Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 525 The Interstellar Colonization Era 1

This statement is agreed by most people.

But there are still objections.

Someone immediately said: "You are wrong. It is wrong from the root. Why do we have to buy their personal terminals after Star A asks us to buy them after birth? Logically speaking, shouldn't this kind of thing be voluntary? , we can buy if we want to, or if we don’t want to buy, we don’t have to buy? There are also those who force us to buy and sell. As long as we don’t buy their personal terminals, even if we don’t have enough money and many people, but we want to have more children, that’s fine. Those who can afford it are not like now, who has to bear a debt of 500,000 yuan to give birth to one more child. Who can ordinary people afford it? Not only is it wrong to sell personal terminals by force, but also the level of the planet, why should someone with a lower level get it? Do you have to be colonized? Why?"

"Hey, you are being reasonable. Whoever has a stronger fist will be reasonable. This is a truth that everyone understood before the aliens came. You still want to pretend that you don't understand? They want to know the information of all humans on our planet at any time through personal terminals. Mental power level, as well as other intelligence, they want us to become their colony, we can’t defeat them, so naturally we can only obey their orders, what else is there to say?”

As soon as these words came out, the people who were discussing fell silent. Thinking about the day in front of them, they felt that the food in their mouths was no longer tasty.

Although before the aliens came, everyone's life was not necessarily very rich, but they had enough food and clothing, and always had a little money in their hands, so their lives were considered comfortable. However, when the aliens came, everyone had not had time. They cheered that there really were aliens. Before they could recover from the novelty of seeing aliens, they were designated as a colonial planet and were forcibly sold personal terminals. Everyone had to wear alien masks. If you don't have enough money, you will be in debt. You said that if you take on debt to buy a house, everyone will be willing to take on debt, but who wouldn't be depressed if you take on debt for this crap thing?

But no matter how depressed I am, what can I do? The aliens also said very kindly that they only charged the cost of production and did not earn a dime from them. Yes, although this thing has the simplest function, according to the price level of their planet, 100 star coins is indeed It is the level of cost of production - in fact, of course it is not the cost of production. When tens of billions (tens of billions of people on Earth and planets) of personal terminals are sent out, the cost can be kept very low. It does not count as resource plunder. This alone, aliens I made trillions of star coins at once from Earth Star - but the exchange rate between star coins and local currency is one to ten thousand. 100 star coins, converted into local currency, is 1 million. For ordinary people, , who has one million? Even if the government said it would subsidize half of it, 500,000 per person, everyone couldn't afford it, so they had to follow A-star's requirements and take on debt. Deduct money.

No one will be happy when they think that they have a debt of 500,000 yuan and may have to pay it back for the rest of their lives. Some people with several children at home want to jump off the building and commit suicide.

Yes, this mission world is a planet that is not yet capable of interstellar navigation. It was just discovered by the Interstellar Alliance and accepted into the Interstellar Alliance. However, due to its backward civilization, it was listed as a colonial planet by other powerful planets.

Since it is a colonized planet, don't expect the colonists to be kind to the colonized.

Common people only see things on the surface. In fact, in order to control the resources of lower planets and reduce the speed of progress of lower planets, so as to maintain colonies as long as possible, the colonists have various controls on this so-called earth planet.

For example, if the energy mines on Earth are mined by aliens, because they know the importance of the energy mines to the planet, they are not willing to be mined by aliens, or they covet them and do not want aliens to mine them, refer to the real world where major powers control major oil countries. The alternative is to launch a coup to force the country's leader to step down; or directly launch a war to force the country to give up its mining rights.

The diamond country where I originally lived is because it has energy mines and is a big country, so the country has the money to help people cover half of their personal terminal expenses. In those poor countries that have no mines and no money, personal terminals are all It is very miserable to pay by yourself, because often when you work hard, you can only pay the debt required by the aliens. There is no extra money to improve your life, but you dare not not pay the aliens. If you dare to delay, you will be punished. Punishment ranges from fines to direct humane destruction.

Another example is population. The aliens consciously limit the population of the Earth star and do not directly mention this matter, but they just forcefully sell personal terminals to the Earth stars and make the Earth stars bear huge debts. In order to pay less, they have to have fewer children. the purpose of the aliens.

Then again, talent transfer. After discovering that there was someone with good mental talent in Dixing, they offered generous terms and allowed them to immigrate. Well, all the powerful people left, and the rest were just bad guys.

All these things secretly control the development of the Earth Star.

The original person Xia Anran was a miserable child.

The family favors boys over girls. Although they are brother and sister, not brother and sister, and they will not be called Voldemort, the nature is the same. When she was born, the family were very happy when they saw that she was a girl. They did not like her, but The idea is that if the boss has no future and no money to get a wife, he can exchange her for a bride price and then give her to the boss to get a wife.

As a result, before she could grow up, she was sold for a bride price, and aliens came.

A personal terminal costs 1 million, and the state will advance half of it, 500,000. The remaining half needs to be paid by yourself.

If Xia's father and mother were rich, even if they favored sons over daughters, they would probably pay this amount to their daughter after all. But the Xia family has no money. In this way, they would be busy helping their eldest son pay off his debts. Naturally There was no way to repay the debt to the younger daughter, so even though the original girl was not yet eighteen years old, but only sixteen years old, a minor, and still a high school student, Xia's father and mother asked her to pay off the debt by herself.

Naturally, the original person does not have the money to repay, but it is not possible because the personal terminal will urge you to pay the money every month - everyone can set the number of years for repayment. If you don't choose, you can't escape, because the personal terminal will considerately Help you automatically default to the maximum age - sixty years old.

What about people over sixty? Naturally, the aliens will not suffer a loss. Set a quota to pay. If they cannot pay, they will either choose to die or ask others to help pay. Anyway, the aliens will not suffer a loss.

Personal Terminal kindly stated that no interest is required, as long as the original owner repays 500,000 yuan within 44 years, which works out to about 1,000 yuan per month.

For an adult, this money does not seem to be much and is completely affordable, but for a minor who is still in high school, this is a huge expense, because Xia’s father and Xia’s mother He had to pay off the debts of himself and his brother, so not only did he not plan to pay the money for the original body, he even stopped paying for the original body to attend high school. As a result, the original body had no choice but to drop out of school and work to pay back the money. Who said that the original person didn't have spiritual power talent? He was an ordinary person. If he had spiritual power talent, he wouldn't be afraid of it, because the country would support these people with spiritual power talent so that they could concentrate on their cultivation.

Of course, if the original person had spiritual talent, she probably would not have been abandoned by Xia's father and mother, who favored boys over girls. Instead, she would have been used as a cash cow, providing benefits to her brother all day long.

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