Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 497 The Desolate Apocalypse 10

According to the news that An Ran later learned, Wang Wei’s mistress wife couldn’t bear to live the hard life with Wang Wei, so she found another man with better conditions and left Wang Wei. This is also normal. That woman was Since we can see that Wang Wei's family is in good condition and we like Wang Wei, we can naturally look down on Wang Wei now that his condition has deteriorated.

After his wife ran away, the life of the Wang family became even worse. After all, in the past, the Queen Mother could still take care of the children, and the Wang Father, Wang Wei and the woman made money to support the family. Now that one person is missing, life must be more difficult.

Moreover, among the family, there is an old one and a small one. Only Wang Wei is the young one, and he is more likely to be bullied in troubled times. Therefore, the life of the Wang family is naturally very bad.

Soon after the national grain reserves were exhausted and grain distribution was no longer distributed, the Wang family had nothing to eat. During a grain grab, Wang Wei was beaten to death, and the remaining royal father and queen mother also starved to death. Those who were beaten to death were beaten to death.

An Ran did not rescue the Queen's father and Queen Mother, because these two people, especially the Queen Mother, were particularly unkind to the original person. When they lived together, they often made trouble for the original person. For such people, An Ran would rather help strangers than to help others. It is impossible to help an acquaintance who has caused trouble for the original person.

On the other hand, An Ran saw the child as pitiful and picked it up to be raised. Because An Ran went out sometimes and often picked up orphans and raised them in the village, so no one thought that it was her ex-husband's child. This was also done by An Ran on purpose to prevent others from knowing. With this child's life experience, there are always some people with evil intentions who will make irresponsible remarks in front of the child in the future. It would be bad if she failed to save people and was complained or even hated by the child.

Of course, this was not mentioned later, but at the moment, the county staff member named Zhao, who had registered her superpower level last time, came to her door again and told her about the country’s latest policy, saying: “Miss Yu, the country has established a management center for people with superpowers. , would you like to register your name as a member of the Superpower Management Center? If you do not register, we will also include your information, which means your identity is unregistered."

An Ran said: "Then what rights can you enjoy when you register in the management center for people with special abilities, and what obligations do you need to fulfill?"

The original body also had this incident in its memory, but it was just that the original body was confused by people clamoring for rice and had no time or mood to pay attention to this matter. Since the original body's power level was not high, the staff at the management center looked at it. She didn't pay attention and didn't invite her much, so she didn't know much about the management center for superpowers.

Although many people with superpowers have appeared now, the country is still running normally. After all, the national reserves can last for a period of time. In addition, except for the plants withering, everything else is normal. There is no social unrest, so it is naturally easy to control. Plus, the superpowers The current level of the warriors is not high and they do not pose a big threat to the army. After all, with the current ability of the superpowers, they are just scum in front of thermal weapons. If they dare to challenge the state's violence machine just because they can throw two fireballs. Will be crushed by the army.

Because the country has food and guns, the situation is naturally still under control. Since it is under control, it is normal for a superpower management center to be established to manage the situation of superpowers across the country.

In fact, An Ran would like to say that if she has the ability, she wants to keep the country going, because even the order of a tyrant is better than no order. When there is no order, the most unlucky people are the people at the bottom, and as long as there is order , the life of the people at the bottom is miserable, but they can finally live it. What's more, from the original memory, this country is not the order of a tyrant. In this way, Anron naturally feels that the existence of a country is better than the existence of a country. existence is better.

It was just that there was a shortage of food in the later period, and the superpowers became stronger and stronger, and a large number of powerful groups were entangled. Warlords broke out frequently, and the country gradually became unable to resist, so chaos broke out.

So An Ran thought, no matter what happens in other places, she will be more capable in the future, and she will protect the people in her place. If the leaders at the top are not so bad, she will not create a rebellion from the top for her ambitions, and let the people suffer the flames of war. Apply charcoal.

Of course, this is just her temporary thought. How things will develop in the future remains to be seen.

Hearing An Ran's question, Zhao Sheng showed admiration and said, "Miss Yu is really foresighted. That's it, as long as you register in the superpower management center, every month, we will give each superpower according to their level. People with superpowers issue certain points, which can be exchanged for any materials they want. The reason why points are used is because Ms. Yu also knows that money is becoming less and less valuable now. When the money is distributed, it will depreciate too quickly. Maybe everyone will not I like it, so I will issue points for everyone to redeem.”

An Ran nodded. Before prices stabilized completely, the value of this banknote was unreliable.

In fact, there are people selling things outside now, so even if you have not registered at the Superpower Management Center, you can still use money to buy them outside. Therefore, the Superpower Management Center issues points, which is actually equivalent to giving you a free payment. money.

But there is no pie in the sky, so An Ran immediately said: "What about the obligations?"

Zhao Sheng smiled and said: "As long as you help to spawn a certain area of ​​plants every month on a farm controlled by the state. There is information here about the points enjoyed by power users at all levels and the area that needs help to spawn. Miss Yu can take a look. If If you feel it is appropriate, you can register. This is a must-do task. In addition to this, if there are any officially announced tasks and Ms. Yu is interested, the Superpower Management Center will give priority when accepting applications from superpowers to do tasks. Member of the Superpower Management Center.”

An Ran took the information and looked at it, and found that the third-level superpower user's monthly task was to give birth to an acre of land.

An Ran can now give birth to fifty square meters of land at a time. When the power is used up, it will take about an hour to fully recover. To give birth to one acre of land, it will take her about thirteen or four hours. If she works hard, she can finish it in one day.

The official points are 4,000 points, and they come with points for some supplies - all of which can be viewed on the website - judging from the points for some supplies, the purchasing power of these points is about the same as the same amount of banknotes before the end of the world.

If you work for one day, you can earn the purchasing power of 4,000 yuan before the end of the world. The official welfare is still good, but if it is too low, people with super powers can make more money by selling vegetables by themselves. Who can Will join the official list.

Because the points given were pretty good, and An Ran heard from Zhao Sheng that if the official had any tasks, members of the management center would be given priority. An Ran thought, what if the official had any good tasks and she wanted to do it? It’s still cost-effective to register.

So An Ran thought about it and said, "I'll join."

Zhao Sheng couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this. You must know that An Ran is a level three superpower user. Currently, there are only three people with level three or above superpowers in the county. They can recruit such a high-level expert to join the superpower management center. He will be given a lot of rewards, so Zhao Sheng is naturally happy to see that An Ran is willing to join.

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