Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 518 The Desolate Apocalypse 31

And because Xu Du was eliminated, the people who caused trouble for Xu Du's territory were eliminated, and the territory was expanded, and the military relied on each other in neighboring counties, there were even fewer people who dared to cause trouble for An Ran. An Ran can practice with peace of mind.

As expected, Yu's father and mother did as An Ran thought, taking things out from time to time to take care of Yu Xinran, and even threatened Qian Shengjie that if they dared to treat their daughter badly, they would not give them anything and let them drink the northwest wind. go.

In fact, Yu's father and mother are not overbearing people, but after knowing that their daughter had made such a big mistake, they were afraid that Qian Shengjie would beat her often - Yu Xinran had already mentioned it to his father and mother, and Qian Shengjie would beat her. - Worrying that Yu Xinran would be beaten, Yu's father and mother could only say harsh words like this.

When Qian Shengjie saw that his father and mother dared to talk to him like this, he couldn't help but fall back in anger, thinking about how your daughter dared to be so arrogant when she stole someone, how could people not be angry?

But I also know why his father and mother dared to talk to him like this. It was simply because they gave him the things and they were confident. After knowing what he said, Qian Shengjie didn't dare not listen.

Sure enough, after Qian Shengjie heard the arrogant words of his father and mother, he really didn't dare to do anything to Xinran. Yu Xinran couldn't help but feel proud and glared at Qian Shengjie, thinking that he would dare to hit her again in the future. , their family will have nothing to worry about in terms of food and use in the future.

In fact, if Yu Xinran was not afraid that she would be attacked by the refugees if she was left alone, otherwise she would have driven away Qian Shengjie and others and lived alone. After all, after being beaten by Qian Shengjie, she did not want Qian Shengjie at all. Because of the benefits of following her, he had long wanted to take revenge on their family, but he couldn't live alone outside, so Yu Xinran could only endure it.

Qian Shengjie resented Yu Xinran in his heart. He swore countless oaths in his heart, thinking of killing Yu Xinran or making her kneel down and beg for mercy.

But in fact, it means that Xinran is really dead, but he himself is the one who suffers.

Yes, An Ran had murderous intentions when he saw that his father and mother were subsidizing Yu Xinran with things as he thought.

After all, how could she punish Yu Xinran in this way? Wouldn't she still be living a happy life relying on her? But it's hard for An Ran to say what her father and mother did was wrong. After all, it's human nature for parents to be intolerant.

Although she could understand Yu's father and mother, it didn't mean that she was willing to let Yu Xinran, who had harmed her original body, continue to take advantage of her. In the past, she had raised her for several years in order to get conclusive evidence and drive Yu Xinran away in disgrace. Instead of secretly killing people after seeing her and venting his anger, now that her situation has been exposed and her reputation has been completely ruined, how can she continue to support her.

So that night, An Ran quietly attacked Yu Xinran's brain, causing Yu Xinran to die.

Although superpowers are not like mental powers, which can use invisible energy to attack people's nerve centers, superpowers are almost the same. You can use water, metal and other superpowers to attack people's brains. After killing the person, you can remove the superpowers. No one else can find it.

Sure enough, Yu Xinran died suddenly in the night. Qian Shengjie and others did not know the principle. They only thought it was a normal death and did not know the cause.

Yu's father and mother didn't know either. When they saw that their daughter was dead, they thought it was the Qian family who had beaten her up and wanted to settle the score with the Qian family.

The Qian family was afraid that their father and mother would gather someone to cause trouble for them, so they ran away in fright.

Without Yu Xinran, they had nothing to eat and drink. Even if they left the Yu family, they would not be afraid of the Yu family causing trouble. They would not be able to survive in a new place because the outside was completely different from what it was under An Ran's rule. Just like they are now. At this place, the ruler recruited wood-type superpowers to spawn fruits, grains and vegetables in the place he designated. The leader used some of the spawned things to pay his subordinates' wages, and sold the rest. , the price is astonishingly high. If you want to make money, you have to work hard in the territory and earn points to buy. Because there are more people and less work, it is not easy to make money. Ordinary people are reduced to the poor class of the base, especially Outsiders like the Qian family were the targets of bullying. Everything was robbed. Although Qian’s mother and Yu Xinran’s former sister-in-law were fierce, they were frightened and did not dare to make a sound. Can be bullied by others.

The Qian family has been living a life similar to before the troubled times under the rule of Enron, so they never thought that it would be so sad outside. It was just like the news about robbing supplies in war areas before the end of the world, but it happened on TV at that time. Now that it happened to me, it felt completely different.

At this time, the Qian family couldn't help but miss the good days in Anron's territory, and at the same time they regretted it, thinking that if Yu Xinran did such a thing at that time, if they hadn't deliberately condoned it, they thought that even if Yu Anran was killed, the new leader would Even though they had merit for being traitors, they would still be kind to them. They didn't have to feel like they were being relied on, so they agreed to Yu Xinran's plan, but reported Yu Xinran to Anran and let Yu Anran see it. They will not be driven away because of their merit in reporting, and they will not be in this situation now.

It's better now, they really don't have to rely on anyone else now, but life is not easy - in fact, even if they have ideas, they don't have the energy to think about them now, because just stuttering every day is exhausting, how can there be anything like Enron? Under the rule, I eat and drink enough every day, and when I have nothing to do, I still feel that kind of feeling, and I dislike the feeling of being dependent on others. Now I am better, and I am no longer energetic.

It was precisely because they were not living well that Anron didn't touch them much. Otherwise, according to what they did to themselves, Anron would still have to settle accounts with them. The life they were living now was worse than death. It was quite good. Compared with It's okay to kill them, but I won't kill them anymore.

Not to mention that the Qian family has now achieved its goal, and is "glad and congratulated" to finally no longer have to depend on anyone else, and has lived a life that is so tiring that it is worse than death. However, in the case of Anron, in the sixth year of the apocalypse, Anron has successfully reached a different level. Able to reach level 11, becoming the first person in city A to reach level 11.

Because of the chaos in the world, I don’t know who is Enron in the whole province or even the whole country to reach the eleventh level. But in the whole city, because there are few people with super powers, everyone has joined the group together before, so they know the situation and know. An Ran is the first person to reach the eleventh level of superpower.

From level ten to level eleven, the chance of being one in a hundred makes many talented people fall on this threshold, and it is normal for them to be unable to make it through for a while.

An Ran has reached the eleventh level of superpower, and is more confident in protecting his homeland. If there is a need for the villages and towns around the territory, An Ran will be included in the protection scope; if there is no need, An Ran will not go because of his high super power. Attack, anyway, with almost half of the county in hand, she can take a break for the time being, but she knows that given the current world situation, she may not be able to take a break for long. After all, even if no one comes to touch her for the time being, as time goes by, some As people become more dilated, sooner or later their ideas will come to her head, so she has to step up her practice. After all, to forge iron, you need to be strong.

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