Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3375 Ancient Orphan 39

The fifth prince was naturally happy to see that the emperor no longer sent him on errands. After all, he didn't want to do those errands at all, which were both hard and dangerous. He wanted to hide in the prince's mansion and live comfortably.

While the fifth prince was hiding in the mansion and living a comfortable life, the battles between the other princes became more intense day by day.

However, he said that the fourth prince, sixth prince, seventh prince and others were fighting and were imprisoned one after another by the furious emperor.

Although he was not abolished, being imprisoned was not a good thing.

However, the second prince learned the lesson of the third prince back then and stayed extremely low-key, thus escaping the disaster.

Of course, even if the second prince wants to keep a low profile and others want to kill him, he can't keep a low profile. In fact, there are still people who want to cause trouble. That is, the emperor has not asked the second prince to do any errands recently, nor has he held a spring hunt, so everyone has no chance. Just start.

The reason why the emperor did not trouble the second prince was because he felt that among these sons, the second prince's power was actually quite good because it had been in operation for a long time, and he could save it for him to deal with the fifth prince in the future. After all, the fifth prince was unfathomable. , if the second child is killed, then no one can deal with the fifth child. Then no one can deal with the fifth child. If the fifth child feels that he is very powerful, it is not a good thing to find him, so the emperor has not been able to deal with him recently. I sent an errand to the second prince, so I wanted to keep him to deal with the fifth prince.

The fifth prince and the second prince didn't know that the emperor planned to let them kill each other. They were happy just because they didn't have to run errands.

The fifth prince is lazy and doesn't want to do errands, so he is happy that he doesn't have to do errands.

The second prince was simply afraid that he would be assassinated if he was on an errand, so he didn't have to go out. Naturally he would be happy if he encountered danger.

Seeing that the fourth prince and others were fighting each other and exposing each other's faults, which made the emperor furious and put him in solitary confinement. The second prince felt even better. He thought about continuing like this and waiting for the other princes to kill each other. It's almost done, and the throne can be his.

This is a good plan. The only imperfection is...the fifth prince is okay, which makes the second prince a little uncomfortable. He thinks that if the fifth prince is so powerful, he may be a stumbling block in his fight for the throne in the future.

Thinking of this, the second prince felt that he needed to kick this stumbling block away.

The other party is very powerful, and the people who used to cause trouble for him are gone forever, so how to kick the fifth prince away, the second prince still has to think of a way.

In the past, it might have been possible to check the situation of other people before thinking about how to deal with the fifth prince, but now, the other princes have been imprisoned too much, and fighting with each other has caused heavy losses. He no longer needs to pay too much attention to him. The only opponent is the fifth prince.

While the second prince was thinking about how to kick out the fifth prince, the emperor was also thinking about this problem. If he knew that the second prince was going to fight with the fifth prince as he wished, the emperor would probably be happy.

It's just that the emperor didn't know what the second prince was thinking. He only watched the other princes fighting fiercely, but the fifth prince was always safe and sound. This made the emperor panic, fearing that one day he would be forced into the palace by the unknown fifth prince.

He didn't think the fifth prince was so great before, but now, he began to doubt his own vision, thinking that the fifth prince might be a secretive person who could be as powerful as Li Erfeng and could force him to abdicate.

In this case, the emperor wanted to take the initiative to eradicate his own son for the first time.

Like the eldest prince and the third prince, the emperor did not take the initiative to take action. At most, he only added fuel to the flames and used other people's hands to deal with them.

But now with regard to the fifth prince, seeing that he has always been fine, the emperor became increasingly frustrated and wanted to take action himself. Although if he was discovered, he would leave a bad reputation in the history books, but for his own sake For safety reasons, the emperor decided to do this.

There was nothing he could do. The fifth prince, who had been unable to figure out the details, felt too dangerous to him. He could not let such an unknown danger continue to exist.

Although he wanted to kill the fifth prince, he couldn't kill him directly. He had to find a reason.

The emperor felt that this method was very good for the disaster caused by witchcraft in Hanwu, but it was a pity to use it as a reference.

Since the emperor wanted to marry the fifth prince, someone soon reported that someone had cursed the emperor. The emperor asked his cronies to investigate this person.

There is no doubt that after an investigation, this person must be related to the fifth prince. After all, this is what the emperor ordered his cronies to do.

So soon the finger was pointed at the fifth prince. The emperor was furious and had the fifth prince imprisoned.

The fifth prince saw that he was hiding at home, and trouble could come from the sky. He knew that his father wanted to get rid of him, and he was very angry. When he received the news, it was said that the emperor's cronies were pointing the finger at him, and he understood that this was What did he want to do? He immediately asked An Ran, "What should we do? Should we leave now?"

He was afraid that if he didn't leave, it would be too late.

An Ran said: "The emperor obviously wants to kill you. He wants to kill you, so you just leave?"

The fifth prince said: "What should I do if I don't leave? With my strength, I can't initiate a palace coup."

Compared to the other princes, because he had no intention of running his own power, he left everything to his family to run. The fifth prince faction, which lacked a backbone, actually did not have much strength. After all, if even the people they wanted to follow were not interested in the throne, they would still be able to do so. What are you following?

And this kind of power cannot be changed at all.

An Ran said: "But I can only save one person. I can't save your maternal family or your mother and concubine. As soon as you leave, they will definitely kill everyone in your family. Judging from the seriousness of this matter, the nine clans involved , are all possible, after all, if you leave, the emperor will definitely be angry to death, and in his rage, it is very possible that the nine tribes will be implicated."

After the fifth prince heard this, it was indeed a bit painful to think that so many people would die because of him, but...

"Even if I don't leave, I can't save them. They will still die."

This is true. An Ran said at the moment: "Since you are a dead man, let's try to fight back. Anyway, you have to fight back now. In history, others will not say anything bad about you. After all, the emperor will detain you as a witchcraft." Misfortune, if you don’t fight back, the consequences are foreseeable. If you don’t want to die and initiate a palace coup, everyone will understand and will only say it’s the emperor’s fault.”

"But the key point is that I am not strong enough to initiate palace changes." The fifth prince said sadly.

In fact, if the emperor treated him like this, he would kill him himself. By this time, he naturally no longer had any father-son affection for the emperor, and he wanted to fight back, but he couldn't.

An Ran said: "Leave this matter to me. I'll disguise myself as a man later. Come with me to see the Wang family and ask the Wang family to hand over the army in their hands to my command. You know my strength. I Leading these people from the front, we may be able to fight a bloody path, but if we still fail, it will not be too late to escape."

The fifth prince hesitated and said: "There are bows and arrows in the palace for defense. Although your martial arts are good, you have never been dealt with by an arrow array before. Can you withstand it?"

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