Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3389 Disguising Multiple Personalities 3

Yes, Boss Ba thought that in An Ran's sea of ​​consciousness, he would be the only conscious body in the future, so he already regarded An Ran's body as his own.

Although he was dissatisfied with dressing up as a woman, he couldn't go back for some reason. It was nice to have a place to stay, and he didn't dislike it.

Since he planned to treat An Ran's body as his own, he naturally frowned when he saw how hard An Ran was working.

But... Thinking of the stocks Enron bought before, Mr. Ba thought again. It seems that although this woman has just graduated from college, she is quite smart about financial management. Looking at her account number, she started buying stocks when she was in college. Although the income from financial products is too low for him, it is not bad for a college student who has just grown up, because not all people who have just grown up have such financial awareness.

And now when she looked at her financial products, she probably thought they were too bad. After all, the other party said to himself - in fact, he told the boss - that the returns were too low, and then he went to buy stocks.

The boss was worried about her at first, fearing that she, a novice, might not buy the wrong ones, but the ones she bought turned out to be pretty good, and her profits were rising steadily.

Seeing her staring at the rising stock returns every day, saying to herself that it was much better than managing money, the boss couldn't help but secretly thought, it's true that stupid people are blessed, even a novice and a novice can find stocks with such good returns, so he needs to change Personally, the hundreds of thousands that I have worked so hard to save may be wasted.

It's fine now. Looking at it like this, the stocks Zhang Anran bought will probably double in a short time.

If Zhang Anran maintains this level of performance, it will probably take a long time before he can pay a down payment and stop sharing apartments with others.

——Boss Ba naturally heard An Ran’s soliloquy and knew that she wanted to buy a house and didn’t want to share a house with others.

If she can continue to be so good, it will not be difficult for Zhang Anran to resign. After all, the money she makes from stock trading is much more than the money she makes from working, and it is not hard work.

Thinking of this, the boss, who felt that he seemed to be able to control his body, thought that when he took control of his body, it would be fine if he could completely control it. Then he would become the master of the body and nothing would happen to Zhang Anran.

If he can't always control Zhang Anran's body, then he will write to Zhang Anran and ask Zhang Anran to consider resigning to protect his body.

Zhang Anran was afraid that he would make less money by just trading stocks, and he would continue to work tirelessly while trading stocks, which would affect his health, which would be bad.

For today's bosses, it doesn't matter if they have less money. The key is to be healthy and not to have it in other people's minds for no reason.

Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with my body. If I have the chance, I must go back and take a look.

Yes, the consciousness bodies that invaded the original body's sea of ​​consciousness include those who traveled through time and space, and some who were local. Anyway, they are all kinds of people.

Some people come and never leave, and some people come and disappear suddenly one day.

It is precisely because of these strange states that the original person has such a character for a while, and then no longer has such a character. When others see her, can they not think she is like a madman? Anyway, the original person was harmed miserably by these guys.

They left as soon as possible, but left the original body covered with chicken feathers.

As for Boss Ba, he was a local. For some reasons, he came to the original sea of ​​consciousness, and later he thought of a way and went back.

Although Boss Ba was not interested in the original body, he stayed in the sea of ​​consciousness of the original body for a period of time, so he later repaid her - seeing that the original body was almost sent to a mental hospital, he rescued her, otherwise the original body If you are sent to a mental hospital, you will probably collapse.

But he said that the current boss had subconsciously regarded An Ran's body as his own, for fear that An Ran's hard work would damage his future body.

So on this day, I couldn't help but show up, and started the first communication between the two of them in this world.

This time is much slower than in the original world. In the original world, the boss had already appeared and started buying stocks for the original person.

At that moment, the boss did not speak first, but took over An Ran's body first. He felt that if An Ran saw that his body was robbed, he would definitely speak first, and there was no need for him to speak first.

In fact, he was able to communicate with people in An Ran's sea of ​​consciousness, but he had never spoken before.

The reason why he didn't communicate with Anran first, but went straight to seize the body, is to see how long he can control his body. If he can control it forever, then don't worry about Zhang Anran; if he can't control it forever, Then we need to communicate.

Then he didn't want to talk to Anran in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, which would put him at a disadvantage. Now that he has seized Zhang Anran's body and communicated with her again, he would be at the upper hand.

Sure enough, after his body was taken away, Zhang Anran asked him in his mind: "Where did you come from, a lonely ghost, and what do you want to do?"

Zhang Anran's voice was calm and not panicked at all. Although the boss was a little disappointed, thinking about the other party's incredible luck in stock trading, the boss accepted that Zhang Anran might be a little different from ordinary women.

So he immediately said: "I am not a lonely ghost, I just passed through your body inexplicably. If I find the opportunity, I will still go back."

He just noticed that his control over his body was unstable, and he felt like he would go back at any time. It seemed that he could not fully control this body for the time being, so the boss lowered his posture and answered like this. Otherwise, if he was found Being able to control this body, Zhang Anran can't take it back. I'm afraid he won't answer honestly like this. He might even find an expert to erase Zhang Anran's consciousness from his mind.

The boss must be so ruthless in his actions.

The reason why I don't dare to find someone to kill Zhang Anran now that I can't control my body is mainly because I'm afraid that if I can't control this body, Zhang Anran's soul will be wiped out again. Don't let anything happen to this body, for example, he dies. , he didn’t dare to gamble, that’s why he was so honest.

After listening to his explanation, An Ran said calmly: "Since you are a poor man, why did you snatch my body? Return my body quickly, otherwise, be careful that I make you look good!"

After hearing An Ran's words, Boss Ba couldn't help but find it funny, and immediately said: "What can you do to make me look good?"

Everyone is a conscious body, competing for each other's bodies. Can her conscious body still beat his conscious body? Since he can't fight, how can he make him look good?

Boss Ba has never thought that in this world, someone can really attack other people's consciousness, and that is a spiritual attack.

It is precisely because in the world of cultivation that spiritual consciousness can attack other people's consciousness, An Ran feels that after practicing, he can control the consciousness in his mind.

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