Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3364 Ancient Orphan 28

Seeing such a situation, all the guests at the scene couldn't help but be shocked. Some people were a little confused, wondering what was going on, but more people realized that something was wrong, thinking that this girl looked like a madman.

We had long heard that the daughter of Wu Shilang's family was sick, but subconsciously, everyone just thought that the girl was like most girls, delicate and in poor health. No one expected that this girl's illness was actually a madness!

They dared to hide their madness and marry the girl to the fifth prince. This family of the Minister of Household Affairs is really brave.

But...according to the other party, their daughter has recovered from her illness. She may not have been crazy in the past two years. They thought she was normal, so they married her. Otherwise, everyone would not believe it. Next, they dare to marry their daughter to the fifth prince. After all, marrying a madman to the prince is a crime of deceiving the emperor. Who dares to do such a thing.

Countless thoughts went through everyone's mind instantly, but it was difficult for everyone to say these words. You could only look at me and I looked at you.

However, many people are already thinking that such a big melon has been a hot topic in Beijing in recent times.

The fifth prince was also shocked at first, but it was the butler who reminded him. Only then did the fifth prince react. He thought about how he should react. You must know that his current reaction will determine how to deal with this matter in the future.

If he sends someone to control Miss Wu now and continues to worship her, it means that he has to accept the marriage.

Should he accept it? How can it be! The Wu family deceived him like this, married him with a madman, lied to him, and made him laugh at everyone in the capital. He didn't cause any trouble to them, so he still accepted it? Do you think he is an honest person who is easy to bully?

So the fifth prince thought for a while and did not send anyone to catch Miss Wu who was running around wildly. Instead, his face darkened, he threw up his sleeves and left.

The people from the Wu family still wanted to stop him, but the fifth prince's face darkened and he said, "Why, your Wu family is still planning to force this prince to marry a crazy girl from your family? Conceal the situation and give this crazy girl to me. , you are very kind! I want to report this to my father!"

When the fifth prince said this, the Wu family's faces turned pale and they did not dare to stop him.

After the fifth prince left, he ordered the housekeeper to drive away the Wu family, especially the Wu girl, not to let her stay here, lest the Wu family wanted to make it a fait accompli and relied on him.

Then he hurried into the palace, taking advantage of the fact that it was still early and the palace door was not closed, and told the emperor and his mother and concubine about the matter.

The emperor's side was a little better. After all, he was only responsible for agreeing to the marriage. He didn't ask for the marriage, so he didn't have much responsibility.

As for Concubine Wang Shu, she was responsible for this matter. After all, she insisted on marrying the fifth prince, so as soon as the fifth prince entered the palace, he looked extremely aggrieved to Concubine Wang Shu and complained: "Mother Concubine, look what kind of person you are looking for for your son, he is actually a lunatic! He is running around like crazy before he goes to court, and everyone has seen it, and tomorrow his son will become a joke in Beijing!"

Concubine Wang Shu had no idea before, but when she heard the fifth prince talking about Miss Wu's situation, especially her ugly behavior just now in the fifth prince's residence, her face turned pale and she almost fell down.

As mentioned before, Concubine Wang Shu is a very face-saving person. Now she heard that the good daughter-in-law she chose for her son turned out to be a lunatic. How many people will laugh at her tomorrow, especially in the palace. She doesn’t know how many concubines she will become. A joke, laughing at her picking here and there, and finally choosing a fool. Just thinking about that scene, Wang Shufei felt like she was going crazy. After all, she was in the palace and had always been quite prosperous before. When she thought about what happened this time How could the women in the palace laugh at her and make her lose face? Could she not feel like she was going crazy?

Concubine Wang Shu felt that she was going crazy, and she immediately hated the Wu family, the Minister of Household Affairs.

Think about it! You've made a fool of yourself! It’s really a bear’s heart and a leopard’s courage! See how she handles them! If the Wu family doesn't give her a decent explanation for this matter, she won't let it go!

At that moment, Concubine Wang Shu asked the fifth prince to go back first. After all, it was getting dark, and the palace gate was about to be locked. If he didn't go out, it would be too late. Then she said, "You go back first, and I will go to your father to talk about this matter. See if your father What did the emperor say?"

If the emperor directly cleans up the Wu family, then this matter will be over. If not, then she will have to find another way to clean up the Wu family. Anyway, she can't let it go so easily.

After listening to Wang Shufei's words, the fifth prince knew that this trip to the palace had achieved his goal and that his mother and concubine would help him handle the matter, so he listened to Wang Shufei's words and left.

At the moment, I couldn't help but feel lucky that Miss Wu was ill. Otherwise, if I found out that Miss Wu had a problem after going to court, I would probably be unable to get rid of a crazy concubine. The reason was very simple. If I found out after marriage, he would The mother-in-law will definitely not allow him to reconcile with Miss Wu for the sake of profit. Of course, for the sake of face, she will also ask him to take good care of Miss Wu and not let Miss Wu get sick in front of others, so that people know that she, for the sake of profit, Let your son marry a lunatic so that others will not laugh at him.

But now he's fine. Before he went to court, Miss Wu had an attack, letting everyone know that there was something wrong with the Wu girl. And then he hadn't even gone to court with her, so it wasn't considered a marriage and he didn't need to be held responsible.

As for his mother-in-law, she is the one who cares about face the most. It has been exposed that Miss Wu is a madman. Even if his mother-in-law covets the power of the Wu family, she will not let him marry Miss Wu. In other words, he will not He would be forced by his mother and concubine to marry a lunatic.

The more he thought about this, the more the fifth prince couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. He was almost, almost, almost speechless by someone's plot, and then he could only have his teeth knocked out and his blood swallowed, and he was deceived. I found a crazy concubine.

Just when the fifth prince entered the palace, the Wu family also heard that their daughter had become insane again. Mrs. Wu couldn't help but turned pale, and Wu Shilang scolded her.

"You are going to destroy the Wu family! How did you promise me that there is nothing wrong with the child? After the marriage, even if the fifth prince discovers something is wrong, it will be too late. Concubine Wang Shu will compromise for the sake of interests. As a result, the child will not be born again. She couldn't survive the visit, so people found out that she was mad! Where's your guarantee? Didn't you say she was cured?"

Mrs. Wu said with an ugly face: "The child is indeed well! In the past two years, she has not had a seizure. Otherwise, how could I dare to propose marriage to her! I am not stupid. I knew that the child was not well, but I still proposed marriage to her, so that When outsiders find out, our Wu family is in disgrace. I just thought she was well before marrying her. I don’t know why she had another attack. It was probably because the firecrackers were too loud, and then she left us again and arrived in a strange environment. I feel nervous and scared, and the disease has recurred."

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