Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 358 The imperial concubine was counterattacked 16

Originally, Emperor Yongping wanted to wait until he sobered up a little before issuing an order to bring all the concubines in the palace for questioning. When he was sober before, after listening to Mr. Wang's words, he also felt that he might have been at that banquet. He was poisoned because he had not made up his mind before. After all, many women in the harem had backgrounds in front of him. He wanted to catch them all in one go. He was afraid that the ministers in front of him would be unhappy, but he saw that he was about to die. Emperor Ping naturally couldn't care less about that. No matter what, he had to save his life first before he could talk about those worries.

As a result, within a few days, the situation became worse and worse. He did have some conscious moments in the past two days, but he had reached the point where he could not speak or move. His whole body was limp. He knew that his situation might be bad. But unfortunately, there was no way to give any orders. No matter how anxious Emperor Yongping was, there was nothing he could do.

That night, Emperor Yongping woke up.

This time he was awake was different from the previous times when he was awake. He felt that his brain was particularly clear.

But he didn't feel happy at all. Instead, he felt a kind of panic, because he knew that it was not him who was cured, but it was most likely that his time was approaching and he had returned to his old ways. Thinking about this, could he not panic?

Today is a good weather. The moonlight shines in from the window of the palace, and the ground is covered with silver light. It is quiet and quiet. In the past, the first sight of this place made people want to drink under the moon, especially with the person they like (Fang Guifei). It was a good time for a night tour, but at this moment, Emperor Yongping looked at the moonlight, with only the fear of dying in his heart.

He didn't know where the person who was waiting for him had gone. The palace was quiet and empty, which made him feel particularly uncomfortable. He couldn't help but want to curse, thinking that the person who was waiting for him would not neglect him because he thought he was dying. Him?

Just as I was thinking about this, I noticed someone approaching. When I looked at him, I saw someone who was a little strange but also a little familiar.

Emperor Yongping thought for a long time before he remembered that this was the imperial concubine whom he had neglected for more than three years.

It's just that in the past, the imperial concubine was beautiful, but she looked dull and unattractive, and her inner thoughts could always be seen at a glance. But now, she is still beautiful, no, she seems to be even more beautiful than before. ——There is an indescribable temperament on her body, which makes her look more beautiful than before (as the saying goes, An Ran is actually more aura than her original self).

Although Emperor Yongping liked Fang Hui, he was very fond of sex. Seeing such a beautiful Sun Anran, Emperor Yongping couldn't help but be a little surprised at a glance, thinking how could this woman be so beautiful? It was really hard not to be attracted by her level of beauty. At the same time, Emperor Yongping, who had a particularly clear mind, thought about how he could have gotten tired of this woman in the first place. Although the appearance of Fang Hui he liked was not bad, she was completely different from Sun Anran. For women on the same level, if Sun Anran was as attractive as she is now, he probably wouldn't like Fang Hui.

However, this thought passed through her mind in an instant, because Sun Anran's face was expressionless at this time, making it impossible to see what she was thinking, and she was staring directly at him disrespectfully. You must know that in the past, neither she nor others Those who dare not look directly at Long Yan.

Seeing her like this, Emperor Yongping couldn't help but feel offended, so his original charm disappeared without a trace. He even became angry and wanted to scold her, but unfortunately, he I couldn't speak, so the most I could do was glare at her, but I couldn't yell at her for being so rude.

Then, I thought about how she could be here. You know, he didn't call her here. Without a call, how could she dare to enter the emperor's palace at this time? Moreover, when she came in, she didn't see those eunuchs. The maid informed herself.

All kinds of strange things, coupled with the poison on his body, made Emperor Yongping wary.

It's a pity that he can't move or speak. What's the use of being more vigilant?

In fact, without Emperor Yongping saying anything, An Ran could guess what he wanted to say at this moment, so he smiled and said: "You must be very curious about why I appear here, right?"

Emperor Yongping was speechless, so naturally he couldn't answer her.

But this Sun Anran seemed to have already answered her, or maybe she had no intention of listening to his answer in the first place. After a pause, she continued: "Actually, I didn't intend to come here. I just thought that no one would give me an answer." It's a bit pitiful for you to die, so I came over to see you, and check the results by the way, so that the dead me can see that I have avenged my death." - The dead me is actually the original person. .

"You may be thinking, what kind of revenge do I want to take? You probably won't believe me if I tell you, so I won't say it anymore. You just think that I am here to avenge myself for being neglected and pampered by you for so many years." Concubine Fang Guifei’s hatred of bullying me is over.”

"At first it was you who thought I was beautiful, so you wanted me and took me into your palace; later it was you who thought I was tired of me, so you put it behind you. Not only did you put it behind you, you also allowed your new favorite to bully me. , give me rotten rice, I will cook it myself, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, under the instigation of your new favorite, gives me rotten vegetable leaves. And you are about to make her your queen, and when the time comes, I will still do this to me People kowtow and salute, in the future, with the aggressiveness of your new favorite, you may even kill me."

"So tell me, why do I have to endure you torturing me like this? Why do you say that if you like me, I have to marry you; if you say that you don't like me, I have to leave you. Why do you If your new favorite tells me to eat rotten rice, I have to eat rotten rice; if she tells me to eat rotten vegetable leaves, I have to eat rotten vegetable leaves; if she says I have to give her a courtesy, I have to bow to her?"

"It's okay if I don't have the ability to change. I can only endure it. But if I have the ability, why should I endure it?"

"Since you don't treat me as a human being, I think I don't have to treat you as a human being. So I think it's time for you to die when autumn comes. What do you think?"

The more Emperor Yongping listened, the more his eyes widened.

It turns out that it was this bitch who caused him harm!

Emperor Yongping wanted to tell everyone the truth and have someone pull An Ran down and kill him.

But he couldn't move or speak, and no one from the palace appeared in front of him. When he discovered the condition of Concubine Sun Huang, he wanted to ask for help, but he couldn't.

"Looking at your expression, it seems you hate me, right?"

At this point, An Ran couldn't help but laugh and said: "Why do you hate me? I think what you should hate is yourself. If you don't seek death, you won't die. You said, you have bad eyesight. You can't bully anyone. You have to bully." What are you doing with me, a person you can't afford to offend? You insist on bringing me into the palace. Treat me well when you bring me in. If you don't treat me well, that's all. You even allow your new favorite to bully me and insist on forcing me to take action. You say , is your brain broken? Of course, you can also hate your new favorite. If she didn't cause trouble for me, I wouldn't mind if she didn't spoil me. Anyway, I would just stay in the palace. But she is not satisfied even though she is favored, and she insists on causing trouble for me, so why bother to kill them all? Doesn’t this force me to take action? "

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