Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 51 Handkerchief 12

Ever since An Ran said she would not reconcile with Shen Cang, Lu Lian never mentioned it again when she came back. However, An Ran was practicing martial arts recently, and she didn't want to see Lu Lian, so every time Lu Lian came, An Ran would They all said that something happened and they rarely saw her.

An Ran did not refuse to see Lu Lian today.

She knew that Lu Lian didn't want to give up yet, so she wanted to see what kind of action the original person would take after she said that she was not afraid of Shen Cang and would not marry Li Hou.

However, because she didn't like this so-called handkerchief that cheated her best friend, An Ran didn't see her every time.

An Ran sometimes saw Lu Lian and sometimes didn't, which naturally made Lu Lian unhappy. She secretly thought that she was flying up a branch and becoming a phoenix. Her airs were getting bigger and bigger, and she didn't care whether she could sit firmly in that position!

The more she watched An Ran treat her like this, the more eager she was to complete the task assigned by Mrs. Shen Er.

In the past, it was because I wanted to marry into the Shen family, so I did it. Now, I did it because I didn't want to see An Ran being superior.

Although she hated An Ran for ignoring her as soon as she became rich, for the sake of her mission, Lu Lian still put on a friendly smile on her face and asked An Ran, "How are you doing lately?"

An Ran said: "Of course."

The natural answer made Lu Lian feel sick after hearing it. God knows her family was urging her to go on a blind date, saying that her friend Qiao Anran had been married for almost half a year, and her marriage had not yet been decided. Is it possible that she would not be able to get married in the future? .

What can she say? She can't say that after seeing Qiao Anran's wealth, she doesn't want to marry those poor people introduced to her by her family, right? So we can only drag as long as we can.

Seeing that it was difficult to delay, her parents might have to force her to get married. Lu Lian felt that Qiao Anran had to speed up. Otherwise, if this situation continued, she would not be able to complete the task of Mrs. Shen Er. The marriage will be decided casually by the parents.

Thinking of this, Lu Lian pretended to be mysterious and said, "An Ran, I heard something in the past two days. It really scared me and gave me nightmares. Come over here and tell you."

"Oh? What's the matter?" An Ran secretly asked, waiting to see what she was going to say.

Seeing the look of disgust and fear on Lu Lian's face, she said: "An Ran, do you know? I heard that after General Shen defeated the Ukrainian army, he killed thousands of prisoners and took over the Ukrainian army. Cutting him into pieces in public, my God, he looks like a bloodthirsty demon, so terrifying, An Ran, are you afraid after hearing this?"

In order to frighten An Ran, Lu Lian deliberately made the scene very scary, and then asked An Ran this question.

Of course, it is necessary to take quotes out of context - in fact, the Ukrainian army massacred the border town of Liangcheng, and these people later also killed the people on the border from time to time. In order to set an example, and at the same time to frighten the enemy, Shen Cang sent the elite of the Ukrainian army (also known as It was equivalent to killing thousands of prisoners and setting fire to the main force). At the same time, the Ukrainian army commander who had issued the order to massacre the city was cut into eight pieces to commemorate the souls of the dead at the border.

Of course, Shen Cang, a general, would not dare to make such a decision without permission. Naturally, he would only act after asking the emperor. But at this moment, Lu Lian ignored the reality and only spoke one-sided words to slander Shen Cang.

Fortunately, An Ran had already learned about Shen Cang's deeds, so naturally she would not listen to Lu Lian's one-sided words - of course, even if she didn't understand, she would not be able to believe her. After all, Lu Lian was already here with her. There is no credibility at all. Since I can't trust her character, I naturally won't believe her words rashly.

As soon as An Ran heard her words, he understood what she wanted to do. She just wanted to describe Shen Cang as scary, make herself afraid of Shen Cang, and then divorce Shen Cang! Lu Lian really spared no effort in order to help her second wife seize the wealth that Shen Cang had sacrificed his life for!

Thinking of this, An Ran felt that the girl in front of him was extremely disgusted. While he made up his mind and decided not to see this woman again, he said coldly: "I remember that that person was the executioner of the Liangcheng Massacre seven years ago. My husband will execute such a traitor." The butcher of mankind is not called a bloodthirsty demon, but justice. Instead of sympathizing with the Uzbek butcher, you should sympathize with the border people who were raped and plundered by him and his men. Otherwise, I will think that you have something in your mind. All you pretend to be is shit, and your conscience has been eaten by dogs.”

An Ran found it funny when she saw Lu Lian's disgusted look, and didn't think about it. If it weren't for Shen Cang and other soldiers guarding the country, the Uzbek people's cruel habits of massacre, rape and robbery, and what happened to the people at the border in the past, would one day Lu Lian and the others will also meet.

In the end, they protected them, but because she executed an anti-humanity, she was so hostile, hiding in the safe rear, standing on the moral high ground, and dictating like this. Such a keyboard warrior, she should be punished by the Uzbek people. Caught and made into two-legged sheep, they will be used as sex and slaves when there is food, and they will be treated as food when there is no food. When the time comes, see if they can say something noble and cool about how cruel Shen Cang is.

Lu Lian blushed in shame at An Ran's words and was about to say something else. Then she heard An Ran say to the servants on both sides: "Come here, send this Miss Lu who maliciously slandered the Duke out, and then tell the door, Don’t let her in again, I don’t have such a good friend.”

Lu Lian was dumbfounded when she saw An Ran said that she would not be allowed in from now on. She never thought that Qiao Anran, who was as stupid as a little white rabbit, would become so decisive. She thought that she was still her friend no matter what. She wouldn't do anything to her if she said something too much, but she didn't know that the other person had changed. He was no longer as soft-tempered as before, but became so arrogant. She couldn't help but be stunned.

If she was not allowed in, how would she deal with Mrs. Shen Er and marry into the Shen family in the future? So when she saw a mother-in-law coming towards her and picking her up, she couldn't help but become anxious and shouted: "An Ran, you You can't do this to me! I'm your good sister!"

Humph, good sister, good sister, is this how she deceives people? An Ran sneered, completely unmoved by her.

Lu Lian saw that Qiao Anran didn't answer her words at all, but only picked up the cup and drank tea coolly there. She couldn't help but get angry. She couldn't help but break the cup and cursed through gritted teeth: "You dare not leave for the sake of glory and wealth." Shen Cang, let me see what good outcome you can have if you stay with such a murderous demon..."

Anyway, I won’t be able to get in from now on, so I might as well scold him for fun first!

An Ran frowned and said: "It is treason to curse the Duke like this. I don't want to hear her filthy words anymore, so I blocked her mouth and threw her out. Then I sent someone to talk to the Lu family about this and let their family be well." Discipline and discipline the girls in their family. If their family is not well managed, I will go to the palace and talk to His Majesty about this matter. I will ask the Lu family girl what it means to insult an official who has contributed to the country and ask Your Majesty to take care of their family. !”

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