Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3340 Ancient Orphan 4

Immediately, Mother Ma handed over all the things she had greedily swallowed.

It was impossible not to hand it over. Mrs. Lu said that if she handed it over, her family would still be alive if they sold it. If she didn't hand it over, their family would definitely be dead if they handed it over to the Yamen, so she had no choice but to hand it over.

Mother Ma would take away the original person's things, and the reason was very simple. She thought that the original person was simple and easy to deceive, and she didn't have much courage. If she didn't dare to mention it again, wouldn't these thousands of taels of things fall into her pocket smoothly?

When the time comes, ask the original body for grace and let her go free. Then, with a few thousand taels of silver and a few hundred acres of land, you can become a small landowner and a master. How wonderful. .

Unexpectedly, this girl was so innocent that she actually knew how to ask the old lady to help her. Now it was better, the money she got was returned, and the family was sold far away from a prosperous place like the capital. , Grandma Ma couldn't help but regret stealing the money. After all, if she hadn't done such a thing, she would have been able to continue to stay in the capital and live a good life as the lady's confidant.

When the three heads of the Lu family heard that An Ran asked the old lady for help and got the money back from Diao Nu, they had different reactions. Some thought An Ran was stupid because he couldn't even keep his own things and let Diao Nu do it. He left; some felt that An Ran was not that stupid and wanted his things back after all.

But no matter what, after thousands of taels of things were lost, the three families still felt that An Ran was a bit stupid. After all, if he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't have made such a mistake. After all, how could he not find out that thousands of taels of things were missing? Woolen cloth? It's not stupid.

Therefore, it is right not to let his son marry this girl. If such a stupid girl becomes his daughter-in-law in the future, he will not be ruined by the slaves in the future. After all, the old lady cannot take care of her for her whole life.

An Ran didn't care at all what the Lu family thought. After sorting out his things, he took the four thousand taels of silver to the bank and exchanged them for four hundred taels of gold ingots.

She wants to buy a field now, which is inconvenient, because if she buys it, she must give it to Mrs. Lu, just like the previous field shop, let her help deal with it, but An Ran doesn't want to put the property on others, the property is still in her own hands It felt more secure in hand, so I exchanged it for gold.

The reason for switching to gold is also very simple. Compared with silver, the price of gold is stronger, and as time goes by, gold will only become more valuable, on the contrary, the price of silver will fall.

Although it is a different world, this world passed the system safely and spent some time scanning the health points. It was also found that the gold reserves were much lower than silver, so it was dealt with in this way.

Changing it to gold may not increase the price, but it will never fall. In addition, it can reduce weight, take up less space, and is more cost-effective.

As for converting all the four thousand taels of silver into gold, what should I do if I don’t have any money at hand... Don’t worry about that, Mrs. Lu is still kind to the original person. When she asked Mrs. Lu to make clothes and jewelry for the girls in the house, she also I will get a copy for the original person, so if An Ran needs money, he can melt jewelry that was not very fashionable in the past, especially the kind of red gold, into golden beans.

Of course, she will not be short of money. She also has monthly money. Although the monthly money is only two taels, and she has to reward the servants in the house from time to time, it may not be enough, but at the end of the year, she still has Zhuangzi from Mother Shen's dowry. Although the things and money sent are not much, it is still enough if it is not used for other expenses and is only used to reward the people in the house.

Although the original body was simple before, it was enough to rely on these things and did not use the things in Shen's mother's dowry.

Now that it's An Ran, there's no reason to spend more than the original person. After all, the original person didn't know the world at the time, and sometimes he was often deceived out of his possessions. You know, not every master in the Lu family has money. , there are always people who don’t have much money, so they want to take advantage of others. Even if they have money, if they can take advantage of others, they will naturally take advantage of it, such as organizing poetry clubs, birthday parties, etc. In the past, those girls from the Lu family would make a fuss. He said that the original person was rich and asked the original person to pay for the organization. He said that they had nothing but monthly money. The original person was stupid. In addition, he felt that he was dependent on others and was embarrassed not to contribute money, so he actually paid for the organization.

In Enron's view, it was simply a case of being taken advantage of.

Some girls in the Lu family may not have much money, but the biological daughters of Mrs. Lu’s three wives and the daughters of concubines who are favored by concubines. Their mothers are rich. How could they have no money? They just want to take advantage of it. The original is just cheap.

Judging from An Ran's dealings with the ladies of the Lu family in the past ten days, although not all of them are bad, most of them look down on the original person. They feel that both the original person's parents have died, and the Shen family has followed the father of Shen. He died in a state of poverty and was incomparable to the Lu family, so he naturally looked down on his original form.

——The Shen family was prosperous in the past because Father Shen was young and promising. He won the third prize at a young age. He was already in the fourth rank before his death. He had a bright future. Who knew he would die young.

So the Shen family really went too far, relying on Shen's father to get rich. In the end, Shen's father died, and they treated Shen's father's orphans like this, and devoured the orphans in that way.

There are no others who look down on the original person. Seeing that the other sisters look down on the original person, they are afraid of being rejected by the small group and are not friendly to the original person, so the relationship with the original person is not very good - in fact, it is a kind of cold-blooded bullying, but without fighting. We are just human beings, but sometimes for children, not having friends makes them sad and hurts just as much.

Because she had no friends of the same age, this was probably the reason why the original person fell in love with Young Master Wang. Because Young Master Wang was kind to her and made the lonely original person feel the care and warmth, so she fell in love.

Of course, when An Ran is an adult, she doesn't mind the boring bullying of little girls at all, because she doesn't need anyone to talk to her, and she doesn't insist on having a friend, so when Shihui meets again After she came, several girls from the Lu family invited her to participate again and asked her to pay for the organization. An Ran refused directly and refused to the end - not to participate in their poetry meeting.

In this way, she wouldn't go to the poetry party, and naturally she wouldn't have to pay for it. Let them, a group of little girls, entertain themselves. She had no interest at all.

Miss Lu San who sent the letter is the daughter of Mrs. Lu Er. Mrs. Lu’s legitimate daughter, Miss Lu, and her concubine’s daughter, Miss Lu Er, are both married, so Miss Lu San is the eldest daughter in the family, one year older than her original daughter. , a good marriage has been arranged.

The person who loves to take advantage of others is her.

Although she is the legitimate daughter, because her mother was from an ordinary background and did not have much private property, she became a concubine's wife, and her mother-in-law would not subsidize her. Therefore, Mrs. Lu Er did not have much money on hand, resulting in Miss Lu being the legitimate daughter. , although there is no shortage of money, there is not much money, so because of the stupidity of the original body, he asked the original body to pay for every poetry meeting.

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