Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 391 No money and not short of money 11

There is no family separation now. The masters of the family are Mr. He and Mrs. He. Uncle Zhongyong has no say in how the family is arranged. Of course, he is a filial man and cannot say anything. It is all up to his parents. , In this way, the house does not have much money, but at least it can still afford food.

But when the family was divided and it was replaced by Prince Zhongyong, he didn't know the price of firewood, rice, oil, and salt. He even took care of it and kept several concubines in their own courtyard. The concubines and their children also served people. A lot of money, and the monthly money was also increased. Well, Concubine Ji and her children were happy, but the finances of the house were quickly depleted. In addition, the original person also had a weak character and did not dare to control the Zhongyong Bo Crown Prince. So for a time, the family really had Because he ran out of money, he drank the northwest wind and ran to find Mrs. He Wu for help.

Later, Crown Prince Zhongyong realized that he had made a mistake. Although he had reduced his welfare, his family had been living in a tight situation because he had a stubborn character and could spend as much money as he had, so he could not save any money at all. , Moonlight tribe, with low risk tolerance. Once the family has any big expenses, they will immediately cut off their income, so An Ran thought that it would be a good thing to let Mr. He and Mrs. He live a few more years without separating their families.

Now that the family is not separated, the old lady and the others are in charge of the household affairs, so she doesn’t have to worry about it, which is good. But when the family is separated, she will have to take care of Prince Zhongyong, a fool. It would be nice to share it for a few more years.

After considering this, An Ran began to think about how to increase the lifespan of Mr. He and Mrs. He. It happened that this body could cultivate spiritual power, or wood spiritual power. Both wood and water elements had the ability to heal, so he waited until the mental power was a little stronger. After getting stronger, from time to time, she would use wood spiritual power to clean up the bodies of Mr. He and Mrs. He. As a result, the bodies of Mr. He and Mrs. He, who were gradually aging, not only did not continue to age, but on the contrary became much better.

——So Mrs. He Wu hopes that the two elders will die soon so that the family can be separated soon. It is estimated that she will not be able to hope for a while. Not to mention how An Ran tries to increase the life span of the two of them. Even with normal maintenance, they are expected to live another twenty years. , it is not a problem to maintain the two elders until they are seventy or eighty years old.

No jewelry was given out in the Mid-Autumn Festival, so An Ran was fine with it. Anyway, she was not too keen on wearing jewelry, but her daughter was at the age where she knew how to appreciate beauty, so An Ran bought another set of jewelry for her daughter and some things for her son. Of course, I still didn’t buy it for other concubines and concubines.

Seeing An Ran treat them like this again and again, these concubines and their children are naturally unhappy. They tolerated it last time, but they are not going to tolerate it this time.

Those concubines and concubines knew that if they told Prince Zhongyong about this matter, An Ran would be carried out of the capital like last time. According to the character of Prince Zhongyong, Nama Daha probably returned in vain, so Ji and their children saw that An Ran would not give them money or buy things, so they no longer made trouble with An Ran or Prince Zhongyong, but chose another one. The noisy one - this is the old lady.

Of course, they wouldn't say anything about Enron not giving them money and letting the old lady uphold justice. After all, there was no rule that Enron had to give them money, so what if he didn't?

So what they told the old lady was that Anron was unfilial and only spent money on her children during the New Year and holidays. They had never seen her spend money on the old lady - it would be fine if she had no money, but Anron was obviously rich. , otherwise where would the money come from to buy things for my children? It’s wrong to not give it to an old lady when you have money.

When they said this, they were obviously desperate, thinking that even if they didn't get it, they would still cause losses to Enron.

After hearing this, Mrs. He was indeed a little unhappy.

Over the years, the family's conditions have become worse year by year, and sometimes there is not enough money, so she has to use money to subsidize it - of course, don't expect her to subsidize the concubines, the object of her subsidy must be her sons, and only her sons. It cannot be used by my daughter-in-law.

Prince Zhongyong is a bit better, he doesn't waste much. When I give him money, he not only spends a little on himself, but also puts a little on the great fangong. But it's different for Mr. He San. He spends it all on gambling. Sometimes He would also ask the old lady for money to gamble. If the old lady's treasury wasn't strictly controlled, he would probably steal the old lady's money to gamble.

All in all, the old lady spends a lot of money on her son every year, so if someone is willing to give her money, she will naturally be happy. This is why she often asks Mrs. He Wu to give her money, both overt and covert.

Now when someone provokes me, I think so, An Ran has money to buy things for her children, but has no money to honor her? Mrs. He, who became increasingly unhappy the more she thought about it, went to find An Ran that day to discuss the matter.

An Ran saw Mrs. He looking for him, and didn't know what she wanted to do, but he was not afraid, because the other party was a scumbag, and An Ran was not worried about what she could do to him, so he immediately saw the summons and passed by.

After greeting the old lady, An Ran asked: "I don't know what the old lady wants to see me for."

Mrs. He said: "If nothing happens, why can't I come over to talk to you?"

An Ran smiled and said: "Of course not."

Immediately, I chatted with Mrs. He for a few words. While chatting with Mrs. He, I talked about the pure gold Buddha statue in an old lady's house.

Immediately, he said in an envious tone: "The Buddha statue is three inches tall. It is lifelike and has kind features. Oh, I really like it. I saw it at the time and really wanted one."

Then, Mrs. He said how beautiful the Buddha statue was and how much she wanted it, almost five or six times.

An Ran listened with a smile and did not answer.

She secretly thought that she was just talking. She was in the mood to chat with me when nothing happened. It turned out that she wanted something.

Judging from An Ran's long-term investigation of the people in the house, although this Mrs. He also has some small problems, she is not that kind of evil mother-in-law. In addition to liking to hold the housekeeper's power tightly in her hands, she is obviously older. She is not willing to hand over the housekeeping power to her daughter-in-law, and she also loves money, but she doesn’t have any major flaws. She likes housekeeping, which may not be a favorite for those daughter-in-laws who want to be housekeepers, but for Anron who doesn’t want to be housekeepers, she doesn’t like it. But she wished for it, after all, she would be able to relax for a few more years, which would be great; as for loving money, who doesn't love money, so it's not a big deal.

Because she knew that Mrs. He had some minor problems, An Ran didn't find it strange that she asked for money and goods in a suggestive way, because the other party also asked Mrs. He Wu in the same way.

But just because Mrs. He Wu is willing to give it, doesn't mean that she is willing to give it.

Anyway, she just didn't answer. It depends on what the old lady will do. If she gets angry because of this, she won't take it to heart. If she wants to ask for it directly, she insists that she has no money. If she doesn't give it, what else can the old lady do to her?

Breaking update notice: At two o'clock in the afternoon, three chapters will be added. From tomorrow on, one chapter will be added every day this week (from now on, updates will be at 8 o'clock in the morning). I hope everyone will like it~~

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