Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3326 Everyone has a system 38

There are actually many ways to prevent aliens from parasitizing players. If nothing else, it will be difficult for aliens to parasitize players. This is one method.

It's just that the game system's defense method cannot be used in reality, so how to defend it in reality has to be figured out.

Some people may say that it is better to make an automatic sound wave transmitter and wear it on the body. This automatic sound wave transmitter can only transmit frequencies that give aliens headaches. In this way, the indigenous people will not be hurt, but the aliens can If it is injured, it may not become parasitic.

In fact, the official also considered doing this, but finally found that no, the alien is not afraid at all, he can endure the pain for a while, and when he is parasitized, the automatic sonic transmitter on the host will be removed, so that he will not be affected by it. Hurt.

And electric batons that can kill alien mental bodies are useless, because humans cannot be covered with electric current all over their bodies. Even if they make a piece of clothing like this and wear it... it won't work, because if there is no electricity, the outer body will be damaged. If a star's spiritual body electrocutes others or even himself, it would be a big joke.

So although scientists are studying how to defend against alien parasitism, so far, they haven't found one yet.

Although I asked the aliens if there was anything they could do, the aliens' answers were of no help.

First of all, they said there are ways to defend against parasitism, but the inhabitants of the planets they went to before were mostly mentally strong and had mental barriers, so they couldn't be parasitized.

Even in places with low mental power and high technology, they can also create powerful defensive shields so that they cannot be parasitized.

However, in order to prevent the parasitic aliens from coming up with counter-defense methods, they will not tell the parasitic aliens about these high-tech things, so the parasitic aliens do not know how to make defensive things.

What the parasitic alien said makes sense. After all, who would tell the enemy how their defensive weapons are made.

An Ran knew how to make these things, because her mystery-breaking necklace had this function.

However, she looked at the Obstacle Breaking Necklace and found that it could not be made with the materials of this world.

Even the second version cannot be made because it lacks an important material that can resist mental attacks. This world does not have it.

If there were materials for the Obstacle Breaking Necklace in this world, then this ninth ring mission would be easy to complete.

There are also many props in the game store that can resist alien parasitism, but... those props, Enron bought a cheap one and dismantled it, and wanted to imitate it, but finally found that it could not be disassembled - the game system reminded that it cannot be disassembled.

This is also normal. If the props provided by the game store to prevent alien parasitism can be disassembled and copied, then this task cannot be easily completed by any player, so it will definitely not work.

An Ran also observed the materials used in that prop and wanted to see if he could imitate it by using these materials. Finally, he came to the conclusion: This is a useless thing. It is just that the game system gives it some functions. That's right, in the game Here, it's not just that the game system wants something to have whatever capabilities it wants. It doesn't make sense to talk about the production logic of a game prop.

On the other hand, the things in my system store are real things and can be disassembled. If it doesn't work, I will buy another one and take it apart to see if I can imitate it. I am afraid that I will spend a lot of life points to buy it. If I take it apart and look at it, I will find that, If you still can't imitate it yourself, then your life points will be wasted.

After choosing to buy things from the system mall as the last resort, Enron began to check the officials of various countries to see if there were any methods to prevent parasitism.

Needless to say, officials from various countries are naturally trying their best to prevent alien parasitism. After all, they are worried that they will be parasitized, so they naturally step up their research on ways to avoid being parasitized.

An Ran had seen their research progress before, but there was not much progress. The first thing he could do every day was to scan everyone with a sonic weapon to prevent aliens from approaching and parasitizing themselves.

This method is also useful, but to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, there must be a more powerful method so that all ordinary people can wear it without worrying about being parasitized by aliens.

In fact, not only the government is stepping up research, but also wealthy and powerful people in the private sector are stepping up research.

For these rich and powerful people, researching something that can prevent parasitism has two benefits. First, it can be sold at a good price and make a lot of money; second, it can prevent themselves from being parasitized. You need to know these Rich and powerful people, like the top officials, are also afraid of being parasitized by aliens.

Just imagine, you have made a lot of wealth and lived a good life that was respected by others. Suddenly, you are parasitized by aliens, and all your glory and wealth have come to nothing. No one can accept this, so not only the official but also the private sector Capital is also heavily invested in research.

Some people even think that the direction of science and technology is useless and plan to take the path of metaphysics. After all, everyone now knows that a parasitic alien is a spiritual body. Speaking of it, it is no different from a ghost. A parasitic alien is nothing like that. The ghost upper body is quite similar, but more ruthless than the ghost upper body, and it directly replaces the original owner. In this way, are the methods of exorcising ghosts also useful in dealing with parasitic aliens?

——They were not wrong. In fact, it is indeed useful. However, according to the game settings, this world is a purely technological world. There should be no such experts. I'm afraid they won't be able to come up with this thing.

Now Enron looked at some official and even private research from various countries, and finally found that they had not made much progress in research.

This is normal, because in such a short time, who can make something to defend against alien parasitism.

But with these big shots working overtime and researching, especially without considering money, An Ran felt that something to prevent alien parasitism would be developed sooner or later. After all, this time, the officials of various countries discovered aliens early. Before humans have penetrated into every place, the indigenous people have preserved a lot of scientific research strength, and it is normal for them to be able to come up with such things.

It was necessary to change to other dungeons. Players did not mention the aliens to the official, and they continued to grow and develop. By then, aliens had penetrated into the top management of all walks of life. All powerful scientists were parasitized by aliens, and high-level officials from various countries were also parasitized. If they stop us and there are fewer scientists, we may not be able to research anything, and then the world will be occupied by aliens.

They made no progress, and An Ran naturally couldn't wait for them to develop a method, so she had to start her research, or else she would just wait for other countries to develop a method. If she didn't develop a method for a while, her mission would be discontinued.

Fortunately, Enron had made a simple version of the Obstacle Breaking Necklace before, so he still had some research on this type of mental defense weapon.

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