Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 476 The Killed Daughter-in-Law 15

Since An Ran didn't want Old Mrs. Xu to leave, Old Mrs. Xu naturally couldn't leave. No, just when Old Mrs. Xu wanted to leave, she felt uncomfortable, collapsed, and couldn't leave - in fact, of course she wasn't really sick. However, his body was weakened due to the influence of An Ran's spiritual power and he was unable to go on his way.

Seeing that Mrs. Xu had fallen, Xu Weibin did not dare to leave the imperial capital, fearing that he would not be able to grasp the situation in the imperial capital immediately, and he could not leave Mrs. Xu alone - relying on Song Hong to take care of her, Xu Weibin did not feel reliable - not to mention There is a close relationship between mother and son - actually, for a selfish person like Xu Weibin, it is hard to say how much close relationship there is - but at least, now that Lu Anran is threatening him, and Mrs. Xu is here, at least there is someone to discuss it with. Without Mrs. Xu, he didn't even have anyone to discuss things with him - there was no way he could discuss it with Song Hong. Moreover, Xu Weibin also knew that Song Hong was not involved in what happened back then. Now that it was so scary, Song Hong might not really help. When dealing with Lu Anran, after all, husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and he is not stupid, he still understands the principle of flying apart when disaster strikes.

So no matter what the reason was, he couldn't let the fallen Mrs. Xu stay alone in the capital.

——Xu Weibin didn't think that An Ran was responsible for this. He only thought that Mrs. Xu was old and had been frightened repeatedly, so she collapsed.

Old Mrs. Xu could not be left alone in Beijing without anyone to take care of her, but she could not ignore Lu Anran's affairs. However, Xu Weibin was also at a loss as to how to find an expert in Beijing.

But at this moment, Song Hong said that it was not safe here and wanted to take the child back to her parents' home to stay. She also said that even if Lu Anran could get out of this house, she couldn't be in two places. If she took the child back to her hometown, the child would be safer.

If your children are safer, you want to be safer, right? Xu Weibin, who didn't know that Song Hong wanted a divorce at this moment, only thought that Song Hong wanted to escape, but never thought that Song Hong was planning to leave under this excuse and never come back.

Yes, Song Hong didn't want to stay in the Xu family anymore, but because Lu Anran was killed by the Xu family's mother and son, Song Hong was afraid that the Xu family's mother and son would kill her if they disagreed, so she tried her best to find someone who would not let the Xu family's mother and son An excuse for not being happy. Prepare to leave safely first. The divorce agreement can be sent over later.

At this time, Xu Weibin saw that Song Hong was clamoring to leave. He was exhausted mentally and physically and had no time to care about her Xiao Jiujiu, so he agreed. Anyway, he had to guard against this woman in Beijing. It was inconvenient, so he might as well let her leave. It was easier for him and Mrs. Xu, mother and son, to get around. They only told her: "Don't talk nonsense outside. You don't want your child to have a murderer father in the future. His life will be ruined, right? Of course. It doesn’t matter if you just say it, you don’t have any evidence anyway.”

"No, I won't talk nonsense, I know the seriousness of the matter."

Naturally, Song Hong would not be stupid enough to say such a thing. Firstly, Xu Weibin was right, saying that Xu Weibin was a murderer and would be of no benefit to his children. Secondly, Song Hong was also afraid that Xu Weibin and the others would still be able to find someone with the same goddess as before. A person as powerful as Xianhezi, once he talks nonsense, don't kill yourself without knowing it.

And as long as he didn't say anything that would cause Xu Weibin to be arrested by the police, if it was just an ordinary divorce, Xu Weibin would not take his own life.

Xu Weibin saw that Song Hong knew the seriousness of the matter and would not talk nonsense, so he let her go.

An Ran didn't stop Song Hong from leaving. After all, as long as she didn't find an expert to deal with her, she wouldn't stop her.

So Song Hong left safely.

And it was precisely because Song Hong left safely that Xu Weibin never thought that Mrs. Xu's collapse was due to An Ran's manipulation.

Shortly after Song Hong left, Xu Weibin received the divorce agreement from Song Hong.

Xu Weibin was already exhausted mentally and physically by An Ran's constant threats. When he saw this letter again, he was very angry. He thought that he was really capable. He used to stick to him when he thought he was rich, but now Seeing that I am in trouble, I want to run away, but there is no way.

I didn’t want to sign it, I wanted to drag Song Hong, but letting Song Hong divorce Xu Weibin was the same as An Ran’s goal of forcing Xu Weibin to return the Lu family’s property to the Lu family, so now I saw Song Hong leaving as she had imagined, and I was naturally happy. , so at this time An Ran saw that Xu Weibin was not going to sign, so he was ready to help her.

He immediately jumped out and forced Xu Weibin to sign the agreement.

Xu Weibin didn't want to sign, but An Ran not only sent the agreement to him over and over again, but also choked him to prevent him from breathing. In order to avoid suffering, Xu Weibin had no choice but to sign if he didn't want to sign. Fortunately, he didn't take Song Hong to heart in the first place. Come on, just sign if you want to. Anyway, after Lu Anran is dealt with, even if he signs, he will have plenty of ways to cause trouble for Song Hong in the future.

At the same time, seeing Anran forcing him to sign a divorce agreement, he thought that because he married a new wife and gave birth to a child, Lu Anran was particularly angry and wanted to kill himself. Now that Song Hong was divorced, maybe Lu Anran Will it be better for you?

Because of this thought and because he couldn't stand An Ran tossing him all the time, Xu Weibin happily signed.

But he was clearly naive.

Because after he signed the agreement, An Ran still tormented him the next day, and Xu Weibin lost his temper. But at this time, Mrs. Xu was lying on the bed, and Song Hong left again. The family could not live without people, and he wanted to find Gao Gao. He had no choice but to search the Internet to see if there was any way to deal with An Ran. He didn't know that An Ran was preventing them from finding the master, so even if he searched on the Internet, he would not find the master. human.

Things were so stressful that he couldn't go to work and had to take sick leave. If this took a long time, he might lose his job. But at this time, even his life was not guaranteed, and Xu Weibin was not in the mood to think about whether he would lose his job. .

In this way, he had to greet Dongdong with a smile every day, for fear that Lu Anran would beat him if he was not good to the child.

Living such a miserable life, Xu Weibin couldn't help but regret, thinking that he shouldn't have killed Lu Anran in the first place. If he hadn't killed him, he wouldn't be living such a life that was worse than death.

After successfully forcing Xu Weibin to sign a divorce agreement, An Ran wanted Xu Weibin to return the Lu family's property to the Lu family.

This is not difficult, as long as Xu Weibin transfers the property rights of the house to Dongdong's name, there is no need to worry about any part of it that belongs to Xu Weibin, because it is very simple. After the original person dies, Xu Weibin will transfer the property to Dongdong in the name of his spouse. All the money in the original name was transferred to his own name - Father Lu and Mother Lu, who also had the right to inherit, did not ask for that money - the money could almost offset the little money Xu Weibin invested in this house.

Besides, it's okay not to give Xu Weibin a penny. After all, Xu Weibin killed the original person, so this life is always priceless.

At that moment, An Ran found the real estate certificate and asked Xu Weibin to handle the transfer of the property.

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