Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3322 Everyone has a system 34

Since nothing big happened to the spaceship, how did the captain of the spacecraft deal with such a big thing? Although the aliens spoke vaguely, An Ran knew that this should be some kind of space folding method.

High-tech civilizations can make things similar to storage bags in the world of cultivation, but in the world of science and technology, this is called space folding.

In other words, the captain of the spaceship probably still has a space folding tool on him, otherwise he will not be able to fit the spacecraft.

She can think of this, and the officials of some big countries should also be able to think of this. When she thinks of the other party's spaceship and the other party's space folding method, she is probably very excited, and she is probably looking for this person now.

An Ran felt that it was necessary for her to go to the official intelligence agencies of various countries to check the situation, and she might gain something.

In fact, regarding alien technology, officials from various countries have also interrogated captured aliens. However, just like ordinary people know what technologies are available in modern society but cannot make them themselves, ordinary aliens also know what aliens have. Technology cannot be made by oneself. At most, it can point out the direction to other countries, such as which direction to develop is correct. In the future, great technology can be made, but which direction should not be developed. In their history, they ultimately failed. .

Therefore, after the appearance of aliens, countries in various countries are certainly worried that they will parasitize themselves, but the scientific circles of various countries have been taking action frequently recently, with new discoveries and new technologies emerging one after another. Of course, because of the short time, it is still theoretical for the time being, and there are also some easy-to-make things. There are some handmade products that have not yet been mass-produced, but as long as the things are proven to be useful, mass production will be done very quickly.

Although aliens do not know technology, as long as they tell some things they know, local scientists are all people with high IQs. Through these few words, they can sometimes make new discoveries of their own, so new technologies will come out, which is also very important. normal.

Now Enron is invading the intelligence agency of country A, the most technologically powerful intelligence agency on the planet, to see how their investigation goes.

Although the country where the identity of the game is located is also very powerful, it is still slightly worse than country A, so she first investigates the most powerful country, country A, and takes her time.

Because of IT technology that was far ahead of this era, Enron easily invaded country A's intelligence agency.

Although the most powerful and latest secrets may not exist on networked machines, you can always find some clues.

What's more, Enron not only checks their official organization, but also investigates the communication tools of their investigators or their home computers, etc. It is impossible for everyone to be careful. There will always be someone who is careless and leaks a little bit. The information came out.

Collecting information is a boring process, so An Ran sometimes stares at the computer for a long time, and her brain feels a little uncomfortable. She will also come out to look for aliens, and then some players will attack her, and then fight back, and her points will increase again.

It has to be said that she now has A-level equipment, coupled with 3S healing skills, her own martial arts, and system space weapons. Under the current situation that everyone is not strong, she is completely invincible. Others come to beat her. , all for free.

So although An Ran was doing research these days and didn't go out to kill many aliens, with the "help" of these players, she didn't fall down on the ranking list and her ranking was still good.

Not mentioning other players' troubles with Enron, but saying that Enron's current investigation into the spacecraft crash has not made much progress because she has read information from the intelligence agencies of the most developed countries and other countries, but did not see any useful information. .

Yes, many countries are investigating this matter and looking for the captain of the spaceship, but they can't find him, right? No one knew where he was hiding. He asked the aliens to find a way to contact the captain, but no progress was made.

——No one believes that the captain of the spaceship has left. These aliens do not know his contact information. After all, if the spacecraft is repaired, how will he notify these people to return to his hometown?

However, no matter how they pressed him, even if he was tortured, the aliens insisted that they had no way to contact the captain.

As for when the spaceship is repaired, how to notify them to return to their hometown... There is no need to notify them at all. When the ship is repaired, the captain only needs to start the spacecraft and send them a frequency that only they understand and can hear, calling them if they want to leave. , you can leave the host body, float to the spacecraft and leave; if you don’t want to leave, you can continue to stay on this planet.

Because of this function, this is also the reason why the captain can pack up the ship and leave if the spaceship breaks down.

The words of the aliens don't seem to be false. After all, these aliens can't bear beatings at all. They can cry for their fathers and mothers after a little torture. They don't look like people who can hide anything.

In other words, they really don't know where the captain of the spaceship is, and asking these aliens is in vain.

Since they couldn't find any clues from the aliens, the officials of various countries were confused and had no way to start. After all, God knows where the parasite of the spaceship captain went.

However, they did find a small clue - according to the alien's confession, the spacecraft captain's space folding tool was a ring.

When the alien is not parasitic and is a spiritual body, the ring is also invisible, but when the alien is parasitic, the ring will appear from the invisible state.

In other words, after the alien is parasitized, the ring should be worn on the host.

Regarding the shape of the ring, most aliens did not pay attention and did not know, but there were a few who knew about it. In the end, the officials from various countries with great powers found out the shape and asked about the shape.

At present, officials from various countries have no other choice but to look for the ring.

It's just that for billions of people around the world, the shape of the ring is not that special. It is just a plain circle. The only feature is that it is slightly wider, not like a ring.

Although it has the shape of a ring, it is not very special, so it is not easy to find it.

Countries that are aware of this situation are now looking for this ring. I don’t know how many people are being targeted, but so far, none of them are the target.

An Ran had such a clue, so he naturally followed it.

Although An Ran is alone, her energy is actually no worse than that of officials from various countries, because her investigation methods are more advanced than those from various countries.

Although officials from various countries have mobilized both online and offline forces - online, of course, they are checking surveillance to see if anyone has such a ring; offline, they are conducting human searches, looking for people everywhere, and secretly inquiring to see if anyone is wearing such a ring. People - that's all offline. The energy online is not as good as that of Enron, because looking at surveillance from all over the world, Enron's technology is stronger. It can search for videos that they can't find, and it also has more powerful comparison technology. , so if there is such a person, the probability that Enron can find it will be higher than that of officials from various countries.

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