Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 382 No money and not short of money 2

This wish may be difficult for some people. After all, this is an ancient world, and there are few ways for women to make money. But for An Ran, it is not difficult at all. Even if the original person has no mental power or talent for cultivation and can only practice martial arts, It's not difficult, because with Enron's skills, of course she can disguise herself as a man and go out to do business like she did when she was the imperial concubine. With what she knows, she can earn not only 200,000 taels in her lifetime, but also 20,000 taels a year. One hundred thousand taels is no problem.

It's just that since she entered this mission to relax, she naturally wouldn't work so hard. Anyway, no matter how difficult it is, she can still get two hundred thousand taels in the house and do it step by step. Although it's not for the original person. Said it was a lot of money, but to her, it really wasn't much.

However, the original body is better than An Ran imagined. At the very least, the original body has spiritual power talent and can practice spiritual power. Although it is not high, it is much better than just practicing martial arts. At the very least, it can interfere with the original body's husband when he comes over to have sex. In the consciousness of the original husband, she did not have sex with him, which made him feel that he had already had sex with her.

If you don’t have mental power, it’s fine if you can’t interfere. In order to prevent others from suspecting that the original body has changed its core, I have to be OOC. The original body’s husband said that we can only have sex with each other, but now that we have mental power, we can interfere one time.

She doesn't want to sleep with Prince Zhongyong, not only because An Ran doesn't have the habit of sleeping with strangers (there is no way to avoid it, but you can avoid it if you can), but also because if the other party only has one wife, she can still accept it, but The other party had a concubine, and An Ran didn't want to share a husband, so she didn't want to sleep with the other party.

An Ran entered the mission at a good time - Mrs. He Wu was about to enter the door, and at this time, the original body had already given birth to several children in the original body's memory. This was good, as she did not need to continue to give birth to children. Otherwise, if she hadn't given birth to a child yet and the original person had given birth to three children, she was afraid that if she hadn't given birth to so many children, the original person would be dissatisfied, and then she would have to work hard.

An Ran, who no longer had to work hard, could live her vacation peacefully. As for the task, she was not worried.

The reason why I'm not worried is because if it really doesn't work out, I can still save two hundred thousand taels of silver by making a few pieces of handmade soap and selling them someday.

What's more, she felt that the reason why the original person failed to save money had something to do with the original person's poor governance.

The reason why I say this is because after I got married, I didn’t have much money to begin with. However, in order to make people think that I was a virtuous and generous wife, I often gave rewards to my husband’s concubines. Gradually, I only had a lot of money for this idea. If you can't get in or out, it will be used up. When it is used up and there is nothing left to give, those concubines don't believe that she is really gone. They just think that she has become stingy, and they still criticize her in the end.

In fact, there is absolutely no need to give. I didn’t tell them anyway, but if I gave it to them, and they ran out of money in the end, and they kept saying it, it would be better not to give it in the first place.

If you give it to them, they won’t be grateful. On the contrary, if you give it to them, your child will have less to use, which will make the child suffer. In the end, the child will not be well fed or clothed until Mrs. He Wu comes in. Well, with comparison, when you see other people's families living a good life, your own children will be envious, so why bother, suffering for your children for the sake of an outsider, and besides, that outsider is another woman of your husband, isn't this stupid?

So the first thing An Ran did after coming here was to cancel the three-season and four-season rewards for the concubines. As for the usual rewards, they would not be given. Anyway, they were just a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. Giving them to them might as well be feeding dogs. , after spending so much money to raise a dog, the dog will definitely become your loyal dog, biting whoever you let, but they will not be grateful to you at all, and will only complain about you and say bad things about you after not giving it.

It just so happened that An Ran came during the New Year. Normally, at this time, her purse would bleed heavily. Because the New Year was a big holiday, the gifts would definitely be more than usual, so she slapped her face to make herself fat. The least she could do was give him a slap. A piece of jewelry, make a new dress - and sometimes even the girls and boys in my family have no money to buy jewelry and accessories. They can't even buy new clothes, so they can only use the new clothes issued by the government to celebrate the New Year. Unfortunately, the government has no money, and the quality of the new clothes distributed is not very good.

Every time he saw the memories in the original body's mind, An Ran felt that the original body's mind was full of grass. It was no wonder that he would not be able to live a good life. With such a stupid character, it was a shame that he could live a good life.

For the sake of reputation, even one's own children would suffer, and one would rather give money to others. Is reputation so important? In the final analysis, she was still selfish. For the sake of her own reputation, she even ignored her children. What is ridiculous is that the reputation she fought so hard to maintain was still gone after she spent all her money.

Since your reputation will be gone sooner or later, why bother with those false claims?

Just like when the money was all spent and no rewards were given to those concubines, and those concubines had opinions, now An Ran did not give rewards to these people during the New Year, and these people also had great opinions, and they were discussing one by one.

"Why doesn't Madam give out rewards this year?" When all the concubines gathered together to talk that day, one of them asked about this topic.

"That's right, so-and-so's wife has given out a lot, so why doesn't our wife do so?"

"I've become stingy, I can't bear to say it anymore." Someone who was mean started to say this.

"Many people send it out. Even if they don't send it out in normal times, they will definitely send it out during the New Year. She doesn't send it out. Isn't she afraid that others will say that she is too harsh on the people around her who are serving the master?"

"Who knows? It wasn't like this in previous years. Will it happen again after a while?"

"You haven't sent it during the New Year. How do you expect it to be sent out after the New Year? How is that possible? I think Madam just doesn't want to send it out."

"If this is really the case, should we tell the master that other people's wives are getting paid, but ours is not."

In fact, there are many people who don't do hair, but they are selectively ignored by them. They will only compare with those who do.

"I definitely have to say it."

Anyway, you won't lose anything by talking about it. If you succeed, you can also get some clothes and jewelry. Why not?

Everyone thought so, so when Prince Zhongyong was resting in a certain concubine's room that day, that concubine asked this question.

Prince Zhongyong didn't know the rules for women in the inner courtyard, so he thought it was really like this, so he asked An Ran the next day, "The concubines all said that you didn't send out the rituals. What's the matter? After all, it's such a big festival like the New Year." , not even sending one as a gift, that’s too shameful.”

An Ran saw that those women really dared to whisper about this. She didn't get paid after she ran out of money. She didn't dare to say anything when being questioned like this. She didn't dare to do anything. She was not afraid of this Zhongyong Prince.

So at that moment, An Ran pretended to be innocent and said, "Are you talking about the etiquette issued by the government? I gave it to them, and I didn't keep it."

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