noble concubine and others will cause trouble for them.

Although Concubine Gao and others are not helping them now, at any rate, for the sake of Miss Gao, they will not cause trouble for them.

And if they divorced Miss Gao, it would certainly bring shame to the Gao family, but at the same time, without the hostage, Concubine Gao and others would definitely deal with them, so how could they dare to divorce Miss Gao? This was not a last resort. Tricks that cannot be used.

So Miss Gao's husband's family couldn't help but be in trouble. Even Miss Gao's husband couldn't help blaming his parents: "I knew she was useless. When I knew she was possessed by a monster, I should have divorced her." , then the Gao family is cheating on her marriage, so they can’t do anything to us. As for us, we don’t have to worry about the monster coming back and affecting us. Now it’s fine, we know that she cheated on her marriage, but we didn’t divorce her. Instead, we used her to come to the capital. , if we divorce, tell others that she cheated her into marrying her and we divorced her. The Gao family can say that we divorced because we felt that Gao was no longer of use to us. Then people outside will not stand on our side. , if the Gao family takes revenge, probably no one will sympathize with us."

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