Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 512 The Desolate Apocalypse 25

An Ran also used this method when he went to Wang Dahai's lair.

Since no one was discovered in Qingshan Town, no one was discovered in Taiping Town either, and this reminded An Ran more and more to pay attention to aerial vigilance.

In the early stage, Anron had already investigated where Wang Dahai lived and the strength of the security personnel around him. At this time, he successfully got to Wang Dahai and easily eliminated the people who protected Wang Dahai - Wang Dahai was nestled in such a small town. His strength is not very good, so the level of superpowers he can recruit is naturally not high. There are some third- and fourth-level superpowers around him, so it is very easy to eliminate them.

Even Wang Dahai himself only has level six powers.

Wang Dahai didn't notice anyone coming at first, but after An Ran killed all the people outside, he still made some noise, which made Wang Dahai aware of it and immediately became alert.

Originally, Wang Dahai had two women playing around him at night. When he saw something was going on outside, he quickly jumped out of bed from the two women and pulled one of them over to block him.

When the woman saw Wang Dahai acting like this, she didn't know why at first. But when she saw An Ran coming in, she knew what was going on. Seeing that she was being pulled over by Wang Dahai as a shield, she couldn't help but be scared to death. scream.

An Ran was not afraid that if she alerted others on Wang Dahai's territory, she would fall into a sea of ​​​​people war. No matter how powerful she was, she could never defeat everyone.

Because Wang Dahai is angry and resentful in Taiping, she only needs to eliminate those people under Wang Dahai, and as for those people, it is not difficult for the superpowers to eliminate them, because they have quietly eliminated a group just now, and there are not many left. Wait a minute If you are attracted by the movement on Wang Dahai's side, if it comes again, it will not be difficult to eliminate it.

As for ordinary people with thermal weapons, she, who has level 8 supernatural powers, is not very afraid, so An Ran is naturally confident.

Moreover, if he wanted to fight quickly, he would probably have killed them and left before those people had time to come over.

Since An Ran planned to fight quickly, he naturally would not waste time. The next vine shot out quickly. Before Wang Dahai could react, he pulled the woman he had pulled in front of him aside, and then met with Wang Dahai. The sea began to fight.

Wang Dahai pulled that woman as a shield. He never thought of using the woman's life to threaten An Ran. In fact, he was at a loss. He thought everyone was like him and would not care about other people's lives. In fact, An Ran still did. Yes, she didn't want to harm other innocent people because of her revenge, so if he threatened An Ran with that woman's life just now, it would be really difficult for An Ran.

But fortunately, Wang Dahai just wanted to use people as a shield, and did not want to use them as hostages. He was not very defensive about the people in his opponent, so he allowed An Ran to save people successfully. If Wang Dahai knew that An Ran was still principled and caught someone, he would be fine Protect it from An Ran and prevent it from being snatched away. If you use it as a threat, things will be even more complicated.

Without the hostages in hand, it would be much easier for An Ran to kill people.

Wang Dahai had no choice but to stand up and fight.

But it is a pity that An Ran can beat him with his rich combat experience, not to mention being on the same level. What's more, if he is two levels higher, he is not An Ran's opponent. He was quickly dealt with by An Ran and avenged his original body. .

However, although this revenge is easy to avenge, the follow-up arrangements must be made well, otherwise Taiping Town will not have a master to guard it, and An Ran will worry about foreign enemies invading. Although Wang Dahai has done many bad things in Taiping Town, Taiping Town is not peaceful at all, but At the very least, Wang Dahai's presence ensured a certain degree of safety. Although he was squeezed by him, it was better than not having this person and being bullied by everyone outside. It was better to deal with one villain than to deal with groups of villains.

Before, An Ran was afraid that if he alerted other people, someone would come and cause trouble for him, but now, someone was coming from outside, but when he saw that An Ran had even killed the powerful Wang Dahai, the third and fourth level superpowers recruited by Wang Dahai They either ran away or surrendered. They didn't dare to confront An Ran. After all, even Wang Dahai could be easily eliminated. Wouldn't it be easier for them who were worse than Wang Dahai to be eliminated? They didn't want to be cannon fodder, so they surrendered.

As for ordinary people, they will not continue to resist.

So An Ran successfully took over Taiping Town.

But how to deal with it after that, An Ran is a little confused.

If this is a neighboring town to Qingshan Town, the worst possible thing is to merge with Qingshan Town. However, it is far away from Qingshan Town. Now that Wang Dahai is dead, isn't it a headache to find someone to take over the security issues here?

An Ran had no choice but to go to the group of superpowers and ask her friends with good character - after the last farm defense battle, because the friends were very humble and did not take away her credit, so these questions People are classified as people with good character by An Ran. Regardless of whether these people are afraid of her strength or they really have good character. Anyway, they can get close to her and have not done anything harmful to the world. Then An Ran will pretend They are all good people.

An Ran is safe: "Is there anyone who has no territory for the time being?"

Wansheng: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

An Ran is fine: "I just picked up some rubbish for Tianxingdao, and now I urgently need someone to take over the other party's territory, lest this place be left unattended and be looted by bandits."

Wanshengsheng: "Then I won't join in the fun now that I have a territory. Anyone who doesn't have a territory should quickly sign up!"

Vine: "Where is the territory?"

Safe and sound: "Taiping Town."

Vine: "It's a whole town. It's not a small place, but it's a little out of the way."

Wansheng: "You don't have any territory yet. This place is pretty good. Why don't you take it over?"

Vine hesitated a little: "Is the situation over there complicated? I'm afraid that I couldn't control the situation in the past and was bullied. In that case, I might as well stay at home and don't care about anything, spawn something every day, take care of myself, and be very happy. "

Either that or he has never had any territory because he was afraid of trouble.

An Ran is fine: "I have wiped out all the old forces. You can come over and try. If it doesn't work, report it to the group and we will talk about it then."

After hearing what An Ran said, Teng Wen agreed and came over the next day.

An Ran explained the matter to him, and then gave him a copy of the information she had previously investigated to deal with Wang Dahai, so that he could familiarize himself with the situation.

Like Wang Dahai, Teng Man also has level six superpowers. If Taiping Town is left to him, it will not be a problem to defend it. If there is a situation, he can ask people in the group for help, so Teng Man is not afraid that there will be foreign enemies if he takes over this town. The reason for the intrusion is that he is afraid that he is not capable enough to manage the town well. After all, not all people have the ability to manage. Some people are suitable to be managers, and some people are suitable to be managed.

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