Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3400 Disguising Multiple Personalities 14

At that moment, the boss asked An Ran to help him, saying that if she could help him teach those people a lesson, he would definitely pay her when he returned. As for how much the reward would be, the boss said it would be 100 million, and promised to wait until he returned. After taking back what belongs to him, he will also give her 2% of the shares. His company also has a market value of tens of billions, and 2% is worth a lot, which shows his sincerity.

Seeing that the other party was willing to pay so much, An Ran agreed. After all, with so much money, he could even afford a villa in City B, let alone an ordinary house. This solved the problem of buying a house by himself. .

The thought of having his own place to live, plus the fact that the boss was always very sensible, and An Ran didn't want to see people being harmed by bad guys, so he agreed to help.

At that moment, Boss Ba listed a few people. An Ran said that she would investigate. After all, she could not just do what Boss Ba said. In case it was one-sided words from the other party, which was not the case in fact, she helped and harmed others. Woolen cloth?

After hearing what An Ran said, Boss Ba naturally agreed. After all, it was normal for the other party to investigate whether what he said was true or false. If An Ran believed what he said without asking, he would be a fool. He still If you don't feel comfortable cooperating with her, you're afraid that she will fall apart at the critical moment.

It is not difficult for Enron to investigate, because she has both scientific means (IT technology) and non-scientific means (truth charms and the like). It is not difficult to investigate the truth of this matter.

At that moment, An Ran first used IT technology to check the communications and account transactions of those people provided by the boss, and soon discovered that the boss was right, there was indeed something wrong with the accounts and communications of these people.

Without her using the Truth Talisman to check their situation, An Ran came to the conclusion that the boss was indeed manipulated by these people and became a vegetative state. Well...it's not called a vegetative state, it should be called a coma.

The method of attack is also very simple: poison the water that the boss drinks.

Fortunately, Boss Ba was also lucky and was discovered quickly and was sent to the hospital.

Once he entered the hospital, no one could hurt him again.

However, after entering the hospital, people will naturally know that Mr. Ba was poisoned.

The reason why no one called the police was because Boss Ba’s parents didn’t ask anyone to call the police.

Logically speaking, this cannot be done. The reason why it can be done is because it is the hospital run by Mr. Ba, so he can naturally control the news.

Originally, the boss was indeed the most valued child of his parents. After all, he was so capable and had created such a large industry. Who wouldn't like such a child.

But after seeing something like this happen to the younger son, if the police were called and the eldest son was arrested, who would hand over the family property?

Although this business was started by the youngest son, not the two elders, it should not be given to the eldest son.

However, the eldest son now has two sons, and the younger son does not even have a wife, let alone a son. If the police are called and it is confirmed that their eldest son is the murderer, then the younger son dies, even if the two elders inherit the property , a hundred years later, their eldest son will not get this inheritance, because the murderer has no right to inherit the inheritance.

Even if his two grandsons can inherit it, but the eldest son is arrested, it is not certain whether the company can be saved, because the eldest son poisoned the younger son and was imprisoned. It's hard to say how the stock will fluctuate if this news spreads. Just now, I heard that my younger son has been admitted to the hospital. From now on, the eldest son will be in charge of the company's affairs. Because of his lack of ability, the stock has fallen a lot. , I can’t imagine how far the company’s stock will fall if what the eldest son did is exposed, or even whether it will go bankrupt.

They have become rich through the efforts of their younger son. Naturally, they don't want to see this wealth lost, and then they can only live the life of ordinary people in the past. You must know that in recent years, because their younger son has become rich, they have been living a poor life. The days when people are sought after, once the company goes bankrupt and cannot live like this anymore, how can it be possible?

Because of this, the boss's parents knew that the murderer was their eldest son, but they stopped him from calling the police.

Fortunately, not many people knew that Boss Ba was poisoned. Only a few of Boss Ba's attending doctors bribed them, and outsiders didn't know why Boss Ba was hospitalized.

Of course, although for the sake of their own wealth, the tycoon's parents prevented the doctor from telling the truth, after all, the tycoon was also their son, so when they found out what their eldest son had done, the tyrant's parents protected the eldest son from continuing to harm him. He, this is also the reason why Boss Ba is lying in the hospital without being poisoned and killed by his eldest brother, because Boss Ba’s parents are protecting Boss Ba, otherwise, Boss Ba’s eldest brother will definitely further kill Boss Ba, after all, Zhancao If the root is not eradicated, the spring breeze will blow and it will grow again. Don't wake up, your brother will be able to do it again. Naturally, the eldest brother does not want to leave such an obvious bug, lest the boss wakes up one day and it will affect him.

Now Boss Ba sees that he was almost killed by his eldest brother who coveted his property. He thinks that even if he goes back and wakes up, it will be difficult to clean up his eldest brother's family because his parents will definitely stop him.

He was in a coma, and his parents would stop people from calling the police for their own sake.

Now that he is awake and wants to take care of his eldest brother, his parents will stop him from taking care of his eldest brother and his family.

On the surface, it seems that his parents are partial to his eldest brother's family. In fact, this is not the case. It is because he knows his parents and is afraid that he will clean up his eldest brother's family. In the future, he will be alone. His parents will worry that having only one son will be like putting an egg in the house. It's the same as being in one basket. Once he doesn't treat them well, they will be doomed, so they want to keep the eldest brother. This way, with two sons, at least their eggs are not put in one basket, so they feel more at ease.

He can see now that they only care about themselves and don't care whether his elder brother has harmed him.

Since he went back and couldn't deal with his eldest brother, the boss wanted An Ran to help him. After all, An Ran was a master. He probably had many non-scientific methods and could calmly deal with his eldest brother without causing any trouble for him.

He knew that Enron knew how to use unscientific methods. After all, Enron had solved all the opponents who stumbled upon her through abnormal means.

It was precisely because of seeing this that Boss Ba thought of asking An Ran for help.

Sure enough, An Ran understood the situation and found out that it was indeed the eldest brother who was responsible, so he decided to take action.

At present, An Ran is using the method she used for her boss boss to deal with those who hinder her in the company. It is nothing more than using the truth charm to make the other party speak in a public place. The truth charm allows the other person to tell the truth.

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