Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3261 I want to wear it back 10

As the person who made the jade cards, An Ran can let the people who hold the jade cards come in. Naturally, the jade cards can also restrict who comes in. It is equivalent to An Ran having the data of everyone in the deserted village. Who wants to restrict who comes in and who can be pulled out. Just black.

Therefore, even if someone has bad intentions and wants to sneak into a deserted village or attack a deserted village, he cannot do so because he cannot get in without a jade token.

This is the disparity in power between mortals and monks. No matter how powerful the mortal soldiers are, it is impossible to invade the territory of the monks, because they can't even find the place.

Of course, the deserted village cannot be called a deserted village now. After two years of operation, due to the safe water system for watering, the whole village has restored the sound of birds and flowers, just like a real paradise. Newcomers are always amazed by how beautiful and peaceful this place is. After all, when you step out of this world, the outside world is in decline, and the contrast is really too strong.

Therefore, the women who were rescued generally would not have the idea of ​​betraying this deserted village. After all, there is no better place in the world than this.

Although the rescued woman would not have the idea of ​​betraying this deserted village, as the reputation of the ghost village spread more and more widely among those who fled and fled, more and more people were curious about this place. Many people came to inquire, wanting to see what was wrong with this place.

As long as they are purely curious and have no malicious intent, Yang Lan and others will not show up, so that those people will not find this place.

If you are not only curious, but also deliberately staged some scenes of raping women in order to attract An Ran and others - these people have heard from a very small number of people who slipped through the net. They were all attacked by those ghosts when they raped women. , so this was designed in order to lure An Ran and others out. However, An Ran and others will definitely let them get what they want, and most of them will lose their lives.

Before these people left, they were afraid that things would be bad in the future, so they told their relatives and friends to go to the ghost village to find out what was going on, but they never came back, which led to the ghost village's reputation getting bigger and bigger.

However, after this test, people also knew that if they did not do bad things, the ghosts would not attack. Therefore, those who were purely curious survived, and those who did bad things only lost their lives.

As a result, the vicious people increasingly wanted to use this method to lure An Ran and the others out to see what was going on in the ghost village. In the end, most of them killed An Ran and the others, which also led to more and more women in the deserted village.

Seeing that if you use this method to lure An Ran and others out, you will die, and some people have come up with other methods. For example, they find a woman who is willing to help, drop her off near a deserted village, and then meet the refugees, which will naturally lead to danger. At this time, Yang Lan and others appeared, rescued the woman and became a villager, and then she helped to take them there.

This way you can know what the ghost village is all about.

Not to mention, Song Qin, who had sneaked in as a craftsman, was shocked by how much this world resembled a paradise when she first entered it. However, she did not forget her purpose, so naturally she would not be surprised that there was such a paradise in this place. , just give up your own goals, without her, the class is different.

She has an extraordinary background, and the people who ask her for help naturally have even more extraordinary backgrounds. I heard that this ghost village has wiped out many people over and over again, and no one can resist it. The people behind her want to see if they can use this power to bring something to themselves. Come to the benefits.

After all, various forces are now competing for the world, and the people behind her are already powerful, so they naturally want to take advantage of this opportunity to win the world.

If we can get help from the ghost village, why worry about the world being unfair.

Therefore, such a peaceful and peaceful world is attractive to civilian women such as Yang Lan. After all, they have been struggling all their lives and just want such a peaceful place to live a good life.

But for Song Qin, it was not attractive at all. She was born into a wealthy family and was attended to when she came and went. Why did she have to work in such a place?

In her opinion, this place is not even comparable to her village. After all, the houses in her village are much better than the houses in this shabby village, so it is a good place for Yang Lan and others, and it is a good place for Song. For Qin, it was a poor and broken countryside.

She was only interested in the martial arts skills of the people in this place. Seeing how good they were, she wanted to learn this secret and hand it over to the person behind it, so that she could win his favor in the future and become the most favored woman around him.

Although the person behind her already has a wife, if the other person wins the world and she becomes the most favored concubine with this merit, and her child will become the next emperor in the future, she can still be the queen mother, right now? The legal wife doesn’t matter anymore.

Of course, she coveted An Ran's cultivation method even more. Unfortunately, after being here for so long, she had only heard of an immortal in this place. This ghost village was an illusion created by the immortal, but she had never seen an immortal.

——Now that Yang Lan and others have grown up, they have taken care of teaching newcomers martial arts. An Ran will give them, the old people in charge of teaching, more supplies, so An Ran rarely appears in front of people, only when she is needed. The Sky Fire Talisman will only appear when helping them clean up.

In addition, Yang Lan and others are afraid that the newcomers have ulterior motives, so they will not give jade tokens to the newly arrived newcomers immediately. They will only tell them not to go out, lest they cannot come back, and they will not teach martial arts. Of course, they will not teach internal strength. Just wait for a period of observation before teaching martial arts. After teaching martial arts, observe for another period of time, then give jade tokens, and finally teach internal strength.

In this way, it doesn’t matter if you only learn external Kung Fu at the beginning, because there is no internal strength, only external Kung Fu. No matter how good the opponent learns, he will at most be about the same as a man, but cannot surpass him. But if you learn internal strength, you will be better. It's different. With the support of internal strength, ordinary men who have never learned internal strength can't beat them no matter how powerful they are.

Anyway, now we have more manpower. When we go out to do things, we have enough manpower. We don’t have to be so anxious to teach new people martial arts. We naturally have to inspect them.

The examination of Rang Xue's internal strength takes a long time. If Xizuo is not afraid of staying here for too long and being unable to pull the forces from the deserted villages over to help them conquer the world, and will be helpless for them to conquer the world, he can just stay here. Anyway, the evil people Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed.

Therefore, although Yang Lan and others did not know that the newly rescued Song Qin seemed nice and sweet on the surface and was always grateful to them for saving her, in their hearts they actually looked down on them as "poor ghosts" (Song Qin's words). But because of such a rule, Song Qin couldn't get any useful information for a while, which naturally made her irritated, because she couldn't waste a long time here, otherwise there would be other people around her behind her. What should I do if someone is favored?

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