Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3263 I want to wear it back 12

Yang Lan, Fourth Sister Yu and others, although not very educated, still value the rules. Song Qin begged them, but they were unmoved. They just said that the rules cannot be broken, otherwise no one will abide by them in the future. They can help She dug the ground together. As for her, if she exercises more, she will get used to it, because farming is like starting to get tiring, but once you get used to it, you won't get tired anymore. Song Qin was almost pissed off.

But they said that when setting the rules before, An Ran gave them a jade recording slip - in fact, a tape recorder is naturally better, but it is difficult to explain its origin. It just so happened that An Ran was a monk now, so he gave them a jade slip for sound transmission in the world of cultivation. Being able to record, this thing, because of her status as an immortal, would naturally not make them suspicious - Yang Lan read the rules and recorded them one by one. They were not handwritten.

Of course, things in the world of cultivation cannot be activated by mortals, so An Ran activated it at that time and asked Yang Lan to read it.

Of course, with so many women in the deserted village, there are naturally some who are literate, so now that Yang Lan and others have nothing to do, they will also learn some words from those literate women, because the immortal said, literacy is good, and when you become literate, you can They can understand what others have written, and others will not bully them for being illiterate, deliberately misreading something to deceive them, and they can also write it themselves, instead of using recording jade slips to record, so that whatever they write can be read at any time. Look, unlike now, they have to read the contents of the jade slip and activate the jade slip safely.

Since the immortal said this, they naturally started to learn from the literate sisters. Anyway, they now have internal strength and can farm quickly, so they won't waste much time. They can spare some time to read every day.

Song Qin saw that no matter how much she begged, Yang Lan and others would not teach her martial arts, so she had to find others for advice.

She didn't believe it. There were so many people in the village, but no one was willing to teach her.

As a result, she found that no one was willing to teach her, because the rules of the deserted village were set by everyone together. In this way, anyone who violated the rules would be expelled, otherwise it would become a piece of paper and an exception would be made. , and then it becomes useless paper, and no one will listen to it.

These women had lived a good life here, but they were afraid of being kicked out, so no one was willing to teach her. Song Qin almost died of anger.

Because no one dared to teach her an exception, Song Qin could only dig the ground and grow vegetables. Within a few days, her hands were roughened and her skin deteriorated due to exposure to the sun. Song Qin wondered if it was herself. She looked like a girl from a rich family, which made the poor people here jealous, so they were unwilling to teach her.

What she didn't know was that she came in for a long time and didn't come out. The person behind her thought she had been discovered and was dead.

After working hard for a month, someone taught her martial arts; after another two months, she got the jade medal.

Seeing that she had obtained the entry and exit voucher, Song Qin was excited and could finally go out. She told the people behind her about the situation here.

So that day, Song Qin went out secretly.

In fact, she doesn't need to be sneaky, because here in the deserted village, after getting the jade card, they won't care who comes in or out, because even if someone rebels and says something to someone when they go out, people outside can't attack here, so everyone What are you afraid of?

After Song Qin went out, she found her contact person and found out that they all thought she was dead, so they didn't send many people to guard her here. Now there was only one person left here, and they planned to withdraw.

Fortunately, she came out now. Otherwise, if she had come out later, she would have been unable to contact the people behind her. After all, she was a female, how could she travel a long distance alone to get back to the people behind her.

At that moment, Song Qin gave an overview of the situation in the deserted village, and then said that in order to get in touch with the immortal leader and learn the magic of immortality, she had to go to the deserted village for a while and let the people guarding her tell the story to the people behind her. People, let’s see what the people behind it are planning, whether they want her to withdraw now, or wait until she gets the magic to withdraw.

After meeting the person, Song Qin secretly came back, planning to go out in a few days and continue to meet the person to see what the person behind her responded.

What was the response from the person behind her? When I heard that the ghost village did not really have ghosts, but immortals, I agreed that she should continue to stay there, and in order to win over her, I came over and told her a lot of sweet words, telling her that she had to do this. If she is successful, she will be the first contributor to his great achievements. When he ascends the throne as emperor in the future, he will make her a noble concubine, and the future emperor will also be her son.

For the first time, Song Qin was so valued, praised, and given so many promises by someone she liked. She immediately promised that she would definitely obtain magic for him and help him achieve great things in the future.

But I never thought that the other party treated her like that before, but now that she is so enthusiastic after hearing that she can come into contact with immortals, is it a bit fake, or even a bit arbitrary?

Such a person can treat her so affectionately and ignore his wife now because she has come into contact with an immortal. In the future, he will also be able to ignore her because others are more useful than her. After all, there is always a problem with this kind of thing. of.

Song Qin didn't feel anything strange, but seeing her lover treat her so well, her heart felt like honey, and she wanted to get hold of An Ran's magical skills more and more.

So after returning, Song Qin started to make insinuations and ask about An Ran's situation.

Because An Ran is an immortal, Yang Lan and others admire "him" extremely, and they don't think that ordinary people can do anything to him. So Song Qin asked, and they did not hide it. On the contrary, they even helped An Ran to brag. , hanging all the good things on her head to show how merciful and good the god An Ran is to the world.

They were bragging about An Ran, and there were many exaggerations in it, but Song Qin didn't know it. Hearing what the other party said, he couldn't help but be frightened. Thinking about how powerful this immortal was, could the person behind him be able to control him? Don't be unable to control it, and in turn, be pinched by the other party.

Thinking of this, Song Qin felt that she should explain this matter clearly to the person behind her, so that he should not think about contacting this immortal, lest if they disagree with each other, the person behind her would be unlucky. It is better to be honest and follow him I cheated here on how to practice immortality, and I will become a strong immortal myself in the future.

She immediately found time to tell the matter to the person behind her.

But the person behind her obviously didn't give up. He felt that if he wanted to practice, he would have to practice until he could achieve some success. Now that the situation outside was changing with each passing day, he didn't have time to practice slowly, so it would be best to just use someone else.

In the future, when he successfully ascends to the throne, it will not be too late to start cultivating slowly.

However, the person behind her did not express his thoughts. He only echoed Song Qin and asked her to find a way to steal the magic so that he could practice it immediately and increase his self-protection capital.

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