Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3380 Ancient Orphan 44

Although it was an afterthought, the people in the Jing'an Marquis Mansion were filled with regret when they saw that Enron was getting prosperous. After all, other families wanted a prosperous opportunity but couldn't find it. Their family once had a job. The world's wealth was placed in front of their family, but it was delayed because of their short-sightedness. Can they not regret it?

I don't know how many masters are thinking in private. If they had known that Shen Anran would be prosperous, they would never have treated Shen Anran like that. Of course, they would not have allowed their children to bully Shen Anran.

It's okay now. Shen Anran probably has no feelings for the Jingan Hou Mansion, except for the old couple. After all, they didn't have a deep friendship at the beginning, and even resented their children. After all, they were still resentful. Her children, who had bullied her, might take revenge now.

This thought made them regretful and a little scared. After all, Shen Anran was able to gain a foothold in the fifth prince's house, and even now let the fifth prince make her his queen. It was obviously extremely capable. Such a person, to I'm afraid it's a lie to say that I don't care about being bullied when I was living under someone else's roof.

The wives of the Lu family felt a little heavy and scared when they thought that An Ran might hold a grudge against their children for bullying her.

In this case, An Ran became the queen. Naturally, no one in the Jingan Marquis Mansion dared to boast about this to the outside world. It was a good idea to pretend that An Ran was one of their own.

However, outsiders don't know the situation of Jing'an Hou Mansion. Seeing that Shen Anran has become a queen, and her maternal family is still so low-key, it makes people's impression of Jing'an Hou Mansion much better.

But An Ran didn't want people to think that was the case, so she immediately asked someone - she had been in the Fifth Prince's Mansion for many years, and she had naturally trained a group of her own people - to take Jing'an as a servant who had left the Jing'an Marquis' Mansion. At that time, the head of the Hou Mansion had a normal attitude towards the original body. The young master of the Hou Mansion excluded and bullied the original body. The head of the house knew that he did not restrain his children and let them bully the original body. He told them about it. This explains the reason why Jing'an Hou Mansion is now Being so low-key is not because I really want to be low-key, but because I know what I am doing and I am afraid of being retaliated by Queen Shen, so I am so low-key.

Soon people in the capital knew about this. They heard it from the servants who fled the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion - of course they had never seen it. They only heard the rumor was said by the servants who ran away from the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion - Jing'an Marquis Mansion At that time, I couldn't help but be surprised by the truth about Queen Shen. They secretly thought that the elderly couple in the Jing'an Marquis Mansion were pretty good, but the descendants below were not such low-key people. When did their niece Shen become the queen? , they are still so low-key, I dare say they couldn't deal with Queen Shen back then, no wonder they didn't dare to be jealous. After all, they were afraid that Queen Shen would deal with them, so how could they dare to be jealous.

After knowing this situation, the people in the capital couldn't help but secretly thought that the people in Jing'an Marquis Mansion were not any more kind than the Shen family.

You must know that at the beginning, the Marquis of Jing'an Palace was already in decline after the old Marquis entered the official position. Later, he fell in love with the young and promising Empress Shen's father. Come on new support.

In other words, the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion relied on Father Shen to maintain its status. As a result, after Shen's father passed away, Empress Shen's maternal grandfather and grandmother took pity on their granddaughter and brought her back to resettle them. The other people in the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion were Treating Empress Shen like that is really a white-eyed wolf, which is better than the Shen family. Anyway, it is not as good as most families in Beijing that accept orphan girls to seek refuge. After all, no one has ever heard of any family condoning their children to bully the orphan girls who came to seek refuge. , especially the father of the orphan girl, who was so ungrateful when he had helped his family before.

The Marquis of Jing'an couldn't help but be angry when they saw that the situation in their family had been exposed outside. However, since they couldn't find the person who originally told the story, they couldn't help it no matter how angry they were.

The most important thing is that they dare not refute the rumors because it is true. They are afraid that if the rumors are refuted, Queen Shen in the palace will not cooperate. Someone asks Queen Shen about this matter. If Queen Shen wants to tell the truth, it is indeed like this. , then they will be doomed if they are slapped in the face, so although they are angry, they cannot control the rumors and can only follow the rumors.

And if the rumors were allowed to develop, it would naturally spread everywhere and people would know what the Jing'an Marquis Mansion had done.

After learning about it, many people felt that it was no wonder that the Jingan Marquis Mansion was getting worse and worse day by day. Even the next generation of family members had a short-sighted view and could see why.

The girls who have been married in the Jingan Marquis Mansion over the years have also been under a lot of pressure. Because of these rumors, their lives in their husband's family have become a little difficult.

Back then, they excluded others, but now, others began to exclude them and no longer wanted to go around with them, making them feel the feeling of being excluded.

This made Lu Sanniang and others feel angry, thinking that if Shen Anran became the queen, they would not benefit from it, but it would also bring them such big trouble, how could they not be angry?

I just can’t say these words.

At the same time, there were also comments from the husbands’ families of many of them, saying that it’s no wonder they have bad character and are household troubles. It turned out that they had such a moral character when they were in their parents’ families, so it’s no wonder, and so on. .

Some of the remarks are true. They bullied the original person in their mother's family, and they behaved the same way in their husband's family.

There are also some comments that are false. It’s not that they don’t have this kind of character. After all, the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. What kind of character they used to have, how could it be different now? It’s just that some people’s in-laws are also powerful, and they Even if you want to stir up trouble, you can't, so even if you want to be a troublemaker, you can't.

These remarks about the girls from the Lu family soon affected the girls who were not yet married.

Although those girls were younger, no matter how young they were, many of them were already ten years old when Empress Shen was at home. Everyone guessed that they must have followed their elder sisters and brothers and excluded Empress Shen, so many people had marriages. It becomes difficult.

On the surface, other families said they did not want to marry a girl with such a bad character. In fact, they were afraid that the other party would not have a good relationship with An Ran. If their son married the other party, they would not be retaliated by Queen Shen in the future.

This development caused some girls from the Lu family who were engaged to be engaged to have their engagements canceled, which made them feel uncomfortable and depressed.

But their husband's family was right. They had indeed followed their sisters and excluded the original body.

It's just that they felt that they were just children at the time and were ignorant, so how could they care?

——In fact, what they said is right. Children who were only ten years old at the time, although the ancients matured precociously, are still children. Even if they have malicious intentions, they can still say that they are children and do not understand, but their parents always They are not children, so they are children. They can indeed shirk responsibility and not say that they are at fault, but at least their parents are at fault. They deliberately pretended not to see it and allowed their own girls to bully the orphan girls who had fled.

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