Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 528 The Interstellar Colonization Era 4

If you don't do side tasks and only do basic tasks, it is estimated that the task can be completed, but I am afraid that the original person will not give a five-star evaluation, and this is obviously not what An Ran, who can get five-star evaluations every time, wants to see, so in order With a five-star rating, she naturally had to find a way to help the original person complete side tasks.

She probably hated the people of Planet A so much that she only made this wish. She didn't care about the attitude of Xia's father, Xia's mother and others towards her. But in fact, judging from her memory, Xia's father and Xia's mother were She treated her like that before she grew up. Later, when she grew up, she recognized her back and sold her as a gift to brother Xia to find a wife. She also resented these actions of Xia's father and mother.

So An Ran thought, if the people from Planet A are driven away, the Xia family needs to be dealt with, so they should be dealt with properly.

Returning to the rental house where he lived - for the convenience of cultivation and the convenience of promoting the growth of vegetables, An Ran rented a house specially. He did not live in the school. He only went back to the school dormitory occasionally to visit - An Ran continued to practice, and he was almost done with it. , An Ran opened his personal terminal and began to enter the holographic world.

Yes, although this personal terminal only costs 100 star coins, it still has the same basic functions as cheap mobile phones in the real world. In other words, it not only has ordinary Internet functions, but also has holographic Internet functions.

However, there is an Internet fee. The cheapest monthly rent is 10 star coins. Naturally, she can't afford it for the time being. However, there are holographic Internet cafes popping up outside. They cost 200 yuan an hour. It is not useful to say that they are useful. No, many people on Earth couldn't afford the holographic network themselves, so they went to Internet cafes to get a taste of it, but An Ran was naturally not willing to spend the money.

Fortunately, the house she rented was right next to No. 1 Middle School where she originally went to school. As the largest middle school in the city, No. 1 Middle School was connected to the holographic network. As long as the ID was connected to the holographic network, she could access the Internet. Enron's house was not It is outside the coverage of the school network, so you can use your own ID to access the Internet just like in school.

An Ran was naturally no stranger to the holographic network. She went online just to learn about the interstellar situation in this world. As an ordinary person, she had never had much contact with the interstellar situation in this world before, so her memory was useless and she needed to understand it herself. .

Once again passing by a place on the Internet that tested mental power levels, An Ran stopped and thought, should she give it a try to see if her powers could be detected by a mental power meter?

Because according to her practice and experience of the two superpowers, she felt that unlike the spiritual power of a monk, the supernatural power was very similar to the spiritual power. Maybe it could be recognized by a spiritual power measuring instrument?

Although I was tested at school before and it showed that I had no mental talent, but it suddenly appeared again now, which seems a bit unreasonable, but don't worry, sometimes people will suddenly be under strong stimulation. Going from having no mental talent to having mental talent is called potential explosion.

At that time, if your own abilities can really be detected by the mental power meter, you can use this as an excuse to fool yourself. Anyway, you will be abandoned by your family and lose your love. Under the double blow, you will be greatly stimulated by this, and your potential will be greatly stimulated. An explosion is possible.

Thinking of this, An Ran thought, why not check it out? Anyway, if you check it on the Internet, even if something is wrong, firstly, the network privacy protection is strong, and the network operator may not necessarily report it; secondly, even if someone finds something wrong and traces it to himself, he can still say that it is a network problem - even if it is an interstellar The Internet is not 100% error-free, there will still be abnormalities.

The more he thought about it, the more this happened, so An Ran entered this online mental power measurement point.

There are no real people inside. You only need to pay the money, find a room and go in, and you can take measurements. This protects the privacy of customers.

After An Ran entered, the mental power talent measuring instrument was just that. It was in the memory of the original body, so she didn’t mention it. However, she found that the mental power level measuring instrument in this star was similar to the one she had stayed in before. This made it easier for her to use it. She wasted time slowly figuring out how to use it.

At that moment, An Ran took a test with the mental talent measuring instrument. The original body was not detected, and An Ran also did not detect it at first. This is for sure. Since the original body was not detected, it was impossible for her to detect it when she came.

Later, Enron changed the measurement method.

She thought that the so-called talent, before practicing, should be a kind of potential that she could not feel. The original body had no mental power, so it was naturally impossible to detect it. So what should she do to turn this potential into manifest power? How will this instrument react?

Thinking like this, An Ran slowly released her powers. When she released her powers, the instrument actually responded, showing that she had talent.

The level of talent was pretty much the same as what she felt. She couldn't help but be happy. The talent of the secret channel could be checked out, and the level of superpowers could also be checked out. Now it was good. When she had a mental power level in the future, she could receive it from the country. Subsidy, you don’t have to worry about running out of money, you also have to think of ways to make money.

An Ran then tested her power level, and sure enough, it was clear that she had a level two mental power.

After An Ran got the answer, he went offline and went to the city's mental energy management center to register.

Because a nationwide inspection had been carried out some time ago, in the testing department of the Mental Power Management Center at this time, all the people in front of the measuring instruments were children and no adults. During the nationwide inspection, children under seven years old, children under seven years old, etc. were not inspected. They will be checked again when they are seven years old, so the children being checked now are all seven-year-old children.

Suddenly I saw An Ran come in, and unlike the others who came in with their children, they came and lined up by themselves. They couldn't help but be surprised. They thought about what happened to this girl. She was so big. She must have been checked some time ago, right? After checking, what else is there to queue up for?

Those who were outspoken couldn't help but ask, "Little girl, haven't you checked before?"


"Why did you get tested again after checking?"

"I didn't have talent last time I checked, but now I have talent, so I came here to see what level of talent it is."

"How can one become talented without talent?" Someone was surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know. I got a little stimulation some time ago and fainted. After I woke up, I found that I could cultivate my mental power, so I came over to see what level of mental power I have now." An Ran from now on I started to spread this fabricated excuse, so that if someone investigates in the future and finds that I have been giving this excuse from now on, I will have to believe it.

"Is there such a thing?" The onlookers couldn't help but be surprised and began to discuss it.

"Yes, I have read online that this has happened to people on other planets."

"That's really lucky."


Listening to everyone's chatter, An Ran secretly thought that he had convinced them.

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