Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3378 Ancient Orphan 42

Now that the next development had been discussed, the emperor soon abdicated the throne to the fifth prince. After the fifth prince honestly made concessions, he accepted the emperor's abdication and became the new king.

Because the Supreme Emperor is in hand, no one dares to touch the fifth prince.

If the Supreme Emperor was not in the hands of the fifth prince, then the princes could attack the fifth prince in the name of King Qin. Even if he broke into the palace, he might not be able to successfully ascend the throne. Therefore, it was very difficult for An Ran to detain the Supreme Emperor at that time. important part.

But what to do after he ascends the throne? The fifth prince has a headache. Otherwise, he has never made any plans to ascend to the throne. Just a few days ago, when the Supreme Emperor framed him for witchcraft, he did not think about ascending to the throne. Instead, he wanted to run away. .

Now he suddenly became the emperor. To be honest, he was a bit blind.

Because he liked to discuss everything with An Ran in the past. Now, he doesn't trust other people and only believes in An Ran - after all, his life was saved by An Ran. If he doesn't trust An Ran, who can he trust? - Naturally, he also discusses with An Ran.

After hearing his worries, An Ran said: "Don't worry about it for the time being. Let the ministers and your maternal wife handle it first. You observe first. When you are familiar with the situation, it will not be too late to do what you want. Don't worry. During this period of time, you don’t need to do anything. Those ministers will be busy fighting with your maternal family for the power of the new king. You can just sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. There is no need to rush."

An Ran said this, and the fifth prince felt at ease. At that moment, just like An Ran said, he ate and drank well every day, did not do anything, and just observed the situation of each family.

Because he was relatively free, he did some things that he could do. For example, he fulfilled his promise to the second prince, made him a prince, and gave him double his salary and double his official residence. In return, after all, Although An Ran forced him to agree at that time, since he promised to give benefits, he must do it, otherwise he will regret it later and say that you were forced to help by me, so I will not give you benefits. You are reasonable, and outsiders will only think that you do not keep your word, so you still treat the second and fifth princes as promised and give him the benefits.

Although the second prince didn't see this benefit at all, he also wanted to ascend to the throne, but since he couldn't get there, the emperor was in the hands of Lao Wu, and the martial arts master under him was so powerful that he could protect him well. How could the second prince not I have no choice but to accept it.

Then he sealed it to several other brothers.

Of course, there must be a distinction. Most people are granted the title of county prince, and only a very small number of people who have not caused trouble to them before are granted the title of prince.

After all, after becoming emperor, the higher the titles these people receive, the higher the treasury consumption will be. The fifth prince is not stupid, so naturally he will not leave a bunch of blood-sucking relatives to his descendants.

As for how he knows who has caused trouble for him, including those who have assassinated him, this is also very simple, because the Wang family has investigated. In the past, it was just that they were not strong enough to cause trouble for them, so they did not deal with them. Now, as long as He thought that he could deal with them, but it was difficult for him to do it just after he took the throne. Although it was difficult to do it, it was always possible not to make them princes.

These people who were not made princes knew the reason more or less, so except for a few people with bad minds, most people didn't dare to say anything when they saw that they were only made princes.

As for the few who were not smart and asked why they were only granted the title of county prince, the fifth prince motioned to the Wang family to show them the information that they had assassinated him. They were immediately offended and did not dare to quibble any more.

Of course, not only were they upset, but they also began to worry that the fifth prince would cause trouble for them.

The fifth prince was too lazy to pay attention to them. After seeing that the titles of his brothers were settled, he was ready to get married.

Who is the queen? Needless to say, she is An Ran.

Although An Ran is not a royal concubine, when the fifth prince ascends the throne, he can still make An Ran his queen, because when the emperor ascends the throne, he can make whoever he wants as his queen, even if he was a concubine before.

The fifth prince asked An Ran about this matter, and An Ran naturally would not refuse. After all, who wants to be a concubine?

After becoming a queen, if the fifth prince, as emperor, wants to have concubines, it doesn't matter to her. She will just not sleep with the fifth prince. There is nothing wrong with her. After all, she just wants to live smoothly in this world. .

But if she is a concubine and a queen comes to her in the future, and she wants to salute others, she will not be willing to do so, and will probably have to leave.

But since she helped the fifth prince ascend the throne, she wanted to avoid moving away. In this case, if she didn't want to move away, she would naturally have to agree to the fifth prince's proposal, lest someone else became the queen and she wanted to leave, which would not be in line with her previous plan.

Seeing An Ran's willingness, the fifth prince was naturally very happy and immediately prepared for the ceremony of establishing a queen.

As a result, Concubine Wang Shufei jumped out again and said something she disagreed with.

What she meant was to let the fifth prince marry her natal niece.

In the past, when the fifth prince did not become emperor, the reason why she did not let him marry her niece was because she needed to find a marriage partner for the fifth prince to strengthen her power, so she did not mention the niece.

But she also had arrangements for her natal family, that is, when her son came to the throne, she would let her natal niece enter the palace as a noble concubine. After giving birth to a son, she would make him a prince.

As for the queen, would it be bad to just throw it away after use... Concubine Wang Shu didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, after a few decades, they might have wiped out the queen's family, so what should she be afraid of?

In short, when her son ascends to the throne, the benefits will only come to her mother's family, and how can she benefit outsiders?

She knew that this look was a bit villainous, but in reality, she didn’t know how many people did this, and she didn’t see any bad consequences.

So now when the fifth prince said that he wanted to make An Ran his queen, she would naturally oppose it and make someone she hated the most as his queen. How could that be allowed?

This world was obtained by her mother's family for her son. Her son should give back to her mother's family as a matter of course. How could he marry such a woman who bewitched her son!

When the fifth prince heard Concubine Wang Shu brazenly saying that her mother's family had obtained this world for him, he couldn't help but said: "Who gave me this world? I know it very well. If Brother An hadn't helped me, my maternal family alone would have lost me." I can't conquer the world at all. Brother An is the key to my conquering the world. Even if I don't talk about the world, I would have died in assassinations again and again. And Brother An said that Concubine Shen's parents were kind to him before, so he was Come to help me, that is to say, Concubine Shen is the most powerful person in the world to help me. If you want to suppress the Shen family, I don’t know what Brother An’s reaction will be in the future. Don’t forget, When my son was in danger, in order to prevent you from being in danger in the palace, she sent people to rescue you immediately. If she hadn't saved you, you would have been gone. What chance do you have to object now? Do I make Shen my queen? If you don’t thank me for saving your life, do you think it’s appropriate for you to do this to the daughter of your benefactor?”

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