Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 336 Rebirth of Military Wife 22

At this time, Father Lu saw that Lu's mother and An Ran were still living well. The regret he felt when he and Liu Yan turned against each other emerged again. He thought that if he hadn't raised Liu Yan's mother and daughter outside, he would have regretted it. He should still be a member of the family at this time. For the sake of his daughter, a being that everyone respects would never end up like this. Everyone shuns him like a snake or scorpion, with no relatives around him, and he is all alone. A tragic end.

But what's the use of regretting it at this time? It's too late. After all, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Of course, those are all things in the future, but at the moment, An Ran will naturally not let Liu Yan and Lu Yiran go so easily. After all, they are the murderers of the original body. How could she think that it is okay and let them go easily after seeing them in despair? They - even if they were busy paying back Mother Lu's money every day, An Ran didn't think that such a punishment was worthy of murder.

But there is a problem: these two people wanted to kill her back then, but because her anti-cancer drug was successfully developed, they stopped this plan in order to gain profits. In this way, in their original world, they Killing the original body and letting them go would be too easy for them, but in this world, they didn't kill her, which made it difficult for her to punish them even if she wanted to.

An Ran carefully looked at the information of the two people and found that there was indeed no way to kill them in an honest way, but she was not willing to let this vicious mother and daughter go. Having no other choice, An Ran decided to kill them directly. .

Instead of punishing enemies through official trials, he personally eliminates them physically. It's not like Enron has never done this before. For example, in a world where there are many men and few women, when he killed several brothers of the Ma family, he almost eliminated them directly, so one person gave birth to two people. If you get back to it and do it again, it won't be difficult to do it as long as the conditions are ripe.

Moreover, Liu Yan and her daughter never thought that she would kill them. If they were not wary, it would be easier to kill them themselves.

It's just that modern times are different from ancient times. There are surveillance everywhere in modern times. If your actions are caught by surveillance, you will have to pay for your life if you kill someone intentionally. And An Ran naturally doesn't want to lose the lives of Liu Yan and her daughter, so what's going on? Actions must also be well planned.

It was Liu Yan and the others who were seeking death on their own. In order to avoid the siege from netizens, Liu Yan and her daughter decided to leave the villa and find a place to live outside that was unknown to netizens. Naturally, An Ran, who had been monitoring Liu Yan and her daughter, , I knew it right away.

An Ran couldn't help but be happy when she saw Liu Yan and her daughter leaving the villa.

You must know that living in that villa, not to mention that the community is a high-end community with a lot of surveillance, only that there are many netizens around, and it is difficult for An Ran to make a move. Now that the other party has left the villa and is looking for another place, there is no one around. Knowing that they had moved in, and compared to the previous villa, there were much less surveillance, it was too easy to take action.

But An Ran couldn't kill them directly, as that would easily attract the attention of the police.

So An Ran's idea was to create an accident so that the police didn't notice that they were killed and thought it was an accident.

It is not difficult to create an accident.

At least it is not difficult for An Ran, who has been practicing for many years and is very skilled.

But that night, An Ran quietly left her residence through the back door after falling asleep as usual. As the most outstanding scientist in the Jin Kingdom, she had countless people protecting her, so not only did Liu Yan and her daughter have too many people around her, it was not good. The one who started it was herself. Since there were so many people around her, it was difficult to leave for a while without being discovered. So if she wanted to leave in the normal way, she would be discovered anyway. Even at the back door, there were many surveillance and patrol personnel. Then There are absolutely no loopholes to exploit, and the reason why An Ran was able to leave quietly without being discovered was because she spent a lot of money to buy the concealment talisman of the world of cultivation from the system mall and deceived the surveillance and patrols. Staff, otherwise it wouldn’t be so easy at all.

After arriving at Liu Yan's mother and daughter's new residence easily without anyone noticing, An Ran did nothing else but quietly climbed in through the window and turned on the gas stove.

After letting it sit for a while, it felt like it was ready. An Ran left the window and opened the window at the same time - so that the neighbors could smell the gas and call the police, so as not to let the gas out for too long and avoid any accidents. For example, if there is an explosion, it would be bad if it affects the surrounding neighbors.

Not long after, someone called the police. When the police arrived, they quickly discovered the source of the gas leak. They immediately broke into the door, turned off the gas, and called an ambulance for Liu Yan and her daughter.

But as An Ran expected, unfortunately, the ambulance came late and the mother and daughter died.

Seeing that they died as he wished, An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly saying that the original's most important mission was completed.

As for dealing with Fang Yan and others next, it depends on the situation.

The original person said that he wanted to see if Wei Dajun was complicit in the betrayal of her by being ungrateful. An Ran felt that based on his own observation for such a long time, Wei Dajun's outlook on life was quite normal and he should have never done anything like this. , if you want to know what happened in your previous life, you won’t be able to find out unless you wait for the mission to be completed and watch the unfinished plot. Now there is a new function. You can spend your life points to understand the plot and mission before entering, but this understanding is only The memory limited to the original person is not understood from the perspective of God like the unfinished plot, so An Ran naturally has no way of knowing whether Wei Dajun really framed the original person.

Of course, there is another way to know whether Wei Dajun framed the original body, that is, when entering the mission, do nothing, wait for everyone to do all the things they did to the original body in the previous life, and then react on their own. I know the role that everyone plays in it, but since I had no intention of doing this before, naturally I can't understand it now.

Fortunately, although she no longer understands it, because she did not help Wei Dajun like the original person did, Wei Dajun was not promoted at this moment, but soon transferred back to his job, unlike in the world where the original person was, he became a general. , the scenery is endless. In this case, even if she doesn't know whether the other party has framed the original body, but with this development, if the other party really does something sorry for the original body, I believe the original body will also like it.

She didn't deal with Wei Dajun, but that didn't mean she wouldn't deal with Fang Yan.

Although Fang Yan added insult to injury, it would not cost the original person's life, so she did not have to accept the other person's life like she did to Liu Yan's mother and daughter, but she still needed to be punished.

Although without her help, Fang Yan is not like the majestic general's wife in her original world. Now she is a down-and-out divorced woman who wants to marry a rich and powerful man. Such misery is not the result of An Ran's cleanup, but the result of her own tossing. And, in a sense, it is not very miserable. After all, the other party has not been able to marry the rich and powerful man she wanted. Dude, so she herself felt a little miserable. She had no worries about food and drink, and lived a pretty good life. When she divorced Wei Dajun, Wei Dajun was kind enough to share her property with her. How could this be called miserable? She just didn't live the life she wanted. The life she wants is just as miserable as Fang Yan imagined.

So An Ran must still deal with her and make her miserable in the true sense.

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