Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 38 Cannon fodder substitute 24

In fact, as for Song Qingyu's repeated troubles with her, she wouldn't care if anything happened to her. It was just right in front of her house and she couldn't care less, so An Ran could only take care of it.

As for the people of the Qi family, even if Wei Mian didn't say anything about Song Qingyu harassing him, they would still wonder why Song Qingyu would cause trouble for her. If they continue to investigate, they might still find out. Song Qingyu ate from the bowl, Looking at the things in the pot that made Song Qingyu's life difficult in the Qi family, it was none of her business. After all, she was not the one who asked Song Qingyu to come to her for trouble. She was only responsible for sending Song Qingyu away safely. Don't let anything happen in front of her house, she can't care about anything else.

Wei Mian breathed a sigh of relief when An Ran said everything was fine. Then he saw that An Ran seemed anxious and said, "Okay, okay, don't worry. I'll tell the Qi family right away and ask their family to send someone to take him away."

"Okay." Seeing Wei Mian say this, An Ran felt relieved.

Half an hour later, An Ran heard movement outside the door. When he looked, he saw someone taking Song Qingyu away. To prevent it from being a bad person, An Ran opened the door and asked, "Who are you?"

The man said hurriedly: "We are the people sent by Mr. Qi."

That's right. An Ran nodded and asked them to pick him up.

After this incident, An Ran's life calmed down. Song Qingyu didn't trouble her again and again, which made An Ran feel relieved.

It's a pity that she was relieved too soon.

An Ran went to the supermarket to buy groceries that day. On the way back, a van rushed towards him like crazy.

An Ran, who had no time to react, thought she was definitely going to die. At the critical moment, amidst the screams of everyone, a familiar car rushed towards the van that was about to hit her. The van almost hit An Ran. It passed a short distance and hit the guardrail on one side.

An Ran recovered from the cold sweat of shock and found that the car belonged to Wei Mian. She couldn't help but panic. Wei Mian just hit the van with his car in order to save himself. Now he...

An Ran couldn't even think about it, and hurriedly ran towards the car, only to see that the airbag inside had been deployed, and Wei Mian was squeezed inside and seemed to have fainted.

An Ran took out her cell phone and pressed 120 with trembling hands while calling Wei Mian. However, her hands were shaking like she was having a stroke. It took a long time to get through the emergency call.

Not long after, 120 came over, carefully lifted Wei Mian out of the car, and rushed him to the hospital.

An Ran didn't have much time to worry about the vehicle that caused the accident, and just followed Wei Mian to the hospital.

Fortunately, Wei Mian woke up before the Wei family arrived. The doctor did an examination and said that Wei Mian was quite lucky. The airbag was good and protected him, but the violent impact knocked him out. In addition, there was a gun in his chest. The ribs were broken, but fortunately the heart and lungs were not injured, so it was nothing serious.

An Ran breathed a sigh of relief. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help complaining about Wei Mian and said, "You are stupid. You rushed over like that. What if something happens to you? I will be uneasy for the rest of my life." .”

She would rather die than let Wei Mian die. After all, Wei Mian only has one life, but if she dies in the mission world, at most she will fail the mission and her life points will be deducted, but her life will not be in danger.

But she couldn't say these words, so she could only scold Wei Mian.

"If I don't rush over, the car will hit you. I can't just watch you die." Wei Mian saw An Ran scolding him with red eyes and tears. He felt both sad and happy, thinking about An Ran. He will cry for himself, because he has feelings for himself, right? Then he can be with An Ran in the future, right? Thinking of this, can you not be happy? I thought that although I took some risks, it was still worth it.

However, he didn't want her to cry, so he immediately said: "I'm not stupid, I've calculated it. The car has good performance and the airbag is on normally. I should be fine, so that's why I did that. Don't cry."

While the two were talking, a traffic policeman came over, took notes, and talked about the driver's situation.

"On the surface, it seemed that the driver was driving drunk, but according to our surveillance analysis, he had been waiting on the roadside for a long time. When Miss Shen came out, he hit her, so we judged that the driver committed intentional homicide. The suspicion has been transferred to the judicial authorities for investigation."

After explaining the situation, he started to ask Wei Mian about the collision of his car with the van.

Wei Mian pointed at An Ran and said: "This is my girlfriend. I saw that the van crashed into my girlfriend, and I couldn't save anyone at the moment. I was anxious, so I drove into it, trying to knock the car away and save her. My girlfriend."

Wei Mian didn't say anything about this, and the surveillance camera clearly saw it, so the traffic police left after taking notes.

At this time, the Wei family also came. After hearing about this, Uncle Wei happened to be the director of the city's police department, so he immediately asked people to investigate the matter thoroughly.

"I want to see who it is that wants to attack Xiao Shen." Mr. Wei was very angry and immediately asked Uncle Wei to find out the matter quickly.

With Uncle Wei personally watching over it, this case was naturally investigated very quickly, and was solved in less than twenty-four hours.

After Wei Mianjing checked that everything was fine and returned home, Uncle Wei informed them of the latest situation: "At first, the driver refused to explain the situation, but later we found that there was a sum of 1 million on his card and an unknown number. I contacted him several times and followed these two clues to investigate, and finally found the head of Song Qingyu, the young lady of Wanxin Group. Seeing that we had found out, the driver confessed honestly, saying that someone contacted him half a month ago. , saying that the other party heard that he wanted to buy a house for his son, so he asked him if he was willing to do a business, and then told him to drink and hit Ms. Shen with his car. He said that if a drunk driver killed someone, he would not be sentenced to death. When he got the money and would not die, I asked him if he was willing to do it. The driver thought it was worth doing, so he took the business. I have issued an arrest warrant and will soon arrest Ms. Song and go to the police station for questioning. But Xiao Shen, do you know why Song Qingyu wants to kill you? If you can know the reason, it will be more helpful to solve the case. "

An Ran really never thought that Song Qingyu would find someone to kill her. Seeing that in such an ordinary world, her life was almost in danger, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She thought that when this mission was over, she would have to find a way to increase her force to protect herself. .

You must know that once she dies during the mission, the mission will naturally fail. Not only will she not get the reward, but if the person who made the wish gives a bad review, she will also have her life days deducted.

At this time, when Uncle Wei asked, he said, "She had approached me before and asked me to leave Wei Mian. I don't know if this has anything to do with it."

After hearing her words, Mrs. Wei couldn't help being disgusted and surprised, and said: "Is this Mrs. Qi crazy? Isn't she married to Qi Xuan? Why do you care who my son is with?"

An Ran said helplessly: "I don't know what kind of madness she has. Anyway, she is very unhappy that I am with Wei Mian."

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