Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 389 No money and not short of money 9

On the surface, what Miss He San said seems reasonable, but in fact, Miss He San's logic is also a robber.

According to her, An Ran must treat her as well as the second girl. Whatever he buys for the second girl, he must also buy for her. At the same time, her aunt only has to buy things for her, not for the second girl. So, According to her logic, a concubine will definitely have less things than a legitimate daughter. After all, there is one less thing.

But which concubine’s daughter in Beijing has more things than the legitimate daughter? This is impossible. Not to mention too much, it would be overwhelming to have the same number. Most of them are not as good as their legitimate daughters. After all, no matter how virtuous a person is, they will not be as stupid as the original person. They would rather suffer the consequences of their own children. Children should also give the little money they have to concubines and concubines.

Aunt Wang knew that her daughter's words were arrogant, but she couldn't say anything wrong about her daughter, so she could only say: "Since she doesn't care about face, there is nothing we can do against her."

This is indeed true, after all, they can't force her to give money - they have already forced her once before, and it is useless to bring out the prince, let alone other methods.

Miss He San also knew this. Although she didn't want to accept it, she had no choice but to bite her lips and said nothing more.

Although Miss He San had no choice but to stop asking for money from An Ran, Miss He San naturally became disgusted with An Ran from then on. In the past, because of the benefits, Miss He San did not do much outside. Of course, the main reason for speaking ill of An Ran is because it is useless, because the original person's virtuousness is well known to everyone. If such a person continues to speak ill of her outside, not only will she not be able to attack the original person, but she will also She was scolded, so Miss He San had never said anything bad about her original self before.

But now, because An Ran treated her like this, when someone outside talks about her aunt's bad mother, Miss He San will also echo her words and say what happened to her aunt's mother.

She said this, and even though An Ran didn't ask much about it, it quickly reached An Ran's ears because the other party didn't know whether it was intentional or not and didn't ask anyone to keep it secret.

An Ran naturally didn't take it to heart about Miss He San's words. Anyway, she had already anticipated such a situation before she decided to take a different route from the original body, so how could she take it to heart? Besides, even with the original body, If she takes the same route, she will run out of money. If she doesn't pay these white-eyed wolves, they will still speak ill of her in the future, sooner or later, so there is nothing to worry about.

Miss He San really did it on purpose. She was thinking that if these words reached the ears of her aunt, her aunt would be afraid of losing her reputation and would give her money again. If not, she would be held accountable for what she said. Don't be afraid if it happens, and ask her when the time comes, is what she said false? If it's true, then if she does it, why can't she say that she can't? Why can't you say? Is there anything you can't see? Since you know you can't see the light of day, why do you do that?

She had already thought about how to question An Ran or receive a sum of money, but in the end, there was no reaction from An Ran. She waited for a month, guessing that the words must have reached An Ran's ears, but there was no reaction there. None, which made Miss He San feel depressed. She thought that it seemed that this aunt was really strong and calm. If she had heard of such a thing before, she would have been frightened and hurriedly paid. Unexpectedly, now, people are not afraid at all.

Seeing that this roundabout way was useless, Miss He San was naturally depressed. After all, she could not directly confront her aunt, although she was not afraid that she would interfere with her marriage, because her father would definitely decide her marriage, and his father would not marry her to someone else. She comes from a bad family, so she is not afraid that the relationship with her aunt will become tense at all. She will play tricks on the marriage, no matter what it does to herself.

But no matter how she is not afraid of her, if she directly criticizes her aunt, it will be her fault if word spreads, so naturally she will not do this. After all, her aunt does not treat her equally. When outsiders talk about it, they will only say that her aunt is not very good. If she quarrels with her aunt, it will be her fault. Then she will be called a concubine, and she naturally cannot bear such a reputation.

Miss He San's troubles naturally let other people know about it. Seeing her doing this without getting any money, other people who were watching stopped. Originally, they wanted to see Miss He San making trouble. Can she take advantage? She thought that once she did, they would follow suit and make trouble. Seeing that Miss He San failed, they would naturally not waste time on this.

Not only the main house knew about Miss He San, but also other houses knew about it.

Mrs. He San, who had always been able to fight the autumn wind with her original body, saw that An Ran was no longer being taken advantage of. She couldn't help but regret, thinking that now it was better, she had lost a source of income. Fortunately, Mrs. He Wu was suspected of being the new taken advantage of, and the other party was richer. , her "income" should not be reduced, so Mrs. He San has not come to An Ran very much recently, and has gone to Mrs. He Wu's place to have fun, just to get more money.

An Ran didn't care about this change. Anyway, as long as she could complete the tasks assigned by her original body, she didn't care whether anyone supported her or not.

I don’t know if An Ran is not a money-splitting boy, and no one else is a money-splitting boy, so the cost of using silver bullets to win people’s hearts has been greatly reduced. As a result, Mrs. He Wu is not as generous as the original person remembers, and she gave Mrs. He San a lot of money. There are much less things. As for other people who didn't flatter her, Mrs. He Wu originally gave them to her, but now she basically doesn't. She probably thinks that if others (mainly An Ran) don't give them, she doesn't need to give them.

Because Mrs. He San didn't know the situation in the previous life and had no comparison, she naturally didn't protest. After all, it would be nice to have it. Now only Mrs. He Wu will give it, and An Ran won't give it. If there is going to be a noise, what if He Wu If the madam doesn’t give it to you either, that would be bad.

If An Ran gives, Mrs. He Wu will only give so much, and Mrs. He San will probably bring An Ran out to compare, saying who gave so and so how much, can you give more, etc., try to fight for it.

Seeing this scene, An Ran secretly thought, this is the benefit of competition. There are people competing to win over people, so the cost of bribery is higher. There is no one to compete. Not only is the cost of bribery greatly reduced, but the people Mrs. He Wu wins over are also more reliable. After all, if she doesn’t get along well with Mrs. He Wu, Mrs. He Wu will no longer give her any benefits, and she can’t get benefits from others, so in order to compete for the position of Mrs. He Wu’s number one younger brother, she can only compete with the original one. It will be more reliable in the body's memory.

Therefore, An Ran should not be a money-splitting boy. Not only is it good for herself, but it is also good for Mrs. He Wu. Otherwise, she would not have spent a small amount of money to win over a large number of people to be friends with her - at least the price would be doubled. .

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