Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 545 The Interstellar Colonization Era 21

An Ran doesn't know how Star A will develop in the future, but she knows that when it reaches a certain point, for example, more and more people from the non-Afa tribe will make the people of the Afa tribe worried. In the end, even if the bill is not passed, the two incompatible people will be forcibly separated. If the two groups continue to stay together, I am afraid that a conflict will break out between the two groups, and given the current situation, I am afraid that this is not very far away. I don’t know what the Afa people think of the non-Afa people, but in the end At least, from her point of view, non-Afa people have strong opinions on the Afa people.

However, both sides have extraordinary power. Once a big fight breaks out, civilization will probably be reduced to a pile of rubble, and the new civilization will have to rebuild from primitive society.

But this is none of her business. To her, the more chaotic the civilization of Star A, the better. If it were not chaotic, how could Earth Star take advantage of the opportunity to become independent?

What happened this time was just a sketch. Things like this would happen from time to time in the future. Everyone would gather together to discuss, and An Ran would be able to collect a lot of the information she needed.

Shen Weitong obviously also collected a lot of information in this regard. When he met her that day, he sighed: "If the A-Star civilization doesn't find the right way out, I'm afraid it will fall. There are talks everywhere about the Afa tribe and the African people. Everyone is concerned about the affairs of the Afa people, and it is not just a matter of individual cases, but also a matter of social conflicts that have intensified to a certain extent."

An Ran nodded and said: "Based on what I have collected during this period, it is estimated that there will be a danger of war here in less than two years."

"Even if there is no war, violence will escalate recently. We must take precautions so that nothing happens. After all, our spiritual power level is considered good on Earth, but it is not good enough here. I don't want the city gate to catch fire. , bringing disaster to us fish in the pond.”

An Ran nodded, and then said: "I plan to rent a house in a place with less violence. The place where I live now has a lot of violence."

Shen Weitong nodded and said, "I also have this plan."

Then he said: "How about we rent together this time, so as not to live in different places. If something unexpected happens, we won't be able to help each other."

An Ran hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

The reason we didn't live together before was to get in touch with Mr. Shen Weitong, in an attempt to make him gradually forget his existence.

Although they often meet in the game, the game is still a game, even if it is holographic, it is still different from contact with reality, so An Ran thinks like this.

But at this moment, Shen Weitong mentioned this issue, and for the sake of safety, An Ran agreed.

It doesn't matter what happens to her. If something happens to Shen Weitong, I'm afraid the Shen family will have to settle accounts with her - although it has nothing to do with her, after all, she didn't ask Shen Weitong to come, but once something happens, people will lose If she lost her sense, she would put the responsibility on herself, feeling that it was her fault that caused Shen Weitong's harm. An Ran didn't want to cause such big trouble in the future and affect the progress of the mission, so she agreed.

However, in order to completely eliminate the trouble, An Ran still said: "Seeing that there is going to be chaos on Planet A, for the sake of safety, I suggest you go back."

Shen Weitong said: "Are you going back?"

As soon as An Ran heard him ask this question, she knew that the matter was difficult to handle, but she couldn't lie. She could only say: "I don't want to go back yet."

She also wanted to see if there was any chance to cause trouble and add fuel to the flames so that she could complete the mission.

Then, as she thought, she said she didn't want to go back, and Shen Weitong didn't want to go back either, saying, "Then I'll stay for a while. Since there's going to be chaos, if you don't go back and stay here, can I go back without worries?"

An Ran felt helpless after hearing this, and said helplessly: "Why don't you listen to my advice?"

She couldn't tell him to stay here. Maybe something would happen, and she would be distracted from taking care of him, which would affect her ability to complete the task. After all, saying that would be a bit too hurtful, so An Ran could only stop at this.

Shen Weitong didn't speak, only smiled.

In this case, An Ran had no choice but to let him go, thinking that if it didn't work out, she would leave then, lest Shen Weitong risk his life here and she would have no way to explain.

After the two people discussed it, they looked for a new house and changed their place to live.

The new place is a living area for non-Afa people. Generally, in such a place, even if those Afa radicals want to engage in violent activities, they will not come in because they will attract attention as soon as they enter, and they will not be able to engage in violent activities. It is estimated that someone will discover their intentions and control them.

Sure enough, the new place is much safer. Unlike the previous place where the two races lived together, violent incidents occurred from time to time. You hit me, I will hit you. In such an advanced civilization, many people are spiritual people. , it would be very scary to fight, how could we not leave that place.

Now that their place is safe, An Ran and Shen Weitong continue to make money in the game.

However, it is safer in reality, and the violence in the game has obviously escalated.

In reality, fighting may have life safety issues, so some people cherish their lives and will endure it, but in the game, you will not really die if you die, so even people who are afraid of death dare to cause trouble in the game, so The violence in the game has escalated. The two sides are fighting to the death in the game.

In this atmosphere, a guild that can beat a maple leaf of a big guild like "Stars First" will naturally become a target. The station will be besieged from time to time. Although a maple leaf is rich, then The guild is powerful, so the station level is high and it is not easy to be beaten. However, from time to time, people are besieging them. After several times, they are still beaten to pieces, and the maple leaves look like fire. After all, these are all done carefully by him. It's built.

A furious Maple Leaf began to recruit more people to defend his station.

However, the more people there are and the stronger the power, the more prominent they become, the thorn in the side of the Afa tribe, and the easier it is to be besieged, because the Afa players feel that a guild with a maple leaf is a symbol of the non-Afa tribe, and will If Maple Leaf's guild is defeated, it means they have defeated the non-Afa clan.

Guided by this idea, the A-Star Glory Guild of Maple Leaf was naturally attacked by all the Alpha tribe in the game.

Seeing the Afa players attacking Maple Leaf's guild, other non-Afa people felt the same hatred and took the initiative to come to help Maple Leaf.

With the help of a large number of people, the A-Star Glory Guild of Maple Leaf managed to hold on and did not fall.

And the Alfa players who felt more and more that the A-Star Glory Guild with a maple leaf was a symbol of non-Afa clan, and wanted to destroy this guild, joined the first interstellar guild built by the Afa clan one after another, and helped the first interstellar guild and A-Star Glory. Fight, lest the glory of Star A becomes bigger and bigger, and the number one star among the stars cannot be defeated by anyone.

As a result, there is no longer any distinction between big and small guilds in the game, but a battle between the Afa clan and non-Afa clan.

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