Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 420 No Money and Not Short of Money 40 (End)

The life of Sanfang is getting better and better. Even Mrs. He San often comes to An Ran to complain, saying that her son and daughter-in-law are not filial and do not take her seriously. She misses Mr. He San more and more, saying that even if Mr. He San is here, they dare not An Ran couldn't help but feel disgusted when she said that to her, and thought to herself, if you hadn't been of the same mind as your children back then, would your children have separated from you now? Instead of reflecting on her own mistakes, she blames her children for being unfilial. Isn't this a reversal of cause and effect? ​​Besides, with her brain, if her children really take her seriously and continue to listen to her orders and manage the house, the third bedroom will continue. Failure, so it is right not to listen.

So An Ran listened to her complaints and basically ignored her.

In fact, Mrs. He San's situation is similar to the original person's estranged relationship with her children. The original person has always pretended to be virtuous and generous, and would rather lose money to her own children than give money to others. As a result, her relationship with her children has become worse and worse. Alienated, she never thought about what she had done wrong, and she was just as surprised as Mrs. He San that her children were not close to her.

An Ran saw that the third room was fine, so he stopped meddling in his own business.

On this day, my granddaughter got married and An Ran went to Guangchang Prince's Mansion as a guest.

The old prince and princess of Guangchang are now over eighty years old, but they are in better health than Mrs. He and his wife, and their cells have not yet passed away.

But precisely because of their long standby time, the first room hated them almost to the core. He felt that it was because of their immortality that they could not drive away the people in the second room and let the people in the second room follow them and enjoy the benefits of the palace for so many years.

——Yes, as more than 20 years have passed, the people in the first house have almost completely forgotten (in fact, they deliberately and subconsciously forgot) how this title came from back then. They only feel that the second house has taken advantage of them. Even Prince Guangchang In order to make the eldest son happy, he wrote a letter before he died and passed the title to the eldest son who was already sixty years old and had long wanted to inherit the title. However, this failed to make the people in the eldest family very happy. In their opinion, this The title was originally theirs. It was the old prince's temporary immortality that caused them to reach sixty years old and not yet become princes and princesses, so he gave them what originally belonged to them. Isn't this what they should do? How could they have it? What a joy.

Not only Miss He Er knew about these situations, so when An Ran came, she told An Ran about this, and even the old prince Guangchang and his wife knew about it.

At that moment, the old princess of Guangchang took An Ran's hand, quietly wiped her tears with An Ran and said: "You don't know, my in-laws, the boss and his wife, they are looking forward to the death of the two of us all day long so that we can drive away the second wife. I think They are brothers, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

An Ran comforted the old man and said: "Don't be sad, old man. Living a long life is a good thing. If you want to change someone else's family, there are eighty-year-old old people in the family. Who wouldn't like it? This is what they did wrong. Don't take it to heart either." .”

The old princess of Guangchang patted An Ran's hand and said: "I know you are a good person. When your old couple were around, they lived for more than eighty years. You never complained to them, and they kept letting you My mother-in-law was in charge of the house until she passed away, and she never complained. Everyone in the capital knows about it, and no one in the capital would say you are virtuous and filial."

After An Ran heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She thought to herself that this was totally unreasonable. She was being lazy and had gained a better reputation than her original self. You must know that although her original self pretended to be virtuous and generous all day long, she later ran out of money and could no longer pretend. Now, this reputation will be gone. Unlike An Ran, who has always had such a good reputation now, such a mistake makes An Ran feel a little embarrassed.

But she couldn't elaborate on the reason, so she could only smile and listen.

After coming out of the old Princess Guangchang's place, An Ran met Mrs. Dafang, the current Princess Guangchang.

She smiled and greeted the other party, but Princess Guangchang didn't even bother to pay attention to her. She walked past her with an expressionless face, as if she were nothing.

Seeing the other party's attitude, An Ran naturally stopped smiling. After all, because the old prince and his wife were still alive and the second wife was still in the house, and he hated the house and himself as the second wife's daughter-in-law, that was totally wrong. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense anywhere. What's more, the title of the first house was obviously obtained by the second house for them. Now they don't compete with them for this title. They just stayed in the house for a while, and they hate it so much. It’s totally unjustifiable.

Since what the other person did was unreasonable, and if the other person did this to her, she certainly didn't have to continue to be warm and affectionate.

I don’t know if Princess Guangchang was thinking too much and was tired and sad. Anyway, not long after, the news of the death of the old Princess Guangchang was not heard from the Guangchang Palace, but the news of the death of the Princess Guangchang was heard.

According to people who were close to Princess Guangchang, Princess Guangchang was still talking about her second wife before she died, saying: "I hate it, I'm about to die. Those two old immortals are not dead yet, and the second wife hasn't gotten out yet. What the hell is this!"

However, these words were quickly ordered to be silenced by Prince Guangchang, Prince Wang, and others, and they were not allowed to be spread again. After all, if such words of hoping that parents would die and brothers would get out were spread, would the reputation still be respected?

There is a saying that is good, but things go counterproductive. I wonder if the more the elders look forward to the death of the old couple, the less God wants them to die. After that, the old couple's bodies did not need to be recuperated safely, but they continued to be great and lived until they were ninety. He passed away at many years old.

As a result, the old couple that the eldest brother had been waiting for passed away, and the second brother left. I don’t know if the tension he had been holding suddenly relaxed, and he couldn’t bear it. Anyway, not long after the second brother left the palace, he was already more than 70 years old. Prince Guangchang also passed away, and then the prince took over the title. However, the prince, who was already over fifty, did not live long and passed away again. He became the grand-nephew of the second wife and the cousin of Miss He Er. After ascending the throne, the people in the second house looked on, dumbfounded, thinking that the replacement of the first house was too fast, but in two or three years, the prince changed three people to do it.

By the time An Ran left this world for a hundred years, under her care, her children and grandchildren (including Miss He Er and her children, of course) were in good health and well. It seemed that they lived long and well. With her appearance, coupled with the fact that she has made money over the years and has accumulated into a private house worth millions, An Ran believes that the original person should be satisfied with the progress of her completion of the task.

Sure enough, the original mother was very satisfied with how much money she had made and how her children had lived a better life. In addition, all the children lived a long life. She also gave her a five-star rating, saying that she was worthy of being a task master, and her results were indeed very good. .

There is no unfinished plot in this mission, that's right. The original person died of old age naturally. Basically, all the plots that should have happened have happened, and there won't be much change after her death, so it is normal that there is no unfinished plot.

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