Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 506 The Desolate Apocalypse 19

As for the displeasure of ordinary people, superpowers don't care what ordinary people think. As the level of superpowers gets higher and higher, they look down on ordinary people less and less, and now they still have to be with ordinary people. The reason is that their powers are not high enough yet, but if this trend continues, they feel that if they reach level five like An Ran just now, or even higher, their powers can form a legion without any need to compete with ordinary people. When people fight together, the superpowers themselves can defeat one against a hundred, and it is easy to eliminate these ordinary people with guns. When the time comes, they will run rampant in the world, and there will be nothing to do with these ordinary people.

——An Ran didn’t know that the action he had just taken had not only eliminated several rampant superpowers, but also further intensified the conflict between ordinary people and superpowers.

In fact, as time goes by, as many people with superpowers do not regard ordinary people as human beings, the conflicts between superpowers and ordinary people will become more and more serious. , and later some large-scale wars occurred. Of course, this is a matter of the future, let’s not mention it for the time being.

However, at present, the bandits lacked the firepower of the superpowers and relied only on ordinary guns. If they wanted to attack a farm that had not only ordinary guns but also superpowers, they could not defeat them. In the end, they were defeated in frustration.

The leader of this battle was an ordinary person. He used to be a gangster and had some guns in his hands. Later, he went on the road and found some more guns. In addition, he fought with other refugees with guns and seized some before arming himself. He gathered such a large group of people and formed a team. He thought that he would be able to loot the farm today and get more supplies to expand the team in the future. Unexpectedly, the superpowers shrank their eggs. When things came to a close, they ran away and put their sleeves on, causing him harm. The success was about to fail, so when he retreated angrily, the man looked at the superpowers several times with gloomy eyes, secretly thinking that they were all things that could not accomplish anything in a group, but were more than capable of being exposed.

Those with super powers are not afraid of him glaring at them. If they dare to cause trouble to them, they will leave!

Afterwards, the two parties parted ways. The ordinary leaders felt that they failed more than they succeeded, and did not want to partner with them. The superhumans felt that the other party did not give them good treatment, so they could not work together.

——If the ordinary leader hadn't felt that he might not be able to eliminate this group of people, otherwise he might have killed these guys who were holding him back when things happened.

On the farm side, seeing that the bandits' attack had been repelled, everyone from top to bottom couldn't help cheering. Battalion Commander Lu was also very happy. He smiled and said to An Ran and others: "Thank you for your help. If it weren't for your help, the farm would be in danger." .”

After hearing this, those people hurriedly waved their hands and said with a smile: "We didn't help much. The main reason is that Miss Yu is so powerful. She killed a fourth-level superpower user as soon as she started."

If the fourth-level superpower hadn't been destroyed, to be honest, these second- and third-level ones wouldn't have dared to step forward for fear of being killed by the fourth-level superpower. Although they had fought with superpowers before, , but it was all a small fight. I had never experienced such a big life-and-death scene. As soon as I stepped forward, my legs were shaking, for fear of being killed. Fortunately, although Yu Anran is a female class, she is quite ruthless, and once she gets started, He killed a strong man without even blinking.

Most people need to adapt psychologically to kill people, but looking at the way An Ran kills people without blinking an eye, it is obvious that he has killed many people before, otherwise he would not kill them like this without changing his face.

They felt that Yu Anran was a terrible person, so after hearing Camp Commander Lu's praise, these people naturally did not dare to take credit, for fear of taking away Yu Anran's credit and retaliating against Yu Anran, so one or two of them gave the credit to Anran.

An Ran didn't know the situation yet. Seeing everyone giving the credit to her, she secretly thought that her colleagues in this class were very good.

Because of mutual humility, the discussion of merit and scoring this time was carried out in a harmonious manner.

After the points were recorded, everyone left happily under the protection of the army.

Although they were a little frightened today, it was just a false alarm, and because they defeated the bandits and gained a lot of points, everyone was naturally in a good mood now.

After waving goodbye in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, An Ran returned home in a good mood.

Now that Qingshan Village is under her management, at least from the outside, it looks basically the same as before the apocalypse. The trees are lush and green, birds are chirping on the branches, and small animals are shuttled through the forest.

If there is any difference, it is that the number of birds and small animals seems to be more than before the apocalypse. That's right. Before the apocalypse, there were continuous mountains. Now, those mountains are barren and small animals cannot survive. After going down, they naturally came near An Ran's home, causing the number of birds and small animals near An Ran's home to increase.

When Yu's father and mother saw her coming back, they asked her about today's situation as usual. An Ran then told her about the attack on the farm today. When Yu's mother heard this, she slapped her chest in fear and said: "It's so dangerous, why don't we do it again in the future?" went?"

An Ran said: "It's the end of the world now. Where can there be a safe place? If those people really get stronger and clean up the farm, do you think they won't come to rob the relatively wealthy Qingshan Town? They will definitely come, so it's better to take advantage of the opportunity." It will be a good thing for the future to deal with them before they become a problem."

Father Yu nodded after hearing this. Although he was also worried about the danger of his daughter going outside, he had to admit that what she said made sense, so he immediately said: "Then you should also pay attention to safety. Once you can't fight, leave quickly. You You are stronger than others, so if you want to escape, you should still be able to escape."

An Ran nodded yes.

On the side, Yu Xinran heard that there was no danger, and couldn't help but secretly screamed at the bad luck, thinking about why those people didn't beat Yu Anran to death, so that they wouldn't have to see her looking so proud.

——As for An Ran's death, she has no support. She has not thought about how to survive in this desolate apocalypse in the future. Anyway, she just takes it one step at a time, as long as she is not allowed to see Yu Anran's proud look. .

In fact, An Ran's words were good. As time went by, the bandits who attacked Qingshan Town became stronger and stronger.

Although An Ran has a reputation for having level 5 super powers, many people feel that there is only one super power user in Qingshan Town, An Ran, who can only focus on the east but not the west. As long as they attack separately, they will definitely succeed. Moreover, no matter how powerful a super power user is , they don’t believe how powerful she can be. After all, her powers will be used up. Once her powers are used up, let’s see what she does next.

After killing An Ran, they can go into the town to grab things. Looking at how green Qingshan Town is, they know that there must be a lot of good things in the town.

So shortly after the farm war, Qingshan Town also ushered in a large-scale attack.

It was still an attack from both front and back, trying to make An Ran inseparable.

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