Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3337 Ancient Orphan 1

An Ran saw her leaving and started practicing martial arts.

This mission is weird.

The reason why I say weird is that the original owner didn't mention any wishes. Then, as for the memory, the original owner only gave her the memory before she came in. She didn't give her the memory after that, so she is a little bit blind now. You can practice martial arts first.

So there is a reason why such a mission, which should be a normal ancient world, is a purple mission. The biggest reason is that the original owner did not mention a wish or give a memory. Everyone probably doesn’t know how to complete this mission, so no one is willing to take it.

The reason why An Ran was willing to take it was because it was just a purple mission, and if it failed, it would not matter. So seeing that the extra rewards for this mission were pretty good, he took it.

Because there was no memory of the future and no desire of the original person, after An Ran arrived, she felt like she didn't know what to do.

Shen Anran was originally an orphan. Her parents died, and she is now living with her mother-in-law. She is similar to Sister Lin in Dream of Red Mansions.

The difference is that none of her maternal cousins ​​likes her, and her three aunts do not intend to let their son marry her. After all, in their view, the original parents are both dead, and they are suspected of being tortured. In addition, the Shen family Most of the property was left in the clan. Shen Anran only brought some of Shen's mother's dowry. The only way he could take away that dowry was because of the blessing of his maternal family, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take it away, and that dowry was taken away by Shen Anran. The clan took away a lot, but not much was brought over.

She is suspected of being punished, she doesn't have much dowry, and she won't get any help from her mother's family if she marries in the future. In this case, who would be willing to marry her. After all, Shen Anran's mother-in-law is from the Hou family, and she can marry a girl from a better family.

The Shen family is both in the capital. The reason why Shen Anran can go to live with her mother's family in the same place instead of staying in the Shen family is because the old man and his wife of the Shen family have passed away and the family has been separated. After Shen Anran's parents died, No place to stay.

Logically speaking, the two brothers, Father Shen, should raise her and not let her go to her aunt's family. Otherwise, according to the rules of this era, outsiders would say that the Shen family is mean. After they were destitute, they would not even raise their little girl. .

However, because the original maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother felt sorry for their granddaughter, they only stated that it was raised by Shen's father and two brothers. In fact, Shen Anran had been living in her maternal home.

The original person’s maternal home is the Marquis of Jing’an Mansion. Madam Lu and Mr. Lu are still there. Grandfather and grandmother are still there. In addition, they still love the granddaughter of the original body. The original person is in the Marquis of Jing’an Mansion and is living a pretty good life. .

No matter what the masters or servants in the house think in their hearts, on the surface, they are still getting by.

In order to analyze the original person's wishes, An Ran conducted research on the original person's memories in the years after entering the mansion.

However, these can only be used as a reference, because the original person's memory is affected by the original person's subjective emotions and may be incorrect. For example, in the original person's memory, she feels that her first aunt is cold to her, her second aunt is warm to her, and her third aunt is warm to her. My aunt is neither cold nor enthusiastic, just a normal attitude.

But according to An Ran's observations over the past ten days or so since she came here, Mrs. Lu, the wife of Hou Shizi, is indeed a little indifferent to the original person, but Mrs. Lu is indifferent to everyone. This should be her character. According to her observation, Mrs. Lu is cold to the original person. Although she was not enthusiastic, she was not hostile either.

On the contrary, as the wife of the concubine Mr. Lu Er, Mrs. Lu Er, who was also the original second aunt, was warm to her on the surface. But in fact, An Ran realized that she was only warm on the surface, just to look warm and please Mrs. Lu, so that Mrs. Lu felt that she was very kind to her original body.

In fact, when no one was paying attention, Mrs. Lu was very cold and even a little hostile towards the original body. An Ran felt that this was probably because she was afraid that Mrs. Lu would pity the original body and wanted her younger son to marry the original body. , she loves her youngest son very much, and does not want her to marry a daughter-in-law like her who wants property but not property, wants help but cannot help, and tortures her parents, so she is a little hostile, fearing that Mrs. Lu will marry her.

Mrs. Lu San, also known as the third aunt, originally thought that although she was not as good as her second aunt, she was easier to get along with than her eldest aunt.

But in fact, according to An Ran's observation, Mrs. Lu San is quite enthusiastic towards others. On the contrary, her attitude towards the original person is much colder. In comparison, Mrs. Lu San also obviously has opinions on the original person.

This is normal. As far as she knows, Mrs. Lu San also has a son who is about the same age as the original person. She is probably afraid that Mrs. Lu will want her son, or the eldest son, to marry the original person.

It is normal that Mrs. Lu is not worried at all, because first of all, Mrs. Lu’s son is the eldest grandson and will inherit the title in the future. No matter how much Mrs. Lu loves her granddaughter, she will not give up to her granddaughter in the future. The eldest grandson of the family, marries such a granddaughter-in-law; secondly, Young Master Lu is much older than the original person, he already has someone to discuss marriage with, and his family background is very good. In this case, Mrs. Lu does not need to be like Mrs. Lu Like Mrs. Lu San, she was worried that her son would marry An Ran.

Since she doesn't have to worry about Mrs. Lu giving her son a marriage proposal, she is just an ordinary girl living in the Marquis Mansion. She will get married in two years, so there is no need to have any hostility towards her.

This is the reason why although her attitude towards the original person is cold, she is not as hostile as Mrs. Lu Second and Mrs. Lu Third.

As for the original person, because she was young, she couldn't even tell what her three aunts' attitudes were towards her. Sometimes, this memory was really not useful.

Of course, it is not completely useless, because some people who are evil on the surface will never have wrong memories of their original lives. For example, those people in the Shen family clan, including Mr. Shen and his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Shen, who are extremely poor. I don’t want to raise an orphan yet, my heart is so bad, I have nothing to say.

The original person is now fourteen years old. Generally, at such an old age, parents would have already started planning an engagement for him. However, because of the embarrassing status of the original person, no one has ever taken care of this matter.

Mrs. Lu and her husband do love their granddaughter, but the original uncle and uncle are still there. Mrs. Lu cannot go beyond the Shen family and decide the original marriage, because in this era, the original parents have died, and the marriage is between the uncle and the original uncle. Uncle has the final say.

Of course, Mrs. Lu loves her granddaughter, so she wants to arrange a marriage for her, and then mention it to Master Shen and Master Shen. In view of the power of the Lu family, the two of them may not object, especially if Mr. Shen and his brothers would not object to marrying his original body to some of the sons of the Lu family.

It is precisely because they understand this that Mrs. Lu Second and Mrs. Lu are afraid that Mrs. Lu loves her granddaughter and would do such a thing. This is also the reason why they are somewhat hostile to the original person.

If it weren't for this era, a woman couldn't make the decision on her own marriage. Otherwise, if we were to leave it to the present day, if the original body knew what her two aunts thought, she would probably tell her aunts directly and tell them not to worry, she didn't like it at all. Two cousins, they won’t get married.

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