Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 404 No money and not short of money 24

In fact, An Ran has medical skills and mental strength. It is easy to make money by being a miracle doctor. However, since she has never learned medical skills, she has to learn slowly to become a medical doctor, otherwise she will be suspected. I am too lazy to learn, of course, and I am too lazy to be a miracle doctor. I am annoyed by people every day, so I find something more leisurely to do (that is, being a matchmaker). If I am interested, I will make an order. If I am not interested, I will not do it. Unlike a doctor, After your reputation spreads, a lot of people will come to you for treatment, and they can't refuse even if they want to. It's too hard.

Because of the new source of income, Anron's income reached 10,000 taels in just three years. This made Liu Lu secretly admire his wife, thinking that with the speed of making money, his wife would be richer than the fifth wife in the future. , it’s just around the corner.

So even though there were so many troubles, Grandma He was indeed as reliable as she remembered - according to Anron's observation, many people had approached Grandma He to sow discord between Grandma He and herself. But Grandma He ignored her. It was obvious that this girl was reliable.

As Grandma He entered the house and it was time for her original daughter to get married, An Ran naturally followed the rules. After the father-in-law gave her a share of the dowry, she also gave her two thousand taels.

Miss He Er's husband's family had heard that the Earl of Zhongyong's mansion was poor, so they thought that they had given such a large amount of dowry. The He family did not withhold the dowry, and it would be good if the father-in-law could provide another thousand taels of dowry, but it turned out that the other party was able to provide more Two thousand taels for the dowry was quite unexpected. After the accident, I was naturally happy. After all, who would be unhappy when seeing a newlywed dowry.

Because they were happy, Miss He Er's husband's family, who was already a good character, became even nicer to Miss He Er and let Miss He Er marry him. They lived a very comfortable life, just like in the memory, when I married the original girl, I made an appointment with Miss He Er. It would be much better for the Wang family to go away to suffer and complain, and to have a noble concubine.

Speaking of the Wang family, because the Wang family bullied Miss He Er, the original body could not do anything to the Wang family. An Ran was not the original body, but she had the means to avenge Miss He Er, so in the past few years, An Ran had done a lot to deal with the Wang family. , anyway, since the Wang family is a top-notch family, there are naturally a lot of dirty things in the family. An Ran picked a few and anonymously reported them to Dali Temple. After investigation, Dali Temple found that it was true, because the Wang family had no money to bribe Dali Temple and let them go. So Dali Temple dealt with it impartially and deprived the Wang family of their title on the grounds that the Wang family had failed to live up to its divine grace and made various major mistakes.

Therefore, in the memory of the original person, the Wang family who dared to cause trouble for the second girl was now deprived of their title and had no other income like the He family. They could not survive in the capital. They left the capital at the end of last year and got out.

And seeing that An Ran had indeed given Miss He Er a dowry of two thousand taels, everyone in the house understood that this eldest lady must have six thousand taels of silver in her hands, otherwise it would have been impossible to give Master He and Miss He Er two thousand taels of silver. One thousand taels. If I don't give two thousand taels to my younger son in the future, since I will definitely give it to him, doesn't that mean that the eldest wife has six thousand taels of silver in her hands.

Thinking that An Ran had so much money in his hands, but held it so tightly, not letting any of it slip through his fingers to them, Ji's concubines, concubines, concubines, and Mrs. He San who had wanted to fight against the autumn wind in the past, naturally felt unbalanced. , but because he could not get money from An Ran, he could only say slanderous words to An Ran in front of Grandma He more and more aggressively. No, among them were Miss He San and her biological mother Aunt Wang.

But he said that Miss He San was very happy because she had arranged a marriage with a wealthy businessman, but Mrs. He was jealous of money and asked the other party for 10,000 taels of support, so when the other party made the decision, she said that she had given a lot of support. She had no money to give more betrothal gifts, so she only gave her a dowry of five thousand taels. In this way, even if she married a wealthy family, when she got married, the dowry would not be much more than that of Miss He Er - then The clan gave Miss He Er a betrothal gift of two thousand taels. He's father-in-law gave out one thousand taels, and An Ran gave out two thousand taels as well as a dowry of five thousand taels. However, Miss He San's biological mother had no extra money to supplement her, so she gave all The dowry was only the 5,000 taels and the 800 taels given by the father-in-law (the dowry given by the father-in-law to the concubine was slightly less). It was obvious that he was marrying a rich man, but it was only 800 taels more than the dowry given by Miss He Er. , this made her always feel that she would have plenty of money to use in the future if she married into a rich family, so Miss He San, who had always laughed at Miss He Er, naturally couldn't accept it. After all, even if she married into a family without a title and no dignity, even the dowry would be better than anything else. There are not many second girls, so she is naturally unhappy.

So when I saw that An Ran gave Miss He Er two thousand taels of private property, I felt unbalanced and naturally wanted to cause trouble for An Ran.

So when Miss He San mentioned that An Ran gave Miss He Er a private room, she pretended to be surprised, covered her mouth and smiled with Grandma He: "Our wives are also stupid, and our daughters are from other people's families. She has so much private property, so she took it to other people's homes and made other people's families rich. This is not stupid. If the money stays in our family and is given to the eldest brother and sister-in-law, the eldest brother and sister-in-law will have more money."

Auntie Wang on the other side also agreed, saying: "That's right. If you have this money, it would be too..."

The provocative meaning of Miss He San and Aunt Wang's words is too obvious, but if someone is not clear-headed, they may really feel this way. They feel that An Ran's private house must belong to his son and not his daughter, so he listens to it. After hearing what Miss He San and Aunt Wang said, she hated An Ran.

But Grandma He was worthy of being someone who An Ran had known and felt reliable. She immediately said calmly: "Is the wife's matter something that we as juniors can discuss? Of course, it is not suitable for concubines like you, Aunt Wang, to discuss. .”

After hearing what Grandma He said, Miss He San couldn't help but smile. At the same time, she cursed in her heart, "This Grandma He is always so careless and stupid. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are naturally opposites. You can help my wife." , will your wife be kind to you? If you don't take advantage of the fact that I'm at home and can help you to attack her with me, in the future, when my foreign aid is gone, you will be bullied by her and no one will be able to help you.

Although she was muttering in her heart, because Grandma He just refused to answer their words, Miss He San and Aunt Wang had no choice but to run away.

In fact, Miss He San also wants to cause trouble for Mrs. He. After all, she treats her marriage as a business and charges others 10,000 taels. How can she not be angry? Of course, the main reason for being so angry is that Mrs. He accepted the money, which affected the amount of her betrothal gift and reduced her income. What was even more annoying was that Mrs. He took the money but did not give it to her. , but gave half to her father and kept half for herself. Since her biological mother has no son, the money in her father's hands will definitely not fall into the hands of a married woman like her in the future. In other words, the money from her selling herself will be enough to make her rich. It's just someone else, so naturally this is not what she wants to see.

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