Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3821 Chewing on the old man 41

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. It is useless for Cousin Wang and his wife to regret it. Now they can only live on their pension.

In fact, both husband and wife have pensions and can still get by.

It's just that Cousin Wang and his wife have been used to luxury all their lives. If they are asked to live the same life as others, they can't live it.

Although the fact that they had not made any money had long been exposed and they lost face, and after retirement, they had also left the circle of acquaintances in the capital, and it seemed that they no longer needed to compare with others.

However, how can a person who has been comparing himself to others for his whole life control himself and not compare himself with others?

People in their hometown know their true colors, but they have met new people in the provincial capital, such as dancing square dances with people after retirement, chatting with old men and women in the community, etc. How can they continue to compare? They were poorly clothed, poorly fed, and laughed at because their family was poor. How could they bear it? Of course this is not possible.

So they continued to maintain high consumption until all the money they brought back from the capital was spent. Now they had no choice. If they wanted to maintain high consumption, they couldn't do it without money, so they had to live on their pension. , there is nothing I can do about being laughed at.

So it seems that it is quite easy for people to lose their fortune. Uncle Wang gave Cousin Wang more than four million back then. Cousin Wang himself earned a lot when he was young, but now that he is sixty or seventy years old, he will just do this. All the money I spent was lost, and I began to live a hard life—actually, we don’t call it hard life, we should call it the life of ordinary people.

You know, some people may not earn more than four million in their lifetime. Even if they have work income, they can still lose all this money at the age of sixty or seventy. If they don’t have a job, it is estimated that three You can lose all your money by the age of forty.

Cousin Wang naturally didn't want to live a "hard" life, so at first, he thought of a way, such as ordering his two sons to give each of them how much money each month to the couple. However, because the two sons did not do well, They couldn't pay the amount they stipulated unless they filed a lawsuit. Otherwise, if their son didn't pay, there was nothing they could do.

Cousin Wang wanted to save face, so naturally he didn't dare to file a lawsuit, so the matter was left unsolved.

Then I thought about whether I could swipe my credit card and live in debt.

But after doing it a few times, I stopped doing it because I couldn’t control the limit by swiping the card. It felt like the limit was like a numbers game. I didn’t feel much about spending it. I spent a lot of money quickly, but I couldn’t pay it back next month. When it comes to repaying the money, they are in pain - there is simply not enough money to repay it.

If this continues, it won't be long before credit cards or even various online loans will be maxed out and they won't be able to repay them, so they can't hang themselves up. After all, they cherish their lives very much and don't want to die.

After spending a lot of money, they felt that they couldn't go on like this. In the end, they had to ask their son to help them fill in the hole, because if they didn't fill it in, they would have to save money from their pension. They didn't know how long it would take to pay off the money on the credit card. You may not be able to repay it, and you may owe more and more.

Naturally, their son didn't want to help, but they said that if they didn't pay it back, it would accumulate more and more. In the end, they couldn't afford it, so they had to sell the house in the provincial capital to pay back the money. If they paid it back now, it would only be a little bit. , and they will not dare to borrow it in the future. If the house belongs to them in the future, they will never suffer a loss.

After hearing this, the two sons helped to pay it back, but they were forced to swear not to borrow it again, otherwise they would not help to pay it back next time, and they would sell the house to pay it back themselves.

Of course, if they disobey and continue to swipe their credit cards and sell their houses to pay off, they will not care about them in the future.

They couldn't do otherwise. They were afraid that Cousin Wang and his wife would take advantage of them if they saw that they had helped to pay back the money. They felt that they could continue to borrow the money. If their son helped to pay back the money anyway, then there would be a bottomless pit.

Frightened by their son's words of not caring about them, Cousin Wang and his wife actually wanted to continue swiping the card after seeing that their son had repaid the card obediently. They thought that since their son was there to support them, they were not afraid of not being able to pay back the card, so they dare not swipe it now - -So you really have to be wary of selfish people like Cousin Wang and his wife, otherwise, he might one day trick someone.

Although the two sons helped to pay back the money, the relationship between the two parties was once again soured. The sons cried to relatives and friends everywhere, how could they have such parents who spent all the millions given by their grandparents, and now they are He even used his credit card to squander money and asked them to pay it back, which made the reputation of Cousin Wang and his wife even worse outside.

However, Cousin Wang is almost broken now, and he doesn't care what he has done. His son told people how bad their reputation is, as long as the people they know around them don't know what they have done, They are not afraid of embarrassment, since their relatives and friends have already known about their scandal.

As for their acquaintances who usually perform square dances, their sons will not know them. In this way, their scandals will not be spread to the ears of these acquaintances, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, they didn’t dare to file a lawsuit to ask for money from their son, and they were afraid of maxing out their credit cards, so the two of them could only live with their pension, and life gradually became more and more difficult. Without him, they were I would rather suffer a loss, but also dress decently, so as not to be laughed at.

It is not easy to dress decently. Once you spend too much money, your life will naturally become tight, making their life even harder than that of ordinary people.

But in order to look decent in front of acquaintances around them, they could only endure it.

But living such a tight life without adequate nutrition is naturally not good for the body.

The old people's physical constitution is not as good as that of young people, and they are also malnourished. As time goes by, they naturally cannot stand it, and various diseases arise and they start to get sick.

When they get sick, the two sons will naturally get angry. You push me and I push you, but they are unwilling to pay for their treatment.

In fact, the country has medical insurance, and as long as it is not a special disease of wealth like Aunt Wang's, the treatment will not cost a few dollars. For this little money, neither of Cousin Wang's sons are willing to pay, and Cousin Wang himself has no money. If you are sick, you can only carry it.

So slowly, the minor illness turned into a serious illness. In the end, the life span of Cousin Wang and his wife was not even as long as that of Uncle Wang and his wife, which was normal.

Cousin Wang also couldn't figure out how such an outstanding person ended up like this.

And Tang Anran, who was better than himself when he was young and was constantly being compared with himself, but later became worse and worse, how could he still get up later? This shouldn't be such a script.

On his deathbed, in a hazy state, he seemed to see that when he was unemployed in the capital, his parents borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Tang family to help him survive. With plenty of time, he found a better job. Good job, life is better than before.

After that, my wife lost her job, and she still had the money she had borrowed from the Tang family. In addition, she had a better job, and the family saved more money. In the end, she was able to survive her unemployment, and she also found a better job, which made the family better. The better.

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