Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 446 The woman who was transported through time 7

The original person was a top student and had a high IQ. Although he could not cultivate mental or spiritual power or have photographic memory, he was almost there. More importantly, An Ran was a martial arts practitioner and his brain had been strengthened. Yes, once you are tired, you can use your internal energy to get rid of fatigue and restore clarity to your brain. You will never be like those masters in this world who get tired after the middle game and make mistakes.

Because of this, An Ran wanted to try a challenge. Anyway, there would be no harm if he failed.

So that day, An Ran registered an account on the invitational tournament website and started playing with the opponent.

Unlike some people think, artificial intelligence can start a battle with everyone at the same time. Go involves a huge amount of calculations, so it cannot accept challenges from too many people at one time. Therefore, if you want to challenge Black and White, you must first compete with others on the website. Fight, and you can challenge Black and White by reaching the ninth level.

In fact, Anron felt that it was this merchant who knew how to operate it. Such a competition not only created the topic of Go and this website, but also promoted the topic of artificial intelligence, giving the company that developed this artificial intelligence a huge spotlight. It can be said to be a triple win. I only spent 10 million - and I didn't even know if I could spend it - to create such a big advertisement. It's not a triple win.

An Ran's original chess ability was good, and his brain was clearer than ordinary people, so he would not make too obvious mistakes, so An Ran's ranking rose sharply in a few days. Everyone knew that there was a dark horse on this Go website.

However, many people thought that it was the vest of a professional chess player. After all, they wanted to play a game of chess with artificial intelligence, so there were quite a few professional chess players wearing vests on this website - yes, except for a few invited professional chess players. Apart from the fact that you don't have to fight Black and White in this way, if people who are not invited want to fight Black and White, they can only do like other netizens and brush up to the ninth level of the Internet before they can challenge Black and White.

Although some chess players will cherish their feathers and know that they may not be able to beat the artificial intelligence. Since the opponent has not invited them, they will not fight with the opponent, lest the news of losing the battle spreads, which will be of no benefit to them.

But there are still some professional chess players who don’t care about this. After all, the best player in the world has failed, let alone them. If they lose, they lose. What’s the point? So in order to compete with artificial intelligence, gain some experience and experience. , I’m still willing to give it a try.

An Ran was practicing while brushing up his qualifications online. In about half a month, he successfully reached the ninth level online and had the qualifications to challenge black and white. He immediately submitted his application.

An Ran's qualifications along the way were very good. Except for a few draws, the others were wins. Such results made the officials very interested. After An Ran's application was approved and it was determined which day she would play against Black and White, the website also A special introduction was given to her, so on the day when An Ran played against Black and White, people who entered their chess room to observe her playing against Black and White, before An Ran even started playing, almost 100,000 people gathered, waiting for her to start. After that, the number of people increased linearly, especially when she and Black and White were fighting to the death, regardless of the outcome, the number of people was almost full. As more and more people started playing Anron and fighting against artificial intelligence in various circles, It's a matter of life and death, and more and more netizens are watching her play chess. In addition to people in the circle, there are also many people outside the circle who are watching the fun.

The first game between Anron and Black and White ended in a draw.

Enron and Black and White are similar in terms of mental strength, and probably similar in terms of chess ability - neither of them can play chess like human masters. They all rely on good brain power, and they have enough brain power to consider everything, so it is normal for the game to end in a draw. .

The first game between Anron and Black and White ended in a draw. Although it caused a little sensation, it did not cause a big sensation because it was very simple. Some people had won the Black and White game before, but it was very difficult to win three out of five games, so It is not unusual for Enron to draw now. Unless Enron continues to draw, or even wins Black and White, it is possible to cause a greater sensation.

In the battle with Black and White, considering that the physical and mental strength of artificial intelligence cannot be compared with humans, it is a battle every other day. It is not the end of the game. Take a rest and continue immediately.

On the third day, it was time for An Ran to play against Black and White again. This time there were more people watching than the last time.

This time, although An Ran had played against Black and White for a round and gained some experience, the experience was of little use to her because the opponent had no routine. Even if you fought against it for a round, you would not be able to defeat its routine, so against As far as An Ran is concerned, the second time he fights against Black and White is no different from the first time he fights against Black and White. They are all brand new.

Fortunately, An Ran doesn't have any tricks. He relies entirely on his brainpower to support himself - trying to see clearly what the opponent is planning to do every step of the way, and of course, as more and more chess pieces become available and the whole game is connected, what changes will occur. , and then find a way to find ways to deal with them.

Because the two of them played chess in similar ways and made almost no mistakes, An Ran and Black and White were evenly matched in the second game.

Drawing twice in a row greatly increased Enron's reputation. Although it had not won, it was unprecedented to be able to draw twice under the help of artificial intelligence, because no one had ever drawn twice.

But at this time, some skeptical voices also appeared on the Internet.

"The one who is safe and sound, could it be another artificial intelligence company? I dare not say that I am a Go expert, but I still know a little bit about Go. The one who is safe and sound, his playing method is almost the same as that of Black and White. There is no rules at all. It doesn't look like that at all. Which professional master's vest is it? But if it can tie with Black and White, will it be an ordinary person? If it is not a professional master, or if it is not another artificial intelligence company, I can't believe it. If it can tie with Black and White, Do you believe that he is an ordinary chess player, or even a private chess player? Anyway, whether you believe it or not, I don’t believe it.”

This statement immediately won the approval of many netizens who know a lot about Go.

"I don't know if I don't tell you. I'm shocked when I tell you. It seems to be in the style of artificial intelligence. If an expert hadn't said it, I wouldn't have noticed it."

"It would be funny if it turned out to be artificial intelligence versus artificial intelligence."

"If it's really artificial intelligence, it's no wonder it's so hard to kill."

"No wonder, in recent years, no one has built an artificial intelligence that can compete with Go. But no matter what the final result is, it is no match for Go masters. It is definitely new to have a black and white that can defeat professional Go masters. Others may not It can be done, but since it can’t be done, how can it be on par with Black and White?”

"Who can say accurately about things in the technology industry? What if there is something secretly hidden?"

"If this is the case, wouldn't someone want to use this stock trend to create a topic and finally promote their artificial intelligence?"

"If so, then they succeeded, because now everyone knows that the artificial intelligence they manufacture is no worse than this big company."

There were many discussions like this, and even the black and white officials heard about it, and then they became suspicious of An Ran's true identity.

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