Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3283 I want to wear it back 32

As for the complex signals coming from the deep space of the universe, they must be sent by other civilizations. Could they be signals from the universe itself? After all, various planets have various magnetic field radiations, etc., and may also emit inexplicable signals.

It was not until this day that aliens arrived that the humans on this planet knew that there really were other intelligent life forms in the universe.

Human beings have various assumptions about aliens. Some people think that aliens should not be allowed to know about our planet, lest it bring disaster.

Some people also think that aliens are not necessarily evil. What if they are peaceful? If humans contact them and have friends in the universe, they will no longer be lonely.

Those who insist on the former point out that the history of the development of some countries on this planet is the discovery of the New World, the extermination of the indigenous people in the New World, and the establishment of countries by occupying other people's places.

Those who insist on the latter point to the example of the Central Plains countries, saying that the Central Plains countries have always been powerful in force. As long as the surrounding countries do not cause trouble for them, they have not caused trouble for others.

There are also neutral ones who feel that even if aliens will not destroy the people on this planet, they will probably colonize them just like the Westerners did to poor countries in the past.

Several parties insisted on their own opinions and argued fiercely.

However, most people still prefer not to contact aliens. After all, even if there are good aliens, what if they encounter bad aliens? What if they take the initiative to contact them and bring disaster to themselves? ?

Well, now that the aliens are here, there’s no need to argue.

Facts have proved that the aliens encountered on this planet are neither the kind of garbage that wants to destroy the people on this planet, nor are they kind-hearted like the Central Plains countries, but the kind that colonize.

To colonize this planet, the requirements are not too many. I just need you to hand over the resources obediently. As long as you do so obediently, I won’t beat you. Moreover, people have also said that if you don’t want anything for free, buy it with money. Although This money is extremely cheap. It is said to be a purchase, but in fact it is equivalent to half-buying and half-free. Therefore, no matter how willing the countries on this planet are, they just cannot beat it, so they have to accept it.

Because they first negotiated with the people on this planet, and then planned to fight if they couldn't reach an agreement, unlike the red-haired devils who attacked the Central Plains countries as soon as they came up, intending to turn the Central Plains countries into colonies, so even though the aliens came, However, because the people of this planet surrendered quickly, no war broke out and not many people died. Some countries were unwilling to hand over resources and wanted to fight, but soon found that they could not fight, so they had to give in.

The reason why they succumbed so quickly is because the aliens are much more technologically advanced than our planet and cannot be defeated by the people on this planet, so they succumbed so quickly.

In fact, the Central Plains countries did not want to surrender so quickly. They just asked An Ran. An Ran took a look at the technological level of the aliens on this planet, and then asked the Central Plains countries to temporarily surrender. It would not be too late to resist again when there is a chance, because those aliens With the level of human technology, even if she has reached the stage of becoming a god, she cannot beat them - maybe she can beat some people, but the enemy wants to use anti-matter weapons to directly annihilate the entire planet. If she wants to protect the planet, she can't. It's not an easy task. Even if she can't die, the death of the planet is not what she wants to see. So she can only tell the senior officials of the Central Plains country that the enemy is too strong and even she is no match. In other words, she can keep it. She is not a problem. After all, she has the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage. In this world, she is almost invincible, but there is no guarantee that she can save the entire planet.

In fact, the technological development of this planet is too poor. It is not easy to rely on safety to protect it.

Because An Ran said that she could only protect herself and could not protect the entire planet, the Central Plains countries did not resist for the time being. They only planned to provide the aliens with the resources they wanted first, and other matters would be discussed later.

At least we didn't go to the Central Plains country to kill people and set fire to people, so everyone is in a better mood. Otherwise, if they had to kill people, set fire to people and establish colonies like the red-haired devils did back then, maybe everyone would have different ideas.

Why is Enron's mission taking a turn for the better when aliens come? Because these aliens came to this planet using wormhole technology.

This is normal. It is impossible to rely on normal speed. Even the speed of light is very slow for space navigation. These aliens are two hundred light years away from our planet, even at the speed of light. It takes two hundred years to reach this planet, which is obviously too slow for space navigation. More powerful technology is needed to support aliens running around.

For example, if aliens come to our planet now, it only takes half a month to arrive.

A distance of two hundred light years can be reached in half a month because they have wormhole technology. It can also be said that they have mastered the technology of space folding and space jump.

With this technology, An Ran began to explore whether they had ever studied the technology of traveling through time and space.

Needless to say, just like in the Internet age, people are interested in the technology of traveling through time and space, people on alien planets are also interested in this technology.

Then they discovered that it was impossible to travel back in time. At most, they could watch the ancient situation as bystanders. This was normal. If they could travel back in time and change the past, what changes would happen in the future? This involves the grandmother paradox, which is naturally impossible.

——But most people suggest not to travel back in time, but to observe the situation in ancient times as a bystander, because sometimes some developments will make you angry, and if you can't solve it, you will become even more angry. If you are too angry, you will be hurt. body, so it is not recommended to look at past developments.

It is impossible to travel through the past, but researchers have discovered that it is possible to travel through other time and space, or in other words, other universes.

Of course, what you travel through is the current time of other universes, and you cannot travel back to the past time of other universes.

The development of each universe is like two leaves on a tree. Although they look different, they sometimes look similar.

An Ran was wondering if her original world was in this multidimensional universe. In that case, could she travel back in time?

However, the aliens in this world are technologically advanced and can indeed travel to other worlds. However, due to the requirement to protect the development of other universes, they cannot travel casually and affect the technological development of other planets. Therefore, if they want to travel to other planets, ordinary people can only As a bystander, watching from the side cannot truly integrate into the local world, just like traveling back to ancient times.

Only some scientific researchers who have passed the application are eligible to apply to enter that world physically instead of watching it through projection.

When An Ran saw that she could travel to other universes, she knew that this would be her turning point. After all, other than this, she couldn't think of any other way to return to her original world.

But there is a difficulty here: if she is asked to become a scientific researcher and apply to go to other universes, she will never be able to get the aliens to agree in her lifetime. After all, this is their advanced technology, how can the aliens agree.

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