Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 514 The Desolate Apocalypse 27

She and Commander Lu had a mutual defense agreement. When Commander Lu needed help, she went to help him; when she needed help, Commander Lu also came to help her.

Of course, if her brother Ming settles accounts, whether she helps Captain Lu or Captain Lu helps him, he has to pay for it. After all, relationships alone cannot last long.

Because Captain Lu was in the county, not long after Xu Du arrived, Captain Lu's men also came. Xu Du thought that An Ran had gotten wind of it for some reason and had invited foreign aid. It seems that the fight has not started yet. Captain Lu They came and couldn't help but look ugly.

The reason why he looked ugly was because he thought that not only did he have a traitor in Anron, but Anron also had a traitor in his own place. Otherwise, how could he have come forward on his own? He had just reorganized his team, and before he had time to shout to Anron and threaten Anron, other foreign aid would come. coming? What should he do now? Don't fight. He's already here, but if he scares him back like this, wouldn't it make the heroes of the world laugh at him? If he fights, he's afraid he won't be able to beat him. Thinking like this, his face becomes even uglier.

However, this is not the time to dwell on this matter. The traitor matter can be investigated after Yu Anran is dealt with. So Xu Du immediately shouted to Anran and said: "Miss Yu, I said back then that I would deal with you. Now I finally have my hands free, so I came to meet you. If you want to know the truth, you should quickly admit your mistakes for what happened back then. My lord, I have exposed a lot of the mistakes we made back then, how about that?"

These words were not what he had imagined before. You must know that what he wanted to say before was much harsher than this wording. He was preparing to say harsh words, not such words of retreat.

Xu Du is not such a generous person. What he said so high-sounding at this time is just because he was afraid. That's why he said this, giving An Ran a step down and giving himself a step down. He just wanted to wait for An Ran to understand and apologize to himself. , and then he saved face and retreated to avoid a real fight. If he couldn't defeat them or suffered heavy casualties, that was not what he wanted to see.

But how could An Ran give him face and apologize to him? It was a bad idea, so An Ran said coldly: "If you want to fight, I will fight. What nonsense!"

Xu Du saw that An Ran didn't give any face to him and actually talked to him like this. Xu Du felt that he had lost face again and his face turned red.

He is a person who has a good reputation. He was disgraced by An Ran before, so he had a grudge against An Ran. Now that he was disgraced by An Ran again, he was naturally even more angry.

Once a person becomes angry, his brain will lose its rationality, and Xu Du is the same.

In the past few years, I have been a small warlord, and I have been used to being praised by others. Naturally I can't stand it when someone suddenly loses face like this. The consequence of losing my mind is that I forget the original intention of not preparing to fight, but a golden light goes straight to An Ran's door. go.

An Ran saw that Xu Du took action without saying a word, and knew that he had an unexpected idea. However, she had been guarding against him, so naturally she would not be unable to react because of this. Xu Du succeeded in a sneak attack, and everyone was screaming in surprise, fearing that An Ran would When he was stabbed by Xu Du's golden knife, a transparent water curtain appeared in front of An Ran.

While summoning the water shield, An Ran sent a fireball straight towards Xu Du. He sneered in his heart, thinking that this Xu Du was also experienced in combat. Haven't he ever thought that at the same level of power, multiple systems are more lethal than a single system? Big, you have to know that the energy stored in the body of a superpower, the energy of each series of superpowers of the same level is almost the same. In this case, with each additional series, the natural energy will double, five system, that is five times more energy than Xudu - otherwise, the cultivation speed of five-system superpower users would be slower than that of single-system superpower users, just because all five types of superpower energy must be filled up before they can upgrade. Although the cultivation of five-series superpowers is slower than that of a single-series superpower, users of the same level of superpowers are equivalent. Their energy is five times that of a single-series superpower. Even if these five times of energy are in their own hands, it is impossible. A certain system has five times the energy, but even if everyone is in charge of their own affairs, she has used up the energy of the fire system, and there is still energy available from other systems such as the gold system, but Xu Du has no other energy available.

In this way, he is still so confident. He didn't deal with himself before, but he had to wait until he had almost the same powers as him before he dealt with him. Isn't this a mental illness?

However, he only has a certain amount of gold-type abilities, so it is naturally impossible to fight alone. He usually configures combat magic and animal husbandry as in the game. Like now, it is like this. Seeing Anran's fireball coming, he has already ordered the people around him Those with water powers can create a water shield to block it.

The water shield can not only block attacks, but also put out fires, killing two birds with one stone.

Seeing Xu Du asking someone to help, a little girl on the wall beside An Ran who usually admired An Ran couldn't stand it anymore. She cursed on the wall: "It's shameless to beat several people against one."

Although Xu Du has always played like this, he obviously doesn't like others saying that he is shameless, so when he heard the little girl say this, a golden light went straight towards the little girl again, and he thought to himself, I didn't hit with a single blow. , I can take care of Yu Anran, can I still not take care of you?

Unfortunately, his sneak attack was blocked by an earth shield.

The person who helped was An Ran's number one human shield. His superpower was already at level eight. Although he couldn't defeat Xu Du, it was still possible to get an earth shield to block Xu Du's attacks.

Since the little girl dared to go up the wall and curse people, she naturally knew that someone would protect her. Seeing that Xu Du's attack failed, she stuck her head out from behind the shield and laughed at Xu Du: "Hehe, you narrow-minded guy!"

Hearing this, Xu Du's blood rushed to his head and he wanted to break the little girl's neck. Although he was a compassionate person, he could not pity such a disgusting woman.

Just as he was about to attack the little girl and try to kill her, a confidant reminded him: "Mr. Xu, it's better to deal with An Ran first. It's such a waste to use the superpower on this little girl. That little girl is the best." Level 5 superpower, even if you kill him, you won’t be able to get rid of his hatred.”

Only then did Xu Du wake up and thought, yes, he came here to fight Yu Anran, but not to mess around with this little girl. He was almost taken into a ditch by her.

So he immediately hit An Ran with the golden knife that he wanted to use to greet the little girl. Not only did he do it alone, he also asked others to cooperate and do it together.

He didn't believe it. His attack power alone was low, but with so many of them together, their attack power couldn't break through An Ran's defense! No matter how powerful she is, she only has so much water power!

Although An Ran invited Captain Lu as his helper, he hired high-paying experts who were all experts. He did not believe that Captain Lu's people could be better than his own.

As for the people under Yu Anran, he paid even less attention to it, because he had already understood that although Yu Anran recruited some people, most of them were low-end superpowers. After all, higher-level superpowers , either he was hired away with a high salary, or he has his own power, how could he come to Enron? After all, the compensation given by Enron is not the highest in the market.

But he still underestimated An Ran's fighting power. He thought that if he led his team to fight against An Ran, An Ran would definitely not be able to defeat him if he fought one more. However, to his surprise, An Ran could launch two attacks at the same time.

Thank you Karen for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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