Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 394 No money and not short of money 14

The reason why I hate Mrs. He Liu is very simple - this Mrs. He Liu really doesn't look like a daughter of an official family, but more like a prostitute who came out of the hook. She usually dresses seductively and speaks in a coquettish voice. It's okay to be irritating, but it's unbearable for an aunt like you to seduce your nephew.

Yes, this Mrs. He Liu coveted the original body's eldest son. She always found excuses to get close to the original body's eldest son, which made the original body sick and disgusted to death.

In fact, An Ran said, it is not surprising that Mrs. He Liu wanted to seduce Young Master He. It was probably because her mother was unreliable. Children of poor people have long been in charge of the family, so Young Master He is relatively reliable and looks more mature than his peers. He is much more stable, and his temperament and appearance are much better than those of Uncle Zhongyong's concubine, Master He Liu.

Young, handsome, steady, mature, he looks much better than the wretched Mr. He Liu in every aspect. With such a high-quality man, it's no wonder that Mrs. He Liu is itchy and wants to hook up with him.

If she were a normal person, she would naturally not dare to have such an idea, but since Mrs. He Liu was not a serious woman, it was normal for her to want to hook up with her.

And this naturally makes the original mother, a mother, particularly disgusted with Mrs. He Liu. After all, no mother can accept her sister-in-law seducing her son, let alone this era, it is probably modern. I can't accept it either.

An Ran couldn't accept this either.

Anyway, in this era, Mrs. He Liu's behavior, once she succeeds, will ruin the life of the original son. You must have the ability to destroy the world and rewrite the rules of the game, or at least, you have the ability to protect him. It doesn't matter if you have the ability of Master He. If you don't have that ability, but you do something that goes against the rules of the current game, isn't this a scam? So An Ran doesn't like Mrs. He Liu either.

Of course, these are all impressions based on the original person's memory. An Ran doesn't know if this is really the case, or if the original person saw it wrongly.

However, after Mrs. He Liu came in, she really saw herself. An Ran found that the memory of the original person was correct. Mrs. He Liu was indeed a bit disgusting. When the newlyweds served tea to their parents the next day, she paid close attention to He Liu. An Ran, the sixth wife, discovered that Mrs. He's eyes lit up when she saw Young Master He, and then she smiled more enthusiastically. It was obvious that the other party was interested in Young Master He.

This naturally makes An Ran feel sick, thinking that you just got married to your husband, and you just had your wedding night last night, and your husband is right next to you, so you are so interested in pursuing beauty so soon? Either she is big-hearted or has a frivolous nature. She has had experience in this area before. Otherwise, if she is an inexperienced and inexperienced little girl, how could she have the courage to serve tea in such a serious and crowded way on the second day of the wedding? Occasionally, I can still have such thoughts.

However, Young Master He hasn't noticed anything strange about Mrs. He Liu yet. He just thought that this little aunt was more enthusiastic. In fact, this is also a normal reaction of a simple boy, so it is more and more obvious that Mrs. He Liu, a person of about the same age, has this frivolous reaction. It was not at all like the reaction a pure girl should have, and this also made An Ran wonder. Is this woman really the daughter of a small official? But how could a young lady raised in a boudoir look like this?

Mrs. He Liu naturally didn't know that she had been targeted. At this time, she was still immersed in the emotion of her heart beating wildly after seeing the handsome young man. She didn't expect that there were so many high-quality men in ancient times. Her husband Although he looked timid, he was also very handsome, which surprised me enough. Unexpectedly, when I woke up early in the morning, the handsome young man I saw was even more outstanding. He was thousands of miles away from his husband. Not only did this young man The handsome boy, the husband's other brothers (only those under the age of twenty-five), and several other young masters are all very good-looking. Surrounded by so many handsome young men, Mrs. He Liu feels that I almost fainted with happiness, thinking that my time-travel trip was really a good deal.

Yes, Mrs. He Liu, Wu Dandan, has traveled through time, but she is still very cautious. She neither sang any modern songs nor memorized any ancient poems, so no one has ever noticed anything unusual. This is not to say that those high-profile time-traveling women are easy to become cannon fodder. ? So she learned her lesson and didn't do such things to attract attention - if she hadn't been obsessed with Master He right now, she probably wouldn't have attracted attention.

However, Young Master He is so handsome, and he is more classy than the celebrities she has seen in her previous life. She is a star chaser, and she can't help but like them even for those celebrities, not to mention that there is someone who is not The real person who lost to the star stood in front of her. He would be unable to control his emotions and become crazy. It was normal for An Ran to find out that something was wrong.

Although Wu Dantan considers himself a very cautious person, sometimes he can't control his feelings. The more Wu Dantan saw Mr. He, the more he fell in love with him. Gradually, he couldn't stop being in love and be polite, so he later let the original It's normal to find out that she wants to seduce her son.

Although An Ran knew from the original memory that Master He had not made a mistake and got together with Mrs. He Liu, An Ran still paid attention to the movements of Mrs. He Liu. If the other party wanted to seduce Master He into doing something wrong, An Ran would She had to stop him in advance, lest she become worse than her original self and ruin Young He's life. If something happened to Young He because of her carelessness, in that case, she bets that the original would be angry. Then I won’t give myself five-star reviews.

Although Wu Dantan was obsessed with all the good-looking people in the house, his personality was cheerful and easy-going, so not long after he entered the house, he got to know the other sisters-in-law, and their relationship was good - except An Ran, the sister-in-law.

An Ran and her really had nothing in common. After all, no one would feel better if they saw their younger siblings looking around for their son as soon as they came to her place, let alone have a good relationship with the other person.

Wu Dandan didn't know that An Ran had noticed her dirty thoughts. Seeing that An Ran was indifferent to her, he just thought that the age difference between the two of them was big and they had nothing in common. Therefore, he didn't take it seriously and only talked with the young Mrs. He Si and He Wu. Mrs. He and others interacted with her, but only Mrs. He Si was willing to associate with her. Mrs. He Wu was not willing to associate with a bastard daughter-in-law like Mrs. He Liu.

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