Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 534 The Interstellar Colonization Era 10

In fact, the reason is very simple, because An Ran accepts tasks from the same sex - in fact, there are also men who make wishes, but An Ran doesn't want to wear it on a male body, because using the body of the opposite sex would be embarrassing.

It was precisely because it was the second marriage that Xia's father and mother were severely ripped off for wanting to marry a beautiful first-marriage girl like the original girl.

And now, it should be the time when Wang Bin's ex-wife did not run away, but was domestically abused by Wang Bin. After all, she was only eighteen years old at this time, and she still had several years to marry Wang Bin.

An Ran did not kill Xia's father and mother, but she would not let go of this domestic violence man.

When An Ran found Wang Bin, it was a coincidence that he happened to meet his domestically violent ex-wife. He pulled the poor woman by her hair and beat her repeatedly. From time to time, he pulled her head and banged it against a cabinet. , the woman's miserable screams sounded in the room, but because the room was soundproofed, people outside could not hear it at all.

An Ran also didn't expect that the timing of her arrival would be such a coincidence. She happened to encounter Wang Bin abusing his ex-wife. She couldn't help but look slightly cold. She wanted to wait until no one was around to deal with Wang Bin, but now she saw Wang Bin acting like this. An Ran couldn't stand torturing that woman, so she took action directly.

In fact, it is very easy for a person with level 6 superpowers to attack an ordinary person without superpowers.

At that moment, An Ran launched an attack on Wang Bin's brain - among the superpowers, there are brain superpowers. The original body of this world has brain superpowers among the superpower talents. This superpower is very similar to the brain-based mental power. Like, you can also use superpowers to attack other people's brains. Otherwise, how could Ran Ran say that these two cultivation methods are similar? So Wang Bin's ex-wife was being dragged and beaten by Wang Bin, and suddenly she found Wang Bin holding her head and started Kuang Lai, screaming in pain.

"Ahhhhh!..." The pain in his head was too much. No wonder Wang Bin held his head and screamed in pain.

Wang Bin's ex-wife, who was looking at him, couldn't help but be dumbfounded. She thought to herself, "What's wrong with Wang Bin? Did he beat her too much, her brain was too excited, and her muscles were wrong?"

What was even more shocking was yet to come. After Wang Bin screamed in pain for a while, he suddenly fell to the ground, twitched twice and became motionless.

Wang Bin's ex-wife was frightened and tested Wang Bin's breathing with her fingers. There was no breathing. Was this... a person dead? !

To say that she was frightened before, she was frightened this time. Wang Bin's ex-wife was afraid that she would not be able to escape the involvement, so she quickly called the hospital and the local police station and asked them to come over and see what was going on.

After the doctor arrived, he listened to Wang Bin's ex-wife's description. Although he felt that a cerebral infarction had occurred, he was not sure. Seeing that the police had arrived, he asked the police forensic doctor to dissect the brain and examine it.

Since the rise of mental power, people no longer dare to be careless about unprovoked deaths. Who allows people with mental power to attack other people's brains to death? In the beginning, when everyone's mental power was low, such a thing had not happened. Since many After a person's mental power reaches level five, this kind of thing happens from time to time. Therefore, the police are not like before when such a thing happens. They simply think that it is a cerebral infarction and start to treat all unprovoked deaths. Conducted in-depth investigation.

Upon inspection, it was discovered that the man did not die of natural causes, but was killed by someone attacking his brain. However, because the other party was suspected of launching a remote attack, the police investigated the nearby videos and could not find out who killed Wang Bin at all—— Who told An Ran to spend some money to buy a concealment charm before taking action in order to prevent being discovered by the police?

And because Wang Bin’s wife was found to have no mental strength after investigation, she should not have killed her. Therefore, after repeated searches could not identify the murderer, the case became an unsolved case, and the only way to make this judgment was that this person might be Knowing that Wang Bin abused his wife, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he killed Wang Bin.

This answer is actually not very accurate, because An Ran did not decide to kill Wang Bin because Wang Bin abused his wife. She wanted to avenge the original person, but after seeing Wang Bin abusing his wife, she wanted to kill Wang Bin even more. Bin is true.

Wang Bin's wife did not know An Ran's true thoughts. After listening to the police's judgment, she felt that this might be the case, and she couldn't help but feel grateful to the person who helped her kill Wang Bin.

In fact, after discovering that Wang Bin was addicted to violence, he thought about divorce, but every time he mentioned it, Wang Bin would threaten her, saying that if she dared to divorce, he would kill her whole family. Wang Bin's wife listened to this He was so frightened that he naturally did not dare to mention it again. This was also the reason why Wang Bin became more and more cruel, because he knew that his wife did not dare to leave. In this case, Wang Bin, who was relieved, naturally dared to find his wife. It's troublesome. No matter how hard you fight, the other party won't leave, right?

He never thought that some outsiders would dislike him and kill him.

If you had known that, I probably wouldn't have dared to abuse my wife like that.

Without Wang Bin, Wang Bin's wife ended the frightening days every day and lived a comfortable life. Although it was a bit hard to take care of the child alone, it was much better than being beaten every day before. Although she was already planning to take the whole family with her. Run away together to prevent her from disappearing. Wang Bin really went to his parents' house to kill people, but it is always not easy for the whole family to disappear together. It is best to not have to run away now.

After taking care of her original husband and completing another task, An Ran took advantage of the summer vacation to practice hard. After all, when she went to school, she had to study and waste time. Unlike now, she has time to practice no matter day or night.

Fortunately, the summer vacation after the college entrance examination is very long. You can practice from June to September, which is three months.

However, the higher the power level, the slower the upgrade will be. Therefore, even though An Ran has been practicing hard for three months, his power level is still level six. At the current rate, it is estimated that he will not be able to upgrade to level seven until the end of the year.

In September, An Ran took simple luggage and went to the university to report.

The best university in the country where I originally lived was in the capital. I saw that the capital was completely different from the small town where I was originally from. There were all kinds of interstellar cars running on the streets. I couldn't help but be surprised. I thought that the capital really deserves to be the capital. This look, slowly There is a prototype of an interstellar city - the original capital city has naturally never been there. Although An Ran has never been, he also knows that before the aliens came, the capital city should definitely not look like this. However, in just two years, the capital city has It's a big change. It's indeed the capital. It's changed a lot before other cities.

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