Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 369 Encounter with the quick-traveling woman 4

Since cultivation cannot eliminate Gao Shanshan, and there is not much money to buy props, An Ran can only find another way.

As for how to eliminate Gao Shanshan and complete the mission, An Ran has no idea yet and can only think about it slowly.

Fortunately, after the first meeting, the other party did not find that she had a system, which made An Ran relieved. Otherwise, Gao Shanshan would have been wary of herself if she knew that she had a system, and would even cooperate with others to eliminate herself, who was as systematic and influential as her. If she is a proud person in this world, then things will be very serious.

With no clue for the time being, An Ran decided to put it aside for the time being and let her brain relax. Maybe when her brain relaxes well, she will be able to have a flash of inspiration and come up with a good idea.

Instead of thinking about eliminating Gao Shanshan, An Ran decided to go into the laboratory to conduct experiments.

My family is engaged in IT, and my brother Xie Mingnan is the boss of a certain software company, so I responded to the situation and studied IT-related majors, planning to help my brother's company after graduation.

Majors in the study of various core technologies have become very popular in recent years. Major high-tech companies are recruiting such talents, hoping to break through the blockade of other countries and develop their own core technologies without being choked by others.

The same goes for her brother's company, so there are various laboratories in the company. The original person has to go through one, which is just for Enron's use, so there is no need to worry about the research being leaked.

He originally studied VR technology, but after Enron took over, he felt that compared with future holograms, VR was completely inadequate.

If you want to do holography, you need to build a whole set of related equipment. After all, today's computers and networks cannot run holography.

However, An Ran believed that as long as she created holograms, the entire online world would usher in a revolution. Therefore, no matter how broad and complex the research scope was, An Ran decided to do it. Anyway, she had plenty of time and patience. Go ahead, don't worry.

In the future, holograms will not be so difficult to make. It is just like rocket launches today. Hundreds of years ago, it was a big problem. But after it has become almost universal in the technology world, some talented people can make one in their own garage. , which probably means that it is not difficult for those who can meet, but it is not difficult for those who are difficult.

Holographic technology is not difficult. What is difficult is the supporting equipment. Not to mention optical brains and other things, it is just holographic glasses. The technology involved is not something that Enron can just say. She can make the chip by hand, but this How the thing is made, An Ran still needs to remember who asked her to come back from the interstellar world. After several missions, even though she has a good memory, she has forgotten some things, so she can only fumble around, but this is not a bad idea. It looks like a real invention, otherwise I remember it so clearly that the original body didn't create anything, but she quickly created the hologram as soon as she came, which is not consistent with the rules.

Gao Shanshan naturally didn't know that An Ran was tinkering with holographic equipment in the laboratory. She was also busy trying to improve the favorability of the male protagonist and his co-star. She was shocked to see the system with her feet on several boats. At the same time, she was often shocked by the host's wonderful performance. again and again.

"Host, you are so powerful, you can handle people like this!" The system complimented Gao Shanshan after returning from the banquet that day.

Just now, Gao Shanshan attended the male partner's banquet and met the male protagonist. Gao Shanshan used various means to not only appease the male partner, but also the male protagonist, and even increased the favorability of the two by a lot of points. In this way The dazzling method naturally made the system that always admired its host stunned again.

After hearing the system's praise, Gao Shanshan flipped her hair coquettishly, and a hint of charm flashed across her innocent face - this innocent and charming look attracted many male protagonists and male counterparts - she smiled and said: "This No matter what, this task is not difficult at all, I really don’t know how someone can’t complete this task.”

Yes, before Gao Shanshan, according to the system, there were people who came to this world to do tasks, but they all failed, so Gao Shanshan said this now.

The system was being cute while praising Gao Shanshan: "Not everyone is like you and can easily complete tasks in every world."

Although Gao Shanshan has been to too many worlds and the city has become deeper, she will not be as excited about this level of flattery as when she first heard it. However, everyone likes to hear good things, so after hearing the system's flattery, she He smiled and said, "Although the progress is going well, we can't be careless."

First of all, she hasn't found Xie Anran yet, and then she's looking for a chance to attack Xie Mingnan.

Although the original male protagonist is the main plot, Xie Mingnan and others are just side plots, and it seems that if they are not completed, it will not affect anything, but she naturally hopes to complete it and get more points so that she can exchange for many good things.

"Host, you can definitely do it." Listening to Gao Shanshan's modest words, the system boasted. To be honest, with such a worry-free host, it feels that it is much happier than other systems. You know, there are many useless hosts. , it makes the system worry. If you don’t want to worry, you have to change the host, which is quite troublesome. In short, you don’t have to worry about your own host. Basically, you don’t need any help from it to complete the task.

In fact, Gao Shanshan was not as relaxed as the system imagined. After Xie Anran wandered around the school, she didn't know where she went and she couldn't find her. If she couldn't find Xie Anran, how could she get close to her brother through her? Where is Xie Mingnan? Although she can also change the battle plan, she does not necessarily have to find Xie Anran to get close to Xie Mingnan. She can also find other ways to get close to Xie Mingnan, such as creating a chance encounter, or getting close to Xie Mingnan's friends in order to get close to Xie Mingnan.

But none of these are as good as approaching Xie Anran directly. After all, Xie Anran is Xie Mingnan's biological sister. If she introduces Xie Mingnan, the first impression will definitely be good, and it will be much easier to build up a favorable impression. .

Fortunately, An Ran finally came back that day. When Gao Shanshan saw An Ran came back, she was very happy and didn't want to miss this opportunity. So even though An Ran ignored her and made her very annoyed, in order to complete the task, she For the time being, I can only take the initiative to talk to An Ran with a smile: "An Ran is back? I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been busy with recently?"

While talking, she was thinking, after she completed the task, let's see how she dealt with this woman. If she didn't punish her, she didn't know how powerful Ma Wang was. A little indigenous girl would dare to treat her like this. People with a system that is almost equivalent to eternal life just ignore it, what kind of airs do they have.

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