Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 537 The Interstellar Colonization Era 13

Speaking of which, she felt like it was a ghost. Ever since she got together with Li Si, she always felt that people who liked her in the mission world would tend to develop in this direction. One or two of them were silent like Li Si. The dedicated and infatuated type, like the Shen Weitong in front of me, behaves very much like Li Sizhen. I wonder if she is overthinking, but this is really the case.

If this is the case, it would be a bit weird. After all, why would such a coincidence happen? People from different worlds would have similar behaviors. It would be weird if it doesn't make people think it's weird.

And if there is any connection behind this, it would be very scary.

But she had heard from several suitors in the world, and they seemed to have no idea at all and were sincerely pursuing her.

Hopefully this is just her overthinking.

Because An Ran had stayed in the interstellar space and knew everything about mecha manufacturing, life in the institute was not difficult, so her main task every day was to practice. As for mecha manufacturing, she arranged a schedule. It's not too fast to arouse suspicion, but it's not too slow to make people think that she has used the mecha she knows, and she has given an explanation to the country.

Everything is developing steadily according to Enron's vision, except for Shen Weitong.

Shen Weitong was as good to An Ran as ever, very similar to Li Si's pattern. He seemed to be sure that An Ran would not say or do anything to Shen Weitong like this. In fact, it was true that An Ran was really embarrassed to say or do anything to Shen Weitong like this. , after all, she didn’t make it clear, so if she wanted to say anything to reject her, wouldn’t it be obvious that she was being sentimental?

Since there was nothing to say or do, An Ran could only go with Shen Weitong, thinking that if Shen Weitong wanted to do it, just do it. Anyway, she would no longer treat him like she did Li Si.

You must know that the reason why she agreed to be with Li Si in the first place was not only because she was moved by him, but also because she wanted to give an explanation to Xiao's father and Xiao's mother, so that the two old people would not be anxious when they saw that she was not married for a while.

In this world, An Ran has severed ties with her original parents. In this way, she naturally does not have to worry about them worrying about her marriage. Of course, this is a spiritual world, and people's life spans will increase as their cultivation progresses. Extension, in this way, even if the original parents are not so bad and she has not severed the relationship with the original parents, they will not let her get married early, because her mental power is getting higher and higher, her life span is getting longer and longer, and there is no need Get married so early.

Now that there is no such worry, the possibility of her accepting Shen Weitong is greatly reduced.

Shen Weitong didn't seem to notice that An Ran thought this way, and was still as good to her as ever. Although An Ran had a headache, because she couldn't think of any good way to make Shen Weitong retreat, she had no choice but to let him go.

In fact, the reason why Shen Weitong didn't confess was because he saw An Ran rejecting one person after another, and he was afraid that his confession would also be rejected, so he simply didn't confess for a while, and planned to impress An Ran first, so as not to say it before he was impressed. Don't be banned directly by Enron and unable to continue.

However, An Ran always felt strange when she thought about the similarities between these people and Li Si, so she quietly placed invisible puppets next to Shen Weitong to see if she could find anything wrong - in fact, in modern times, if there is an Internet, cameras can be placed Even better, but she was afraid that this interstellar civilization was advanced and other cameras would be discovered, so she still released the puppets of the world of cultivation. This world is a technological civilization, and there is no such thing as cultivation, so if the puppets of the world of cultivation were released, others should find out. No.

However, so far, An Ran has not found anything strange about Shen Weitong and can only continue to monitor him.

In fact, An Ran quietly inquired into Shen Weitong's mouth to see what Shen Weitong knew, but unfortunately, Shen Weitong, like the suitors in the previous world, knew nothing.

Shen Weitong neither found out that An Ran was monitoring him, nor did he find out that An Ran was inquiring about what he said. He still stayed on the line at three o'clock every day - studying mechas at work, then hanging out with An Ran after work, and then returning to him when he was done. Wash and sleep in the dormitory.

An Ran continued her days of practicing and doing research. Although it was dull, it was also what An Ran looked forward to. What An Ran looked forward to the most was that people who were doing tasks wanted to worry less and come to them when they had nothing to do.

I thought that the days of research and practice like this would continue forever, but I didn't expect that something would happen.

However, An Ran said that in addition to practicing and doing research, An Ran would also go to the Star Network every day and continue to delve into the manufacturing principles of learning machines. In addition, after the tenth level of superpowers, he also began to participate in the mental power competitions held on the Star Network and earn star coins in this way. , after all, just relying on the salary of the research institute is a lot for the earth star, but for the interstellar, it is not enough. If you don’t want to make money in other ways, how can you go to other stars.

You can participate in the mental power competition on the Star Network from level 10 onwards. You can choose to skip the level challenge, or you can match up with mental power users of the same level.

Naturally, you will get more star coins if you skip a level challenge. If you match a spiritual power user of the same level, you will get less star coins if you win.

But no matter what, this method will make more money than working on the Earth Star. After all, this is an interstellar world. In addition to those planets that are as backward as the Earth Star, there are also a large number of planets that are more advanced than the Earth Star. They have a lot of money. Therefore, it is impossible to get less than one star coin in one game of this kind of game.

One star coin is just one dollar to them, but to the Earth Star people, it is ten thousand dollars. In this way, as long as you are lucky and win more and lose less, it is not easy to make money.

An Ran just wanted to make money quickly, so he wasted time playing this every day.

She has rich fighting experience in the mission world, so she can basically win when fighting with psychics of the same level.

Because the winning rate is higher, Enron usually chooses to fight those with higher betting points.

As mentioned before, in this kind of game, winning or losing a game costs at least one star coin, but of course not everyone is so broke. For a game, they only bet one star coin, and many people bet more than one star coin. Coins, that is to say, if you fight with such a person and win, you can take away more of the star coins the other party bets.

However, most people do not dare to fight with people who bet more, because generally people who bet more are more powerful people. In order to attract people, for the sake of money, they dare to challenge themselves, and then slaughter them. In order to get money from the other party, you deliberately place more bets. People who are incompetent will not dare to place so many bets, lest they be defeated and lose money in vain.

Therefore, people whose fighting abilities are not as powerful as An Ran would not dare to fight with such people who bet a lot, because if you lose, the corresponding star coins will be deducted.

But An Ran is certainly not afraid. She lacks nothing but experience, so she usually chooses PKs with a lot of bets. The first thing she does when she goes online every day is to open the ranking list of the same level, and rank by the number of bets, starting with the most bets. I started to clear my mind and kept clearing my mind until it was almost time to practice, then I went down to practice.

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