Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3353 Ancient Orphan 17

When the Shen family heard that An Ran was favored in the Fifth Prince's Mansion, they were very happy and began to use An Ran's favor to seek benefits for themselves.

In the Fifth Prince's Mansion, An Ran also mentioned the Shen family to the Fifth Prince.

On this day, the fifth prince came to An Ran according to the date discussed by the two, and when they pretended to have sex, An Ran said to the fifth prince: "Although I am just a concubine, my relatives should not have much influence on you, but for precaution In case, there is something, I still want to tell you, you'd better pay attention, lest anyone use this to cause trouble, I just want to live quietly here, and don't want to be affected by some people."

"What's the matter?" the fifth prince said in confusion.

An Ran said: "There are two groups of relatives who are close to me. One group is my relatives on my mother's side, which is the Jing'an Marquis Mansion. Don't worry about this. My grandfather and the others are relatively reliable, so they shouldn't. What kind of trouble will it cause? There is another group of relatives on my father's side. You should pay attention to this group of relatives. Judging from the little property they coveted in my family back then, the three bedrooms of the Shen family's big house are all. A short-sighted and greedy person, now that I have become the prince's concubine, I am afraid that someone will take advantage of this to get benefits. I am afraid that someone will take advantage of this and hurt you, which will in turn affect my quiet life here, so I am in advance Let me tell you, you should pay attention to the situation with the Shen family and don’t be fooled by them."

In fact, not only was he afraid of being affected by the Shen family, but the main reason was that he didn't want to bring any benefits to the Shen family who bullied him like that. Therefore, knowing the safe character of the Shen family, he vaccinated the fifth prince in advance.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't want the Shen family to get any benefits, An Ran might not have reminded her, because she said she didn't want to be disturbed. In fact, she was not afraid of being disturbed. If it weren't for her conflict with the Shen family, otherwise, she would She doesn't care what the Shen family does, whether it will affect the fifth prince, or whether it will affect her if the fifth prince is unlucky. Anyway, as time goes by, her martial arts will become better and better. If something happens, she will just run away. No need to be afraid. After all, the fifth prince accepted her directly without asking her or the Lu family's opinion. Therefore, she has no feelings for the fifth prince and naturally won't worry about his affairs.

The reason why I obediently married into the Fifth Prince's Mansion in the first place was because I didn't want to stay in the Lu family anymore. I thought it would be good to stay in the Fifth Prince's Mansion for a while. If something happened to the Fifth Prince in the future, I would just leave.

However, after getting along with each other for a period of time, it can be seen that although the fifth prince, like other members of the royal family, does not take the thoughts of ordinary people to heart and does whatever he wants, this is probably due to the influence of the environment and the formation of fixed thinking. After getting to know him deeply, he discovered that the other party was actually quite simple. He only wanted to be a prince and did not want to compete for any big position, nor did he find out that he had done anything bad in private.

Considering that he was only seventeen years old, which was only the age of a high school student in modern times, An Ran thought that his character of disregarding other people's thoughts might be able to be corrected. Once he got older and his character was formed, it would be difficult to correct him, just like him. Those brothers.

If he gets better in the future and becomes less self-righteous, she can help him when he is in danger so that nothing happens to the Fifth Prince's Mansion. After all, it would be good if he doesn't need to run around.

Of course, if he doesn't get better, she will definitely not care about him. If something happens to the Fifth Prince's Mansion, she will leave even if it is troublesome to leave the Fifth Prince's Mansion. After all, she does not want to help someone with a questionable character. people.

There is another situation where she will leave, that is, if the fifth prince has a wife, then even if the fifth prince gets better, she will definitely leave, because she doesn't want to greet people all day long.

After she leaves, it will be none of her business if something happens to the Fifth Prince's Mansion. After all, she is just a little "concubine" and not the mistress of the Prince's Mansion. What's the matter with her? My heart, she is in charge of the life and death of the Prince's Mansion, let the mistress of the Prince's Mansion worry about it.

Not talking about the future, I just said that the fifth prince immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. I will tell my maternal family when the time comes and let them pay attention to the situation."

An Ran reminded the Shen family of the matter and felt relieved, because she thought that when Concubine Wang Shu's family heard about this, they would definitely keep an eye on the Shen family. If the Shen family used her identity to do anything, the Wang family would definitely stop it. In this way, the Shen family will not get any benefits.

With the Wang family taking action, she didn't have to do anything to give the Shen family a good drink, which was better than if she had taken action herself and people said she was mean and unkind to her relatives.

And preventing the Shen family from using her to do bad things would also prevent the Shen family from being used and harming the Fifth Prince's Mansion, killing two birds with one stone.

An Ran's plan was correct, and soon the fifth prince told his family about the situation reported by An Ran.

When the Wang family heard that the fifth prince asked them to pay attention to the Shen family, saying that the Shen family was greedy and not to use An Ran's identity to do something that would make people caught, they immediately paid attention. Then they discovered that the fifth prince's reminder was still there. It was really timely, because the Shen family really planned to use Shen Anran's status as the fifth prince's concubine to cause trouble, so they stopped it immediately and threatened them, saying that if the Shen family did not listen to the advice and continued to cause trouble, don't blame them for looking for them. trouble.

Because it was not An Ran who warned, but the Wang family, the fifth prince's maternal family, the Shen family did not dare to be disobedient at all, for fear that the Wang family would cause trouble for them if they disobeyed, so although they were angry, they had to stop, but in their hearts, But he had a grudge against the Wang family, thinking that unless the fifth prince did not ascend the throne, if he did, if his niece became a beloved concubine, how would he deal with the Wang family when he saw it.

As for when the Wang family will become the queen mother's natal family and the new emperor's natal family, they seem to be even more unable to deal with it, but they don't think so. They think that the natal family of the beloved concubine will be more powerful. After all, there are countless natal families of beloved concubines in history. Infinitely, even more prosperous than the Queen Mother’s family.

While the Shen family was resenting the Wang family, Concubine Wang Shu was also thinking about An Ran.

The news of An Ran's favor spread to the Shen family and to Concubine Wang Shu.

There were many rumors, and Concubine Wang Shu thought they were all rumors, but when she called in Nanny Liu for questioning, she realized that most of these rumors were actually true, and they were completely different from the unrecognizable rumors spread before.

"Your Highness really often eats with her and spends the night at her place at least every three days. Is she really able to do whatever she wants in the house?" Wang Shufei asked with an ugly face.

Aunt Liu nodded and said, "That's true."

Concubine Wang Shu almost vomited blood. You know, her son didn't eat with her as often as Shen Anran!

——This is normal, because she is always thinking about seizing the throne, and the fifth prince and she cannot talk together, so naturally they don't want to eat together, which will affect their appetite.

But it's different from An Ran. Sometimes An Ran comes to him for something, and sometimes he has something to communicate with An Ran, so the two of them naturally have to eat together often and exchange the information they have.

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