Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3345 Ancient Orphan 9

In fact, the eldest princess is also happy to see these families whose status is not as good as hers bring the young men to play. After all, it may be embarrassing for her son to play alone among these girls. Now there are other young men, and everyone can enjoy the flowers together. , reciting poems, nothing could be better.

Moreover, those people are not as good as her son, and they can also serve as a foil to her son, so that those girls will know that her son's conditions are better, and it will be easier for her to choose her son. In this way, afterwards, she will screen the girls that her son is interested in. , and it meets her own requirements. If she asks these people again, the success rate will be higher. Unlike the previous Princess Fangyun of Wang Lu’s family, she thought this matter was foolproof. After all, she is the emperor’s sister, and Lu The king considered that the distant sect was separated from the royal family by several generations. Considering that she was the emperor's sister, the other party would definitely agree.

As a result, they sent someone to ask, but they got the wrong idea - Princess Fangyun's girl had such a high vision that she actually looked down on her own son.

Thinking of this, the eldest princess couldn't help but sneer, thinking about what kind of person she could choose. A girl from the clan has a salary and an official land. Although she has a life to rely on, it is also difficult to choose a good husband. Because those with outstanding conditions are not willing to choose clan girls. They want to take the imperial examination and enter official careers. However, for those with not outstanding conditions, clan girls rely on their noble birth and look down on them. Therefore, they cannot help but settle for a high level or a low level. Many people marry poor people. It won't be too satisfying.

In fact, the eldest princess has wronged Princess Fangyun. Princess Fangyun is neither a high nor a low person. The reason why she is unwilling to marry Crown Prince Song is purely because she is a beauty control. Crown Prince Song is not bad in appearance, but Even though she was not attracted to him, there were many young men in the capital who were better-looking than him, so Princess Fangyun naturally wanted to marry someone better-looking than him.

It is normal for Princess Fangyun to be a beauty-controller. Because the husbands of clan girls cannot serve as officials, it is generally difficult for clan girls to find a son with better conditions, so Princess Fangyun thought that since she could not marry with good conditions, Yes, then find someone who is good-looking and must have one advantage, right? Anyway, she is the princess and has a salary and official land, so she is not afraid of running out of money. When she doesn’t have to worry about money, she will naturally I want to choose something long and good-looking.

The eldest princess didn't know that Princess Fangyun was thinking too much and wanted to marry a good-looking girl. She thought that Princess Fangyun was too high-ranking and too low-ranking, so she thought too much.

But at the moment, the eldest princess was right. With such a group of green leaves as a backdrop, there were quite a few girls who liked Crown Prince Song. If nothing else, several girls from the Lu family were all satisfied with Crown Prince Song. They sat next to An Ran, one and two. Everyone was praising Crown Prince Song.

Some said: "The Crown Prince of Song is really a talented person."

Although Princess Fangyun did not like Crown Prince Song, Crown Prince Song was actually pretty good-looking, so the girls from the Lu family naturally praised him.

Another person said: "You are also funny when you talk."

Someone else praised the Princess's Mansion: "The Princess's Mansion is really magnificent and royal. Our Marquis' Mansion usually looks good, but it is still incomparable to the Princess' Mansion."

"That's for sure. It's the princess's mansion after all."

Although the events of the last poetry meeting made their attitude toward An Ran even worse, they, like Crown Prince Song, also need green leaves, especially the two concubines Miss Lu Si and Miss Lu Six. They need green leaves even more. After all, If An Ran hadn't been there, they would have become the green leaves for the fifth girl Lu. But now that An Ran is here, An Ran can become the green leaves for the three of them. Therefore, several girls from the Lu family stayed with An Ran and had no reason to go to school. The next thing happened to An Ran today. After all, she still wants to be a green leaf. What if she scolds her and annoys her and she doesn't want to be a green leaf anymore?

As for An Ran, it doesn't matter, as long as they don't cause trouble for her, that's fine.

So now we were tired from walking in the garden, so we all sat together to rest.

After several girls from the Lu family finished praising Crown Prince Song, they asked An Ran for his opinion on Crown Prince Song.

Naturally, An Ran couldn't speak ill of Crown Prince Song. After all, if the news spread and offended the eldest princess, she would have an enemy. Although she was not afraid of the eldest princess, there was no need to cause trouble.

So An Ran said immediately: "There are too many people. I can't get forward. I didn't look carefully, so it's hard to express my opinion."

This is true, because An Ran had no interest in Crown Prince Song, so he didn't crowd around to watch. On the contrary, people like Miss Lu and others had spent a lot of time chatting with Crown Prince Song and others.

When An Ran said this, Miss Lu Liu rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and smiled: "My cousin knows that she is not qualified to marry into such a family, so she doesn't dare to come forward, which is quite wise."

Miss Lu Liu was the most unhappy about the last poetry meeting. Because An Ran no longer wanted to be taken advantage of, she had fewer opportunities to eat and drink. And her aunt was not favored and had no money. Mrs. Lu San would never do it. To subsidize her privately, she doesn't have extra money like Miss Lu San or Miss Lu Wu. She only has a little bit of monthly silver every month. Even if she doesn't use it herself, it won't even be enough to reward her servants. This is a disguised equivalent of An Ran not being taken advantage of and infringing on her interests, so when she heard that An Ran was unwilling to come over to spend money and organize a poetry meeting, her reaction was the most intense. Now she was also deeply hostile and deliberately acted in such a weird way. safely.

After listening to Miss Lu Liu's words, An Ran said calmly: "It sounds like the sixth cousin is very sure about marrying the Song Crown Prince, so I'll congratulate the sixth cousin in advance."

One sentence made Miss Lu Wu look ugly. She glanced at Miss Lu Liu and thought to herself, with her here, what qualifications does Lu Liu have?

And by this time, Miss Lu Wu had come to her senses. Although they had just praised Crown Prince Song together, they were actually in a competitive relationship! When she thought of this, Miss Lu Wu's feelings for Miss Lu Liu immediately became worse, worse than her feelings for An Ran. After all, Shen Anran was not qualified to compete with her, and she didn't have to worry about An Ran stealing people from her. .

Miss Lu Liu looked at her sister-in-law and glanced at her, and couldn't help but stare at An Ran, her expression turned ugly, thinking that this Shen Anran was really bad, and he provoked a conflict between their sisters with just one sentence!

Although she knew that with Lu Wu standing in the way, it would be difficult for her to marry the Song Crown Prince. In fact, she was just like Shen Anran, who she laughed at, and was not qualified. However, she also wanted to fantasize about a family with such good conditions, so she Thinking, as long as Crown Prince Song insists on marrying her, there is nothing Lu Wu can do.

Unexpectedly, Shen Anran exposed her thoughts and made Lu Wu unhappy, which naturally made Miss Lu Liu angry with Anran.

An Ran was not afraid of Miss Lu Liu, so even if Miss Lu Liu glared at her, she was content and didn't take it to heart.

Just when several girls from the Lu family were having a lawsuit on their heads, someone came over and said, "The third prince, the fourth prince, and the fifth prince are here!"

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