Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 408 No money and not short of money 28

Mrs. He Wu, who also arrived immediately, also smiled and echoed: "Yes, congratulations, sister-in-law, my niece is really lucky."

Because outsiders didn't know that Miss He Er's husband's family had been promoted to the title thanks to her, they only thought that Miss He Er was blessed and had good luck. Within a few days of entering the palace, the family's status had undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, Mrs. He Wu had always looked down on the poor people in the house. Now that An Ran's daughter's in-laws had become a prince, it was rare for her to see An Ran in the eye, so she heard the news and rushed over.

Of course, the main reason is that a palace consumes a lot of money. Mrs. He Wu also wants to see if there is an opportunity to connect her family's business with the new palace in the future and make a fortune from it, so she came here for the first time. , flattering Enron.

Mrs. He San felt a little unhappy when she saw that An Ran was so lucky to have a royal family, but she congratulated An Ran, and then smiled and said: "If my sister-in-law becomes rich in the future, don't forget her!"

She seemed to be joking on the surface, but in fact she was serious. She sincerely hoped that An Ran would give her some money because Guangchang Palace became rich in the future.

Mrs. He Si is even better. After all, she is the head of the Earl's Mansion now, and she has made a lot of money. In addition, she is the concubine's daughter-in-law, and this development is already very good. Therefore, it seems that An Ran's mother's status in the mansion has risen with the tide. Although he also congratulated An Ran, his mentality was not as unbalanced as Mrs. He San.

Although Mrs. He Liu wanted to pay attention, she had been feeling unwell some time ago (due to interference from An Ran's mental power), and she was pregnant recently. She had some pregnancy reactions and was not in the mood to pay attention to this matter, so she did not come over.

As for Mrs. He Qi, because she is a concubine's daughter-in-law, and she is a little transparent in the house not long after she entered the house, she naturally does not have much feelings on this matter. Of course, if she does, no one will probably pay attention to it, so it can be said , everyone in the house knew about the promotion of Miss He Er's husband's family, and most of them were happy.

Mrs. He was also extremely happy at this moment, thinking that it was a good thing that she didn't stop her eldest son from marrying her daughter to the Guangchang County Prince's Palace (the new title of Miss He's husband's family), otherwise there would not be a county prince in her family. In-laws, now like this, it will be very honorable to tell people.

The whole house was happy, but Miss He San was no longer happy when she saw that Miss He Er's life was getting better and better.

There are many clans in the capital, so the auxiliary generals are not valuable, and there are at least four to five hundred people; but the Zhenguo generals are more valuable, and there are only about a hundred people in the capital, plus the old lady and the old lady of the palace are still there. , they can live in the palace, which is completely different from the ordinary clan mansion they used to have. When they think of Miss He Er, she has suddenly transformed into the prince's grandson's daughter-in-law, living in the palace, her status has increased, and she previously felt that A merchant who has a good marriage arrangement cannot show anything in front of the palace. Even if he has more money and can live a good life in the future, he still thinks that he is marrying a merchant who is looked down upon by others, while Miss He Er is marrying a merchant who is fawned over by everyone. In the palace, can Miss He San feel better?

Thinking about why her life was so bad, she had worked so hard and finally found a good family. She had obviously laughed at Miss He Er before, and felt that Miss He Er insisted on marrying someone with only class and no money for the sake of face. The clan will regret it in the future, but now it has to be compared with the other party. Isn’t it unacceptable?

Although she had always felt that she was doing the right thing and could not give up dignity for the sake of face, so she would rather marry into a merchant family so that she would have money to use in the future than marry into a noble family, but now it seems that Miss He Er has become the grandson-in-law of the prince's family. , completely different from ordinary noble people, the level of respectability has exceeded the feeling that money gives her, so she only thinks this way at this time.

——Actually, Miss He San is looking forward to Shu. After all, your wish is not to live a good life with money in the future. Hasn’t your marriage been achieved now? Since it has been achieved, why are you complaining? Seeing that Miss He Er was much more respectable than me, I felt dissatisfied. I also wanted to live a more prosperous life than Miss He Er, so I made more demands. What is this if I don't have to look forward to Shu?

However, no matter how happy Miss He San is, there is nothing she can do about it at this time. After all, it won't be long before they get married. Do you still expect to cancel the engagement at this time and find a better one? After all, the person who broke off the engagement , trying to find something better is unrealistic.

So now she can only hope that Prince Guangchang and Princess will die soon. When the palace is divided, the second room where Miss He lives will have to move out. Once they move out and are no longer in the palace, their status will be reduced. At this time, I don't have to be jealous that Miss He Er is more beautiful than me in the palace.

Soon Miss He Er's husband's family moved into their new home, Guangchang Prince's Mansion. It was a double happiness for them to move in and get promoted. The Guangchang Prince's Mansion held a running banquet for ten days. As the grandson's daughter-in-law's natal family, An Ran was naturally invited, so On this day, he brought Grandma He and her husband Prince Zhongyong to Prince Guangchang's Mansion.

The daughter has become the grandson-in-law of the prince. Prince Zhongyong has also been in a good mood recently. On the way, he was sitting in the carriage and said to An Ran with a smile: "I thought our family was going to be more and more depressed, but I didn't expect that my daughter was lucky enough to become the in-laws." Prince, we are now more dignified when we are walking outside, and the popularity of our family has become much more popular during this period, and we are no longer in a state of decline, and things have turned around."

An Ran did not let Nanny He tell anyone about how she taught Miss He Er to keep accounts, so Prince Zhongyong only thought that his daughter was smart and figured it out by himself, so he only praised his daughter and did not mention An Ran.

Seeing that Prince Zhongyong was happy, An Ran naturally would not disappoint him, so he agreed with him casually and said, "Yes, I hope life will get better and better."

When we arrived at the Guangchang Palace, because it was a new palace, it was naturally full of vitality, and the faces of people coming and going were full of joyful smiles, which made the palace even more lively, and it was naturally very lively.

Miss He Er's mother-in-law was greeting guests at the door. Her family knew about her family's affairs. She knew that her daughter-in-law's accounting method was taught by her in-laws. In other words, her family's wealth was almost brought by her in-laws, so she always Seeing An Ran coming, he was more enthusiastic than before. He immediately walked a few steps to greet her, took An Ran's hand and said affectionately: "My wife is here. It's sunny outside. Come in quickly."

An Ran smiled and said: "Congratulations to my wife, congratulations to my wife."

The second wife smiled and said, "Same joy."

She secretly thought that it would be even more gratifying if her family could be crowned king, but it was a pity, but it was not easy for her to complain about this pain when she saw someone in person, so she could only suffer secretly in her heart.

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