Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3357 Ancient Orphan 21

Some people even came up to the fifth prince to make fun of him.

This man is the fourth prince.

"I met Ms. Shen at my aunt's house, but I didn't think she was very good-looking. Why do you like her so much?"

The fourth prince came to ask the fifth prince this question, both out of curiosity and as a cliché. He wanted to see if the fifth prince really liked Shen Anran.

The fifth prince said: "She is indeed not top-notch, but she is not bad. The key is that she is the most pure and good-natured girl I have ever seen. We came from the palace. Fourth brother should know that this is Girls are so rare, so it’s normal for me to like her.”

The fifth prince answered sincerely. Of course, that's pretty much what he thought.

When Shen Anran came in and beat him violently at the beginning, he had thought that if there was danger, he would let the guards kill Anran.

But as time went by, everyone misunderstood that he liked Shen, was addicted to beauty, and relaxed his vigilance towards him. The fifth prince changed his mind and felt that it was good to keep Shen, since she could not threaten him anyway. , On the contrary, keeping him will bring a lot of convenience to him, how good it is.

As he stayed with Shen for longer and longer, he slowly got to know Shen, and found that she was actually quite a nice person, unlike those in the palace who he had been in contact with since childhood, who had treacherous minds and could harm others at any time. With women here, Shen has always been straightforward. If anything happens, she will tell him directly without hiding it. And he also knows that Shen Anran has high martial arts value, so there is no need to hide it from him. If you have anything to say, just say it.

So when he said that An Ran was the most innocent girl, he was definitely not exaggerating, but that An Ran was really the most direct person he had ever seen.

Even if the girls outside are not as thoughtful as the girls in the palace, many of them also have their own little plans. As long as An Ran has something to say, he will just say it. Although he understands that this is because they are strong in martial arts, so they can do this. Other girls don't have martial arts, so they don't dare to live so casually, but... he feels that even if other girls have martial arts, not all of them will be as casual as An Ran, so he feels that An Ran will be so straightforward. Straightforward, it is still due to personality.

Because what the fifth prince said was sincere and didn't look like a lie at all, the fourth prince looked at it and thought to himself, could it be that the fifth prince really likes Shen and isn't he just putting on a show?

If his current expression was acting, then his acting skills would be too great.

Because he felt that the fifth prince's acting skills were not very good. After all, if he was so good, why hadn't he noticed it before? Therefore, the fourth prince leaned towards it. The fifth prince really liked Shen Anran.

Thinking of this, the fourth prince couldn't help but curled his lips in his heart, secretly thinking that it seems that Lao Wu really has nothing to fear, because if he really likes Shen so much and is so addicted to beauty, who will value him and be willing to follow him? After all, Don't be afraid that if Lao Wu ascends the throne, he will become a foolish king in the future.

Besides, Lao Wu likes Shen. Except for a few careerists who don't care about his daughter's life or death, most people will not marry their daughters to him. In this way, without the help of marriage, his strength will be greatly reduced. In this regard, Lao Wu is nothing to fear.

Not only did the other princes look down on the fifth prince from now on, but the emperor also felt that the fifth prince was hopeless and stopped watching out for him.

Some people do pretend to be addicted to women, but in fact they are not addicted to women, but are obscene and developed. However, the emperor feels that Lao Wu is not like pretending to be addicted to women, but really addicted to women. After all, whose family He is so obscenely developed that he can act like this, and even his power has been greatly reduced. Obviously, his fifth son is really addicted to women, and no one wants to be on his team. In this way, he naturally reduces his hatred towards him. beware.

Just when the fourth prince despised the fifth prince, the fifth prince's biological mother, Concubine Wang Shu, saw that she could not get rid of the Shen family. On the contrary, her relationship with her son broke because of the Shen family, and she almost hated An Ran to her core.

And now, something makes her even more annoyed - that idiot son insists on liking Mrs. Shen. Now it's hard to find a real concubine for him, because most families don't want to marry their daughters to their beloved. Someone who belongs.

And those who are willing to marry are the ones she doesn't like - either those who have little power and want to gain benefits by hugging her, or those who have a certain degree of power and want to bet that their son will ascend to the throne and his daughter will become the queen.

As for such a person, because there are not many people who support the fifth prince and his own family is the most powerful, he can't help but be domineering in front of Wang Shufei. Wang Shufei cannot accept it. After all, she is not willing to be inferior to others and be angry with others.

In the palace, she is just a concubine. There are concubines, queens, etc. above her. There is nothing she can do about being inferior to others. After all, after entering the palace, the concubines in the palace have levels. Her level is not the highest. She can't reach the top through hard work. There is no way.

But the son is different. The son does not live in the palace and has an equal status with other princes. So why do other princes marry wives who are honest and honest, but when it comes to their own sons, they marry domineering wives? Domineering?

In addition, she doesn't want a domineering daughter-in-law. She can't stand it if Shen is favored. If there is another domineering daughter-in-law, wouldn't it cost her her life?

So she didn't want to feel inferior to others when announcing her son's marriage.

But she was not inferior to others. She was an honest girl and felt that her status was low, so she went back and forth but could not find a daughter-in-law that she was satisfied with.

Thinking of this, Concubine Wang Shu hated An Ran even more, because before An Ran appeared, there were still many people who came to inquire about her.

Although there are many princes and I don’t know who will take the throne, since my son is one of the princes, there are naturally a lot of people betting on it. Since these families have already lined up for their sons, they are not afraid of marriage. They have already lined up anyway. Without marriage, if there is no marriage, If you fail to take sides, your daughter will not end up well in the future. On the contrary, if you succeed in taking sides, your daughter will become the queen in the future if she marries the fifth prince.

With this idea in mind, someone naturally approached her about marrying her daughter to the fifth prince.

But now, as the news came out that the fifth prince favored the Shen family, these families fell silent and got engaged one after another, for fear that they would ask their daughters if they were willing to marry their own sons.

Some people have even stopped siding with their own family and other people's families. They probably feel that their sons are addicted to beauty and are hopeless, and there is no value in siding with them.

She knew why these people were unwilling to marry their daughters to her son. It was because they used to bet that their son would rise to the throne and gain the benefits of becoming a queen. But now that his son has a beloved concubine, with such a performance, it is not certain whether he can rise to the throne. Even if he can ascend to the throne, he has a beloved concubine, and even if his daughter becomes the queen, it will be of no use, because the next generation of emperor in the future may be Shen Anran's son. Who knows if his daughter is married? You can't have a child. If you think about it like this, who would want to get married with your own family? Not only do they not plan to get married, some people even stop siding with your own family.

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