Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 378 Encounter with the quick-traveling woman 14

No matter how many twists and turns An Ran asked to see if she could get the answer by avoiding keywords, she failed in the end. The other party just insisted that she did not have permission to check and refused to tell her.

Seeing that the other party kept insisting that she did not have access rights, she tried to communicate with the catcher to see if the catcher could invade that system and give herself permission. Unfortunately, this catcher was not artificial intelligence and could not communicate at all.

This left An Ran with no choice. Who told her that although she had stayed in the interstellar and learned the interstellar programming language, she still had no way to crack these systems. An Ran guessed that the place that could produce these things would be better than the last time. The star we went to was even more developed.

After asking and not being able to figure out the reason, and looking at the system through a magnifying glass and not being able to figure out the reason, An Ran forgot about it.

Of course, it is to be forgotten for the time being, not to be truly forgotten. An Ran decided to first cultivate himself to a level above that of refining the void, and then be able to destroy this system. At that time, whether it is destroying it or using his divine consciousness Scanning the inside of this system should not be a problem. Then she will take a good look at what this system looks like, and then destroy it before leaving the world in order to complete the mission assigned by the original body.

Of course, if the other party is willing to tell her the truth, in order to thank it, she can take the risk of not completing the task and not destroy it. After all, the information it provides about the system is of far greater value to her than completing the task. value, but we cannot let it find a host again and continue to make people do things with unhealthy views. Therefore, it is very possible to see if we can make it recognize itself as a host and bring it to the real world. Then let the other person peel off themselves and stay in the real world.

Having made this plan, An Ran continued to study her high technology.

Over there, without the system, Gao Shanshan's beauty and charm declined rapidly. Gao Shanshan instantly changed from a charming beauty to a middle-aged woman with average appearance and could barely be called comely. Gao Shanshan was very worried. Not satisfied, but so what if I can save my life.

Gao Shanshan, who could not leave this world and became a native, was still an unattractive native. She really hated An Ran in her heart. After all, if An Ran had not made such a request, she would not have been unable to complete the task. Perhaps the system had left. If the system had not left, she would not be as ugly as she is now, nor would she have lost her eternal life, and could continue to travel through different worlds. In short, the initiator of everything was An Ran, so she hated her very much. Enron, that's normal.

It's just... no matter how much she hates An Ran, she can't deal with An Ran, because An Ran's security is so good. Even if her family has some money and pays to hire a murderer, it will be difficult to do it. What's more, she only has one life left. I don’t dare to do this kind of thing casually. After all, I only have one life. If I am caught doing this kind of thing and lose my life, I really won’t be able to survive. It’s not like before when I could travel through various mission worlds. , if she wants to hate someone, she can do a little trickery and not be afraid of what will happen if he finds out. After all, she can't survive in this world. At worst, she will fail the mission and go to other worlds. She is not afraid at all.

So although she hated An Ran in her heart, Gao Shanshan couldn't do anything to An Ran.

Of course, An Ran didn't know Gao Shanshan's struggles. Anyway, she knew that Gao Shanshan was living a very painful life. If she hadn't seen her living in pain, she would have attacked her. After all, she wanted to take revenge on Gao Shanshan.

As for the original body's plan to let Gao Shanshan be crushed and ashes, and not let her go to other worlds to harm others, this has basically been achieved, because the system has left Gao Shanshan, and Gao Shanshan cannot go to other worlds. After a few years, she will grow old in pain. If you die, you will have fulfilled the original requirements.

On one occasion, I accidentally saw Gao Shanshan and was surprised when I saw Gao Shanshan's ordinary appearance that was completely different from the stunning appearance before - in fact, if she hadn't heard someone introduce that this was Gao Shanshan, she wouldn't have recognized her. The ordinary-looking woman is Gao Shanshan.

This made An Ran secretly think, it turns out that the real Gao Shanshan looks like this. It's no wonder that as soon as Gao Shanshan has love points, she always likes to add points to the beauty and charm points, and there are no points left to deal with punishment. It is enough to show that the other party's original appearance is probably not very good-looking, otherwise there will be no points added.

At the same time, I also thought, no wonder Gao Shanshan's appearance has become ordinary. This is because the system is gone. The effect of becoming beautiful through the system has disappeared, right? So, if you can do it without relying on the system, you can't rely on the system. Otherwise, Gao Shanshan would be The situation is a lesson for the past.

To say that An Ran was surprised, she was even more surprised when she saw Zhao Hanchen, her original brother Xie Mingnan, and others who were already married to Gao Shanshan again. Thinking that this woman was really the woman he had liked back then? Has this person changed so much in middle age? It was obviously amazing before, but why is it completely lost to everyone now?

With such Gao Shanshan, her original brother will naturally not look at her and fall in love with her, so Xie Mingnan was a little nervous when he saw Gao Shanshan. Although Gao Shanshan is no longer beautiful, will she be affected by the quick travel system? She still likes her Seeing that he had no such signs, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

However, Gao Shanshan originally wanted to strike up a conversation with Zhao Hanchen and others to see if there was a chance to restore her previous relationship so that she could find a satisfactory home. In the past, she was approaching Zhao Hanchen and others for tasks, but now the system is gone and she has become an indigenous woman. , then it became about finding a satisfactory home. Thinking that Zhao Hanchen and others were interested in her in the past, she hoped to find someone satisfactory from their side.

It's a pity that Zhao Hanchen and others have wives and children, and the current Gao Shanshan is not at all like before. She has a particularly attractive temperament-actually the effect of the charm value-no one is attracted to her at all, naturally. Then there would be no entanglement with her, making it difficult for Gao Shanshan to find a man with good conditions to marry.

Although the conditions of Gao Shanshan's family are good, it would be great if she could marry someone who is even better. She doesn't want to marry someone whose conditions are similar to or even worse than her own. Wouldn't that make people laugh? After all, she was a popular figure who often made entertainment headlines back then. I don’t know how many outstanding men liked her. In the end, not even a single outstanding man married her, so why don’t people laugh her to death? This is natural. She didn't want to see it.

It's a pity that she is old and average-looking. People with better conditions than hers often choose young and beautiful ones. How could they choose her? After all, she is no longer the time when she was wearing a system and was loved by everyone, so Her hope was destined to become a fantasy, and because she had traveled through many worlds, she married rich and powerful people in the world. Although the system had left the system now, she was used to marrying high-quality men, so naturally she didn't want to She gave in, so slowly, Gao Shanshan remained single, failing to marry the man she wanted.

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